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Hey Guys!

Sorry I didn't get a FSF up yesterday. I will do my best to get you something by Sunday. I still have about 10 videos to record before Monday, as well as preparation to be made prior, and those take priority. I will make it up to you once I am healed. :)

1. Selfie Reviews and the rest of the IG Shout Outs will be done during or right after my 2 week break. I can do e-mails from bed, I cannot make videos.

2. I will be doing my best to do one more livestream tonight or tomorrow with J finishing up the DKC2 series! Follow https://www.twitch.tv/tarababcock to know when I go live!

3. I fucking LOVE you guys and appreciate all of the support, but I am going to need you to understand that I have a LOT going on this next 2-3 weeks, and I may be a little distant, late with things, sparse with posts, or not have all the videos up I should. I am doing my BEST to make it seem like I am not gone at all!

LOVE YOU! Thank you for continuing to pledge and support, and enjoy the plethora of content I work my ass off to provide! You're my world! <3

Tara <3



Max Blaul

Don't worry about it Tara we love and appreciate all that you do for us. You shouldn't have to stress yourself out on our behalf. Just take your time girl we feel you.


FSFs are bonus treats. Its there when its there, and when its not, the content you're already giving Tara is great enough. ^_^ You're more then your FSFs and anyone who looks deeper sees that. Have a rest Tara. Recharge your batteries. Its nice to take a breather when there's a chance. You'll be back better then ever, and everyone cant wait! ^o^