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Just wanted to give you a few updates and thank you for being my Patrons for another month! YOU ARE SO FUCKING AMAZING! <3

1. A new Game Release News is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjDd1PKy9Nw


A new FSF is up! I've decided not to cancel the series, but I'd love to hear what you guys think about the intro! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeibD5t0rs4

2. The new changes to the IG images will take place this month. I am thinking about lumping the old ones together into a few butt, boobs, etc. pics like I mentioned before, then just doing a "sexy" one of my choosing for the new tier Patrons.

I feel very stressed like I am letting you guys down often with not always being able to keep up with certain things. I am very, very sorry. I hate being late, and I hate changing or breaking promises. Some things are just unrealistic, and I didn't know I would be over working myself so much if I did them. I am still trying to catch up and find a good balance.

3. I've made some changes to my gaming channel page! Added List Videos and grouped the strategy videos with the highlights. I plan on more list videos so those of you who aren't into my Let's Plays have something to watch there! :)

4. I just wanted to say thank you! My career would barely be possible if it weren't for you guys. I'm sorry if you don't always feel the love. I'm thinking about you! I hope you all had a happy holiday season, if you celebrate!


Tara <3

ps. The first list video should be out on Early Access for you guys! It's going to be 20 Hottest Guys in Games! :) Don't worry, there will be a girl version, too. It should be funny!



Timur Sultanov

I don't mind if video is about guys... I use such video for game reference mostly anyway... ok off to watch gaming news...


What you said after you sneezed literally made me lol.