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Hey Guys!

Just wanted to update you on how I am doing, but first...


I am so sick that we are not going to vote on a big Fan Service this week, and if I am not better by tomorrow, there won't be one. I've been doing them weekly for you guys, so I hope you can give me some slack. >.<


Anyway, I woke up yesterday with a HUGE stomach flu, or so I thought. I looked at the antibiotics I was given to make sure I don't get an infection from my procedure, and it says "may cause diarrhea. Consult doctor if it becomes severe" or something. Well,  I have a crazy fever with sweating and chills to go with it, a headache, no energy, and cramps... SO YES, it's severe. 

I called my pharmacists and they acted like the fever part was weird and just told me to stop the medication. It was awful all night and I woke up this morning happy that I felt great... until I got up and moved. I've eaten VERY little this last 2.5 days. Just toast twice a day and a little icecream. I'm hoping it's gone by tomorrow. I actually hate eating now because it triggers all the bad symptoms, but I am also starving. >.<

Anyway, this is particularly stressful because I already took time off for the fucking procedure, and I feel extremely bad when I don't get videos up and e-mails done. So I forced myself to record the TRC for today and to do some e-mails, as well as the LMV for my gaming channel. I hope I don't have to put off anything else...


I got the above attached e-mail from Patreon today, just wanted to share it with you guys. The sentence saying "before it goes live for everyone" is obscure, but makes me believe that it might become mandatory at some point. Not much will change for you guys if they force it on us, just that you will be charged at the time of your pledge and then on every 1st of the month after that, monthly. I will still be rolling out rewards every month so I can organize and keep track. I'll let you know more when I know more!


The autographed images will go out next Wednesday, everything else might take a week or 2 because I am behind due to this prolonged downtime, but it will get done this month!

I love you all! Thank you so much for the support and patience!

Tara <3



Chris Johnston

The up front charge feature makes sense. It should help give a more accurate look at your total per month as some pledge mid-month (like I just did lol) Sucks that you're sick though Tara! I had a stomach flu a few times in my life, but I can't say I've had it as bad as you describe it. Hope you get better soon! Sending some get well vibes your way lol. Take as much time as you need to get back to your 100% self. We'll all still be here when you're well again.


Sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope you are right as rain soon