I just wanted to let you know Eve has her big procedure tomorrow. I am SO nervous! I have heard of animals dying during anesthetic procedures, and I would die if anything happened to her!
I asked so many questions. I woke up this morning with a cold (fucking sick people at events giving me their AIDS) and I worried that I could transfer it to her. I know when I get anything done under anesthesia I am not allowed to have a cold, and studies show that colds and flues can transfer from cat to owner, and owner to cat. The vet told me not to worry. He has 20 years of experience, so I am hopeful. I just don't know how to keep her from jumping and pulling stitches.
I'll be doing a Caturday vlog on her procedure and healing. Wish her luck! I know you guys love her, too. If you have any tips, let me know! :)
T <3