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Hey Guys!

I've added 2 new goals I'd like to reach on Patreon!

NEW GOAL AT $6250!

The first one is for you guys! I felt so bad when I couldn't make the Periscope Q&A work, and the fact that, back then, I couldn't stream on YT because of content strikes... that sucked too.

Twitch actually allows you to stream non-gaming content now, in the form of the new "IRL" section! This means I can hold the monthly live Patreon Q&As there! No game, no ignoring chat in a heated battle, just you guys!

HERE IT IS!https://i.gyazo.com/46f78f8b8b7de66b117b22c332ead290.png

I put it at the $6250 level, same as the old Monthly Drunk Stream level because I ave decided to get rid of Drunk Streams.


I honestly am sad that I am removing the drunk streams, but I always felt like such shit for 24 hours afterward. It just doesn't feel good for my health, and that comes first, no matter how hilarious they were, or how well the highlights do on YouTube.

I am so sorry, Guys! I hope you understand!

NEW GOAL AT $7500!

This goal is an improvent to the quality of my content! You guys know I wasn't 100% satisfied with my new lens (even though it was better) and then I ended up breaking the audio port on my new camera and now I use it for my stream/gaming webcam...

Well, that means I went back to using the old Rebel T5i and stock lens for my main vlogs... That will not do!

I want both my vlogs and my stream to be high quality, and I want to invest the time and money into finding the PERFECT lens for the look I want for my content! At $7500 I'll invest all the extra money into buying, trying out, and even making a video on the best lenses and camera for YouTube creation!

Better quality for me, you, and help for new YouTubers! Sounds awesome, right? Here's a screenshot! https://i.gyazo.com/192ecd24cf673ad651fd2d8ebbb64024.png

I already bought a new mic, hoping to improve even sooner! 

I hope you are as excited as I am! I love you guys! Have you seen how far the quality of y content has come since that main video on my Patreon page? WOW! It's al because of you guys!

I will be shouting you all out more in my YouTube videos as well! You guys deserve the world; I'm sorry I can only offer you a part of mine. :)

LOVE YOU! See you on stream later!

Tara <3



Pekka Laaksonen

RIP Drunk Streams, i will miss you so much :P


Tara please do another bra fsf