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During this lockdown, I've been figuring out what to do with Katie Rogers after stumbling on some old scripts I wrote a while back when the project was in production at ITV Studios America.

I sat in the basking sun this week coming up with an idea for a new script.  I wanted to do something that was relevant so using the COVID crisis as an inspiration, I plotted and came up with-  Katie has been furloughed from Hot Profile Hollywood and has since used her contacts and influence in the entertainment industry to start her own (Jeff Rogan -style ) podcast.

Her once estranged clients have now become guests on her show. Although she no longer represents them as their publicist, she'll still be acting like it--- but on her own terms, and on her own show. So in effect she becomes a bit of a celebrity herself!

As usual, there will be a juggle between her work and her private life but I'll be setting the tone a bit darker, especially as she works in and around the cesspool of scandal and corporate crime in Hollywood.

She has a sexy POP /ComicArt and Americana type fashion make-over which I think makes her stand out a bit, as well as the cast around her which I'm looking forward in showing you next month.

In the meantime, check out her new dress designs.

More to come!



Nathan Higgins

Loving the pop art style and nothing is better inspiration than real life. Good luck with the project.


OMG soooooo damn sexy!! ❤️💙💋💙❤️