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Hey Guys!

I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for supporting the continuation of my content here, on Twitch through subscriptions, and on Vid.me through subscriptions! You make this possible!

YouTube has not demonitized (or put me on "limited to no ads") for EVERY video on my vlog channel and 90% of videos on my gaming channel. I am now making $94/month on my vlog channel and $7 on my gaming channel a month through ads, despite grossing over 2 million views a month over both channels. Remember the days when it was $1/1000 views? Me either, but at least I made about $1K in ad rev at one point!

It isn't just me, either. It's EVERY content creator who makes content worth watching (at least IMO) whether it's controversial political content, sex education, entertainment, or creepy content... we are all fucked ad-wise.

I love what I do, and I will continue to do it as long as I possibly can! I am hopeful for the future, and grateful for everyone on Patreon! :) 

I think I wanna start a tier for shout outs at the end of a video, maybe weekly or monthly, for a certain tier-level of Patron. What does everyone think? I also think I will leave this post public so I can share and create a little awareness about how YouTube is fucking content creators. People who didn't get into Twitch or Patreon and banked on the thousands they got a month through ads and making content people enjoy, are now probably ruined, or at least drastically decreased. 

Help and support your favorite content creators in any way you can, and make sure you're ready to move to another platform that appreciates the freedom to speak, and the art of entertainment and honesty!




Meg Torres

I love you Tara! I hope to someday be able to contribute more. <3

Miles Woodford

I didn't realize YouTube got so uptight and controlling, but I'm glad to see you hanging in there!