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This is how it goes down:
Every person gets to suggest TWO themes for October's Sexy Menu reward. Explain your theme a bit for others to understand what you had in mind!
Your suggestion among others' will be put on a list automatically if you follow the rules! The winner will be chosen by Sun Hee, our discord bot and assistant! It's not a requirement for it to fit 100% to the month but if it does a bit, people might like it more! Also, please no entire franchise. And that's what you need...people's support. For each heart given to your suggestion, your suggestion will be given an extra entry in that list Sun Hee will choose from. This means that the chances of your theme being chosen are HIGHER!
However, this is still based on a randomizing method so it's not impossible for a rather obscure theme to win too!
The rules are simple:
*Two suggestions per patron
*One suggestion per post
*give each other hearts!
*your suggestion needs at least 3 hearts to be considered!
*Also, please no entire franchises as a theme!  
I will close this in 2 weeks.



Summer sports theme any character from any series partisapating in and sport during the summer such a beach volly ball or jet ski-ing or surfing (please note othere sports are acceptable still such as ice skateing and snow boarding)


Super hero theme dress your favorite character as you favourite hero or heroin such as peach as wonder women or bowser as batman (anti-hero's are acceptable)


“A Kind of Magic” - characters with magical powers. Series examples: Fairy Tail, League of Legends, Wizarding World.


“Stand to Attention!” - characters with military backgrounds (e.g. army, navy, marines etc.).


Mobile Game Girls - Characters that are popular thanks to their appearance in mobile games


Spoopy Girls: girls with some kind of spooky element to them, like ghost girls, vampires, witches, etc. (From Redeemer)


Trick or Treat: girls that love sweets (From Redeemer)


Autumnal Fashion - Girls wearing clothes suitable for autumn/fall weather.


Nineties - characters from anime which aired during the 1990s

Darth Xelleon

Girls who officially have a Halloween costume alt


Undead ladies- Girls who are considered undead such as ghost, zombie, and vampire girls


Rule 63: For every given male character, there is a female version of that character. For every given female character, there is a male version of that character.


Paint Mii like your German Girls: This goes out to all the “avatar” characters. This includes but not limited to the Pokémon trainers and FE avatars.