As some of you in the $5+, $20, and $100 tiers know, I have been struggling with how to send out rewards prompts at the end of the month. Well, this month I am trying DIRECTLY E-MAILING you guys. Please check the e-mails associated with your Patreon accounts and respond to the e-mails there!
This is SO much easier for me, and I will have PDFs of the rewards for each month saved on my computer so I don't have to deal with the confusion of the back end of this site. If your Patreon e-mail is one you do not use often, please go into your pledges and change it to one you can check, or have your Patreon e-mail forward to your main inbox (this is something I do and it works wonders for me!) You can also whitelist TARABABCOCKPATREON@GMAIL.COM so you don't miss your reward e-mail in spam!
I am so happy to have a solution that doesn't force me to use the HORRENDOUS messaging system here, or the laggy relationship manager that makes it so I have to send out messages the LAST DAY of the month or I miss people who pledged earlier or later. It's complicated, but I am happy to have a solution!
Also, attached to this is this month's Autographed Image! If you want the Desert Dany shot above, check out the $15 tier before the end of September!
Only 2 more months until my birthday! I am SO excited! I thought I would dread getting older, but I am just hyped to do more things on my bucket list! Also, for it not to be over 100 degrees! HAPPY SEPTEMBER!