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Here it is, the vlog that is just nonsense and doesn't do anything justice. I feel like I didn't think enough about the topic, so I ended up just talking about whatever I could think about, which were things I really don't consider flaws and don't really wanna change.

The new version will be up tomorrow! 3pm PST like always!

FYI- There were no vlogs or gameplay on either YT today. I woke up really late! Retro Night will be tonight after the heat dies down. Everything returns to normal tomorrow. I've stressed a little bit that today's videos and my Game Release News is late because of Magic. Being late is a big pet peeve of mine when it comes to content!

I can't wait to show you guys my trophy and tell the story! :)

Replying to messages now! <3



Stupid Flaws Vlog for My Patrons!

THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Support the creation of my content on Patreon and receive rewards! http://www.patreon.com/tarababcock Check out my gaming livestream at: http://www.tarababcock.tv Want me to try a game for the Losing My Virginity series? Send it to me on Steam or choose from my wishlist! http://steamcommunity.com/id/tarababc...


Zachary Bergey

Tara I just became a patron and I am glad I am :D u are an inspiration to me for both obvious and personal reasons I would love to talk to you if you ever had the time I wanna talk to a goddess 0:

Zachary Bergey

This video was fine as well hun I found out quite a bit about you and I know now that are a sweetheart despite what you think about yourself the video was fine lol if you keep trying no matter what happens your efforts to grow your name will be rewarded in the future so don't sweat it it'll all work out just have fun :)