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Hey Guys!

Just wanted to thank you for being so amazing, and helping to support my content! :) YOU ARE AMAZING!

I will be sending out the prompts for Selfie Reviews, Merch, and Social Follows. I have 2 more Selfie Reviews from last month I am finishing today.

Autographed images for this month AND last will go out in the next couple weeks. Hopefully next week! Sorry for the delay on that, I donated my shitty printer before I moved, and I need to find a better alternative for the labels!

This week's FSF will be (unless I am inspired randomly):


This will be super hot, I can't wait! I'm not giving anymore info away. ;)

Anyway, back to work! My computer water cooling is still being a bitch. I think using the wrong coolant lead to an obstruction in my radiator. Still trying to flush it out, so things might be a little slow with streaming/comp stuff for a day or two!


Tara <3
