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You can use this log in, if you don't have your own! You MUST be logged in to view. I e-mailed them as to why, that's not the setting I use.

Thank you, TheNewFrankLovesPizza! <3


For those of you who don't know, the in-between week teases are called "FSF Tease" instead of "Fan Service Friday." They are almost always taken with Vlad instead of a high-production set up, and I take them whenever I am feeling sexy and I feel like it. They can be more intimate and more fun than the big ones, though I do geek out over cool concepts and production quality, because I take them whenever I want, for how long I want, wearing whatever. Just some insight into the differences! THE MORE YOU KNOW *rainbow*.

Song: Solution 45 - For Aeons Past

Video Link: https://www.minds.com/media/863937911527575552


T <3


FSF Tease: R2-Bath2 (NSFW)



Love it Tara