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Author’s Note: Hello my dear patron family. Here’s chapter eleven of Innovator. Hope you like it! Do tell how it was in the comments. Also, Chapters 1-9 are on my fanfiction and ao3 profile.

(Unfortunately my beta reader is suffering from some personal problems therefore, this chapter is raw and currently undergoing beta reading, so please ignore the spelling and grammatical errors. They'll definitely be corrected soon, Thank you!)

The previous chapters have been corrected and this one will be corrected within 2-3 days. Thank you for your patience, my beta reader and I are working on the chapters.

Author Out!

“I am Talking.”

I am Thinking



It's an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

~John F. Kennedy



-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 11: A Change of Allegiance~~


Harry looked at the aged headmaster, who was peering down at him from his half-moon spectacles. His face was devoid of all emotions, including the twinkling blue eyes and the ever-present grandfatherly smile, as if it were made of stone, and instead of the person being the jovial headmaster, it was a killer who was about to commit another crime in cold blood.

"Wh-what? Headmaster? What are you saying?" Harry asked the man. His eyes were wide, not knowing what to do anymore. The person who had accompanied him till now, the one who had made sure that he remained safe, had just challenged him to a battle. What should he say?

It wasn't like he should just say, 'Yeah sure Old-bones, bring it up!' And start firing the curses at the strongest man in the entirety of the wizarding world…or should he? No, Harry shook his head. This might not even 'be' the Dumbledore he knew and came with. This might be someone whose mind was under the effects of whatever curse Voldemort's rotten mind had placed on the artefact in the box.

They had taken precautions, and Dumbledore was using the best curse holder that could be found out there, but they were talking about Voldemort's horcrux here. It wasn't just a simple wannabe dark lord; this was one of the darkest mages in history. Merlin knows what kind of curse or curses his rotten mind would have cooked up as a method to protect the soul piece.

"You heard it right, Harry." Dumbledore said as he started walking backwards, either not caring about the fact that his back was facing his to-be opponent or he was just too sure about his skills in handling someone who was as powerful as Harry Potter. "I am challenging you to a wizarding battle, or, if you prefer a safer term– Wizarding Duel."

Dumbledore finally stopped walking and turned to face Harry. He stood about ten metres from the young innovator, who was still looking shell-shocked at the person who had invited him on this quest. His brain was working really hard to find some sort of reason—any damn reason—so that he could know exactly why the greatest mage alive was challenging him to a duel all of a sudden.

"Are you going to begin, or are you afraid, Harry Potter?" Dumbledore asked him, and even though Harry could feel a slight hint of amusement in his tone, the old mage himself didn't even twitch a muscle on his face.

"I don't understand it, Profesor," Harry blurted. "Why are you doing this? Why all of a sudden?" He asked the Supreme Mugwump, who didn't say a thing except look at him with cold blue eyes.

"The war is coming, Harry," Dumbledore began. "People will look at you, and you'll probably be in the centre of it all along with your younger brother Alan." Harry scoffed at that. As much as he knew the brat, he was sure that the redhead idiot would try to run as far away from any war as possible.

But he didn't say that out loud, and Dumbedore continued.

"I know that out of the two, you are way more capable of protecting everyone than him." Dumbledore told him, "But Voldemort and the prophecy won't see it that way." He looked to the side. The sun was starting to set in the sky; it was probably another few hours before complete darkness.

"Tom can only be defeated by your brother's magic, but till he is ready and fully prepared, you, my dear boy, will have to fight Voldemort and protect everyone, which includes you, your loved ones, your brother, and the people of Britain." Dumbledore said this and looked at Harry with something akin to pity in his old eyes.

Harry didn't know what he had expected when he asked the question, but this was most certainly not on the list of expected answers.

"So…" Harry began, "You mean to tell me that…that I'll have to become the boody 'hero' that my brother has been prancing about pretending to be? Is that what you are saying, headmaster? To be the damn guardian and to protect that lazy brat till he finally gets enough balls and decides to die by Voldemort's hands?!" Unknowingly, Harry's voice had been raised a few octaves by the time he was finishing up.

Dumbledore gave a tired sigh. "Please try not to fall towards the crass tongue in my presence, Harry; it doesn't suit a young and healthy mind such as yours." And before Harry could retort about language, Dumbledore continued, "And no, I am not telling you to become the, as you so eloquently put it, 'hero'. No, instead, I just want you to be ready enough when it's time to protect your loved ones and be strong enough so that you don't hesitate when others need your protection."

