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Hey Guys!

I think I have successfully switched my schedule back to nighttime! I was streaming during the day/evening which is not when most of my mods, subs, and viewers are on, so my viewership wasn't very good.

I've also decided on trying to limit my vlog uploads each week. I've decided to take Saturdays and Thursdays off. That's between the big Wednesday and Friday uploads. My rationale is that I can run out of vlog topics, but I can't run out of games I want to play for the gaming channel. Traditionally, vlog channels upload only a few times a week, but gaming channels upload daily, or twice a day. I wish I had 10-day weeks for all the games I wanna play. Most gaming YouTubers don't actually finish their Let's Plays, which is a bit sell-out-y, but I can understand finishing the playthrough in private because viewers are no longer interested. I'm guilty of that with Akiba's Trip and a couple others.

Anyway, even though the vlog channel makes a substantial amount of money more in revenue--and most of you are probably more interested in that channel as well, it makes more sense this way, content wise. Plus I just love the gaming channel so much, I want it to succeed. I am thinking of trying the sell-out approach for a while after my Life Is Strange LP is over, and uploading a few vids of the newest games as soon as they drop, even if I am not that interested. It might push views toward the channel for things I actually care about... Like retro games, and good story-driven material!

That's my thought of the day! As we talked about, I think making this my little journal is a good idea. :) I always welcome your input!

If this schedule works out, I might even put more editing time into my high-quality vlogs, and leave the newly returned phone vlogs without cuts. Variety, FTW!

Love you guys!

Tara <3

ps. Image is from a shoot in a Vegas desert! :) I always have that line in my leg/ass. I've grown to kinda like it. Not sure if it's muscle definition, or some kind of fat distribution disparity. Haha.




Hello LMT, I think its a good decision of Yours. So much to do in so little time, then its better to change things a bit. Of course I will always support, love and be submissive towards You, no matter the Youtube video amount.

Pekka Laaksonen

I personal like both channel equally for different reasons. The game channel for the funny/silly commentary, showcasing new/old games that i maybe would play myself at some point. And the vlog channel for new views on ideas and ideology, that make people see things form another point of view. Not forgetting to narrate your points across with sense and poise, also giving something back to the audience. I like your idea on turning the focus more on the gaming stuff, because now the vlogs are doing good and like 3 topic vids in a week is good balance between substance and quality in my mind. And with 5 vids total in a week, the revenue isn't gonna drop significantly anyway (hopefully! -fingers crossed-) P.s. Great pic again! <3