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Hey Guys!


I KNOW I was supposed to do the Periscope chat tonight, but I will not be able to, unless I did it at like 3AM, which most of you won't be able to watch.

I apologize about rescheduling this twice. I am VERY, VERY bad at making appointments and choosing a time frame for things. My life doesn't revolve around a schedule at all, and sometimes work takes me longer than it should, or than I thought.

On top of that, it was stupid of me to think I could do anything extra this week of PAX. I am struggling to get videos done in time. I got Game Release News out 2 minutes late, and I have been dealing with the new Discord connectivity for Patreon.

Anyway, I am going to hold off on the Periscope chat until I know how next week looks, and I am actively working to fix my personal flaw on taking on far too much work, and not being honest with myself about what I can and can't do. I am a one-woman company, and sometimes it is hard for me to gauge, especialy being an ENTP-type person. 

Thanks for understanding!

I have added 60 of you on Periscope. If I still have no added you, make sure you add me (TaraBabcock) and post your username HERE IN THE COMMENTS.


If you want in on the Discord group, please join here:


Then follow the instructions here to get access to the server:



Now, regarding the YouTube "changes", I will be making a video, since silly clickbaiters on the site have made sensationalist videos misleading viewers. 

In the meantime, some good videos to watch on the topic are these:

Amazing Athiest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6SVk9n_kvY

h3h3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUkj4h_Tq-0

In short, nothing is really changing, they are just being more upfront with screwing people like me over who talk about "taboo" topics. I have been getting little to no money via ad rev for years now, they just never TOLD me why.




periscope nixnizdotnet