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Hey Lovers!

I just wanted to let you guys know I'm back i action! I also wanted to let you guys know that I am processing the last 2 months IG images this week (in the next couple days! YAY!)

I noticed that some of you are still selected for the IG image, yet you are only pledging $10. The new IG image (because of the high demand, sorry!) is now $25 and once every 2 months. So if you are choosing that as a reward, you won't be getting it, and I recommend re-choosing a reward that is available for your pledge amount! $15 gets you a monthly autographed image, etc.!

Hopefully that's not confusing. I want to work harder for this page, and post things more often. Patreon has made a few EPIC changes that, I am happy to say, motivate me to post more often and more exclusively. 

One of these changes is blocking. You guys know I like to post a majority of my exclusive content directly to Patreon, and some people were allowed to become a Patron, yet never pay. These trolls made me feel unhappy with my Patreon community, and I am now able to ban them. :) If your pledge hasn't gone through, I'll be reminding you in a message later today, just in case you didn't notice or your credit card has changed. It's even happened to me! Haha.

I also want to start promoting other creators in a weekly post on here, I'm not sure about that yet.

If you have any other ideas, please let me know how I can give back to you for your tremendous support! YOU ARE AMAZING! I love you guys, never stop smiling!

Also, I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HEALTHY AGAIN! Going to the gym has never been more exciting after a week couch-ridden!


Tara <3




This is a serious question - Tara, how did you breathe in that corset? Seriously. The things we do for art... *pushes a small boy off a window ledge*

Demi Lymperopoulos

I just wanted to say that I'm so happy you're back and feeling better! And I love your enthusiasm to jump right back into it with some great content and stuff!😀 Wish I could have stayed longer on stream yesterday :p anyways, love you baby girl!