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Hey Guys! 

I totally forgot to show you my donations (this was my $2000 goal) so I decided to share them with you now. I just made them automatically monthly today!

I decided to start out with $20 a month. $10 to WWF (still sounds like wresting to me...) and $10 to HSUS. PayPal has this cool recurring donation system so that I can give monthly through the PayPal Giving Fund. 100% of it goes to my chosen charity, and it's tax deductible.

HSUS: https://gyazo.com/0fdfdddbc6c08d085bd14bb79ebe1fe6

WWE: Above ^ 

Also, my charity for Amazon Smile is ASPCA. If you guys don't have the money to donate, but want to give back to a foundation, use www.smile.amazon.com ANY time to purchase on Amazon. The first time you go to the link, it will ask in the top left to choose your charity. From then on your cookies and your account will remember to use Smile and what your charity is. Smile gives a percentage of your purchase to your chosen charity. It's pretty sick, and no extra cost to you!

Here is what it looks like: https://gyazo.com/1deae2951566046b1ed7e157f8356f95

I spent like $3500 in the last couple days on Amazon for the lens and the new laptop. 

(OH YEAH! I never told you guys I went ahead and got the laptop! If pledges don't go through, I'll just pay it off more slowly with the interest, whatever, I couldn't wait!)

This is the laptop I got: http://smile.amazon.com/Dominator-17-3-inch-Skylake-i7-6820HK-Computer/dp/B013FPNSP0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY CHARITY, LAPTOP, AND LENS POSSIBLE! :) You are making my content and my life so much better! :)


Tara <3




That is one powerful gaming laptop! Do an unboxing 😍

Corey Andrew Wright

*WWF ^ You put "WWE," which is totally understandable, but I still thought that You should know. ^_^ I always think of wrestling when I see "WWF" as well. You are such a wonderful person, Tara!~ Your heart is so huge when it comes to animals!!!~ ^///^ <3 I love it so much!~ ^_^ <3 Thank You so much for the informative post!~ Your new laptop looks so amazing!!!~ ^_^ <3