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I know, it's kind of a dumb holiday, but dumb holidays are great excuses to post more sexy pictures! There are a few images I took in 2009/10 for Valentine's day!

I hope you enjoy! Remember always that I love you! If you don't have someone special for v-day, who cares? People love you, and it's just another dumb day. ;)

Also, you could always get yourself something 50% off at Adam and Eve to please yourself with my code... ;)

Haha! MUAH!

Tara <3




I freaking love you ❤️

Alejandro Carvajal

Damn they no longer stock ID Glide, but it is important that you have a reliable promotional trial period so let me order the A&E brand of lube. Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot to double dip, too busy lately.