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For Prince_Vaxis

The sun hung bright and scorching hot above the streets of Draq’nara, the hustle and bustle of the mid-day city life echoed from its towering walls. Within the aforementioned streets, a hooded figure wearing a robe weaved through the near-solid mass of patrons, merchants, workers, travelers, and tourists. The figure didn’t stop until they reached an alleyway, which they ducked into with obvious nervousness. Once they’d gotten far enough into the alleyway, they pulled the hood down to reveal the Queen of Draq’Nara, Vaxi Neferet I. She eyed cautiously at the half-corner where she could just skim the alleyway opening where people flocked to and fro with a sense of hurry.
“Glad you could make it, ‘your majesty’”, came a voice from a corner. The pirate known only as Zoey came into the light, revealing herself to the Queen. “Oh spare me your snarky remarks,” Vaxi said, “I asked you here to discuss matters of state.”. “Indeed you have.”, said Zoey, leaning against the stonewall next to her. “And we’ll discuss these matters, on one condition.”. “And what would that be?”. “Oh, quite simple.” Zoey said with a shrug, opening the front of her leather britches to reveal her lack of undergarments, her considerably large dick beginning to poke out of her sheath. “You scratch my itch, I scratch yours, and then we can talk business.”
Vaxi threw her hood up with a scoff. “I should’ve known better than to trust a pirate!” She said furiously, on her way to leave when Zoeys words stopped her in her tracks. “Is your pride really so important to you, your majesty? All I ask for is a simple show of good will.”
Vaxi sighed, pulled her hood back down and looked around at Zoey again. “Fine, what do you want?”. At this, Zoey bit her own lower lip contemplatively, raising an eyebrow while she weighed all her options. “Oh...I’m sure we’ll come up with something…”




Talk about a good throat swabbing