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I've added a new reward! You can see it here: https://gyazo.com/6c9d24b693366e1bc28dd82bfb7bbc4e

I'm going to be adding more of the rewards mentioned in my last post, soon! Anything I can post on here is GREAT for me as a reward because I can just make a post and put the correct privacy on it. It doesn't scale with the amount of Patrons I have, so I won't be overworked, but it is exclusive! :) SEXY PICTURE MODEL MONDAY... because otherwise, Mondays suck!

I also want to let you all know that today and tomorrow I am swamped with Magic tournaments, so I'll get to all of your messages and comments after I'm home! :)

I went 2-2 tonight at FNM... >.<

Speaking of things also called FMN, my Friday Night Mail video went up today! That's my first official video with the camera and lighting you all helped me buy! THANK YOU! It looks amazing! HOLY SHIT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5iHmb06Xqo

Love you guys!




Kunani Sakai

When do you sleep woman?!?! lol


When are u gonna do the bikini blog ?


Everything happens after the beginning of the month because Patreon only actually processes Patron pledges once a month! First Fan Service Friday of September!