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The S-Phone system was a system developed during World War 2 for use by SOE agents working behind enemy lines to communicate with friendly aircraft and coordinate landings and the dropping of agents and supplies. 

Being a master of future tech, Eva Strongbird designs a more advanced version the SUPER FREQUENCY PHONE which not only has a more powerful signal but can accurately track Allied aircraft and communicate with pilots up to 15 miles away and up to 35,000ft.

The Marine will often have to play catch up with the brilliant Bombshell beauty.

Onwards and Upwards




Cant wait for this and Scarlett Couture


This looks so good, can't wait to see more Eva! Have you seem the series "Churchill's Secret Army"? They take a bunch of present day applicants through the SOE training, to see if anyone committed can get through it, or if they just "made 'em tougher" back then