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Creating character dossiers is tedious but enjoyable. I'm a sucker for detail so going through a ton of books and WW2 videos on YouTube takes up most of my creative time. DRAWING IS THE EASY PART.

(I swear, reading half the shit the women of the SOE had to deal with back then has left me scarred for life LOL.

My team (attached) are preparing to attack a bridge in the south of France to stop a Nazi Super-weapon from reaching the port of Calais in the North.

The research involved has made my head spin but It'll be all worth it once the story unfolds.

Back to the drawing board.




There's a really interesting tv show called Churchill's Secret Army that takes modern day recruits and puts them through the pages of the SOE training program. It was a bit of an experiment to see if people really were made of sterner stuff back then or if anyone given the right attitude and training could succeed. Quite fascinating and honestly a little scary to hear about some of the things they had to do.


think this lot is my favourite of your originals and can't wait to read more!