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Hey guys! :)

So, Comcast came to fix things today, but I was too busy catching up to do my Tara Reads Comments today, so I am hoping it comes out tomorrow on time, and then Fan Service Friday will follow the day after on schedule! 

Thank you for being patient as I try to get back on track with everything! Scheduled livestreams should be back on schedule starting late tonight/tomorrow morning, too! (Hopefully there is no other way the person can get my IP to DDoS me, now that my Skype and J's are protected and my IP has been changed! :)

I really appreciate you guys watching my content and supporting its creation, even when I am AFK for a few days! 

I'm attaching a couple pictures I took with my camera, I was mentioning on the vlog channel and on Instagram that I think it'd be fun, so I took some on my way to food yesterday! :)





nick nelson

oh well hey back and also yay pictures and hot damn like i cant even