"It's one and the same thing, Dumbledore." Harry said, "I'll be crowned a hero either way. Something, which we both know that I don't want. I can never have the empathy and things required to be a hero, and I never will be."

"You don't need 'things' to be a hero, Harry, and I never said that you had to be one." Dumbledore argued, "I just said that Alandale isn't ready yet, and Tom won't leave either of you alive because to him, you two are like his failures, something that he would want to rectify as soon as he could."

"Respectfully, sir, I don't think I am that high on Tom Riddle's hit list, at least not yet." Harry countered, "And you have been protecting the cherished 'boy-who-lived' for the last ten years of his life; I am really sure that one way or another you'll be able to protect him till Riddle dies."

'And this is a way of ensuring the same thing, Harry,' Dumbledore thought, but didn't say it out loud, knowing full well that the boy won't like being put in the job of a guardian, even though the heir's ring and his duty as the future lord of Houses Potter and Peverell have and will force him to protect his younger brother.

"I don't have any words for you, Harry." Dumbledore flicked his right hand and grasped the beaded, rough texture of the Deathstick that sprung from the wand holster. "I am here to not only test you but also to see whether you'll be able to bear the weight of your responsibilities, which will be forced on you sooner than you think."

"Professor, what are you talking-" But Harry wasn't able to complete his words as he dodged a bright red cutting hex that just went through the point where his neck was a few moments ago.

Harry's eyes widened, and he flicked his Blackthorn wand out before screaming a quick Protego and watching a Bludgeoner and a Bone Breaker smash on the blue translucent shield. It was clear that Albus Dumbledore wasn't in the mood to hold back his punches, and that was more terrifying than he had initially thought it to be.

'But if you really want it, professor…..' Harry smirked as he removed the shield and dodged the shield breaker. 'Then I won't hold back my punches either….let's see who gives up first.'

"Bombarda Maxima!"


Deep inside the ancient castle of Hogwarts, there was a room on the fifth-floor corridor; it was specifically given to guests who were in the castle for some time and were international celebrities.

It was offered to all the VIPs, but it mostly depended on whether they wanted to stay in the rooms or whether they would rather go back to their own homes or find another place for their temporary residence.

One such room was given to the French beauty queen, Angelique Beaufort, who was furiously pacing around the suite's lounge area. A clear expression of panic evident on her beautiful face.

'I knew I shouldn't have listened to her... This is way too much for me.' Beaufort thought as she paced in the living room. 'The plan was perfect; it was so simple that even a troll would have been able to execute it with perfection!'

'Then how the hell did we fuck it up so badly that I am hiding from the aurors that are patrolling the castle!' Angelique looked at her suite's door; she had been doing that quite a lot lately.

Every time there was a knock or someone called out her name, panic seemed to grasp her heart; her body went cold, and her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Her mind only focused on one thing: It might be the damn Aurors, and they were here to arrest her!

Granted, she was very relieved when the actual perpetrator of the whole plan, Draco effing Malfoy, had gone home. This meant that the little boy wouldn't be able to snitch on her if the aurors got a little too much for the snot-nosed prick.

But that didn't mean she was completely off the grid yet. There were still the two gorilla-human hybrids that followed him, and then there was her extra-large circle of friends, friends who would stab her in the back if they could get away with it or if it saved their own hides.

And everything—every little thing that she was suffering was because of that one prick! That freaking dumb troglodyte! Angelique cursed Tracey Davis one more time; she didn't even know how many times she had cursed the spectacled girl. But even a million would have been less for the mess that girl had unknowingly pushed her into.

The plan had been really simple: Malfoy was supposed to open the gates of the dragon handler that was keeping watch on the dragons, and she was supposed to wait in the forbidden forest for that dragon to cause mayhem.

One of Angelique's friends was positioned just behind the Greengrass heiress, and she was supposed to take advantage of the mayhem and put the Greengrass heiress under Imperius, ordering her to move towards the Forbidden Forest.

Everything had gone smoothly to that point. Angelique had been waiting in the forbidden forest along with a few of her friends; unfortunately, instead of one, there were three dragons that were sprouting fire and wreaking havoc on Hogwarts grounds, but it was not her concern; it was Dumbledore's, and so she ignored it as they were safely in the safer area of the forest.

Greengrass had reached them under the effects of the imperius. It was clear to her that Greengrass was desperately fighting the curse because her friend, who had cast it, was struggling really hard to control the heiress' strong willpower.

Angelique had taken her victim's wand away and bound and gagged her. Only then had her friend released Daphne from the curse. And now it was time for the main dish.

