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You guys are so wonderfully amazing! I hope you know that! You are making such a huge difference and helping me so much! I am SO excited for the future of my content knowing I have you guys as a line of support, constructive criticism, and new ideas!

I know I can reach my goals, and I am optimistic in getting my gaming channel back on track. I'm hopeful about the lists and about running 2 Let's Play series at a time to give more variety. Hopefully I'll get the channel growing again in no time!

Sorry if there are any delays in the coming week or so, PAX Prime is coming up, and I'll be making content there for the gaming channel, and maybe a vlog or two as well! :)

So, the new goals are up, I'm hoping they work out as I plan, and I hope to add more soon. Right now I am trying to get used to an even busier and crazier schedule, and I want to make sure I'm not making any promises I can't keep or spreading myself too thin. I'm exhausted, but I am happy I am doing what I love!

I should have some exclusive footage, images, and more from PAX! For Patron's ears only... one of the days I'm going Vulcan'd out! :D

Talk soon! Love you guys! :D :D

Tara <3



Timur Sultanov

I said so! 2500$ is no big deal, so you really need to set you goals higher =)

Willem Dafo

Random trivia of the day: so you know 'duelling'? In case you haven't heard, from around the 16th century to the end of the 19th century; people of high social standing would settle disputes with a duel, usually an impartial person would be a referee. Originally it was weapon of choice for the participants, then it was swords, later it was mainly just pistols. An infamous case happened between two Brits who fancied themselves intellectuals, and were therefore, 'above' everyone else. They wanted their duel to represent their being above others, so they duelled in hot air balloons. Both got themselves a hot air balloon; someone to pilot their hot air balloon (who would also die when the balloon went down), rode the balloons into the sky along side one another, then shot at each others' balloon with a rifle from the basket. The loser (and his pilot) then plummetted to his death. Andrew Jackson famously also loved duelling. His last words were "I hope to meet you all in Heaven. Be good children, all of you, and strive to be ready when the change comes." And: "I regret I didn't shoot Martin Van Bueran." His vice president. P.S. Happy to hear things are going well, keep at it Tara


LMAO! That's amazing! I remember seeing things about people slapping people with a white glove to signify the start of a duel! I love that concept, so silly. Imagine it in today's world! "Doctor Who IS the best, if you disagree, we must interwebs duel!"


Haha, just wanted to add some more goals, and fix a few after research! :P