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nuzzo and me started to draw a comics (Zootopia) ))))

nuzzo - Sketch, Lineart, Text

Me - Shading, Render

Full size: https://yadi.sk/d/qe-hmb1u-HMlJg

Sorry for my English(



The Nubus

I’m a big Zootopia fan and obviously a big admirer of your art. It’s nice to see a combination of that :) Could you please attach the picture to the post? The Patreon iPhone app is not allowing to save the picture but it allows to save attachments.


hmm, my attachments disappear from the posts.(not the first time) I thought I forgot to attach it, but it turns out that they are not loaded, wtf. I will attach an additional link to the file in comments

Monsieur Foxy

For some reason, the rest of these comic pages say locked, even though I'm a $12 patron.