They had their fun, beating the Greengrass heiress and torturing her. It was supposed to be a simple bully lesson; it was supposed to tell that little girl exactly who she had been messing with and that she should learn her place from now on.

Then one of her friends—Camille—suggested that why not remove a few parts from the heiress' memories? It would have been perfect. The Greengrass girl would've scratched her eyes out, trying her level best to remember exactly what they would have done with her during those removed parts.

While Angelique and their friends would have made up gruesome stories and kept the girl always on edge, it would have served as excellent blackmail material, too! The bitch would have left Harry all alone and would have been forced to keep her mouth shut, or they would have spread rumours about her'supposed' torture in the rumour mills.

But it certainly didn't go as they had planned it to. Camille was the one who was most skilled in anything related to mind arts, ergo it was decided that she'd be the one to do the honors. And Camille didn't have any problem with that either.

Therefore, Camille pulled out her wand, and even though Greengrass was trying to get rid of the constraints, the French girl easily placed the wand in Greengrass' face and muttered the spell.

And that's when everything went to hell.

Greengrass' friend, the one who was almost always with the girl, was looking for her. Apparently, Greengrass was with the girl when the imperius had taken effect, and the girl had been looking out for her friend ever since that time.

Camille got scared because Davis' voice was way closer to their position. It seemed like any moment now, Davis would catch them wiping her best friend's memories. And that was unacceptable.

Still, the damage was done because, due to her shock and fear at being discovered, Camille accidentally poured more magic into her spell. Result? Even she didn't know how much she had wiped from Greengrass's memories. The girl, on the other hand, fell to the ground, pasty white froth coming out of her mouth as she started shaking violently, her eyes rolling back in her skull.

This had scared the group; they didn't know what or how much damage they had done to the heiress, and so they did the only logical thing that came to their minds: they ran away, leaving the twitching form of Daphne Greengrass behind them.

Later on, Angelique came to know that Greengrass was found soon after that by Davis and that she had been taken to the hospital. Two days following that had been literal hell for her because Daphne was comatose, her magic was fluctuating quite violently, and Angelique was worried that when the heiress returned, she would alert the authorities, and then her whole career would have come crashing around her.

Thankfully, that didn't happen.

Still, Lord Greengrass had already filed a complaint, and his position within the British Ministry had led to a huge battalion of aurors in the castle who were now investigating the case. And that..was not a good thing—not a good thing at all.

Angelique just prayed to whoever would listen that the investigators close the case. They never get their paws on her. She was even willing to leave Harry Potter and the stupid challenge. The boy was really good, but it was definitely not worth the price that she would have to pay if her name came up in the investigations.

The French diva sat on the sofa and pulled out a piece of parchment. She dipped her quill and started writing a letter to the only person who would be able to save her from all this. She was ready to pay them anything they wanted. But she doubted that they would agree; she just hoped that they would.


Harry panted as he looked at his opponent. The elderly man, who was standing behind a shield, had a slightly burned beard. Dumbledore was also panting; he didn't know how Harry was holding up because right now he was firing spells that could not be countered by a mere teenager.

This gave more credit to The Enlightened One's words about Harry being way ahead in his battle prowess than the ones his age. He knew that the enlightened one had told him to test the boy to see whether he was ready for the responsibilities or not. But even he didn't know that the young boy would not only be able to match him in his prowess but also force him on the defensive.

Granted, Dumbledore hadn't used any power-consuming spells yet. In fact, he hadn't used anything that would have given trouble to anyone who was beyond Auror level. But so hadn't Harry.

The innovator had yet to activate his runes that Dumbledore had seen him activate when he was fighting the dragoness. Which meant the boy had put him on the defensive through sheer skill. It was impressive, and Dumbledore could have stopped the test right here, but this only proved one of the three reasons for this impromptu match.

There were still two more things that needed to be tested. Which meant it was time to increase the level of their fight.

"You have been doing quite well for yourself, Harry." Dumbledore commented and looked at the boy, who didn't say anything. "But I am getting quite bored of the mundane spells that we have exchanged."

Harry's eyes widened a bit; he knew that Dumbledore wasn't putting up his hundred percent, but calling the landscape-changing battle 'mundane' was still too much. He was on his last blows, and it was through sheer dumb luck that he had been able to push the warlock on his defensive.

If this battle moved any further, Harry knew he'd have to activate his runes sooner than he had imagined to activate them in the future.

The innovator saw Dumbledore take his stance, and the golden mage shield disappeared as the headmaster pointed his wand at the boy again.

"Apovoli Organon!"*

Harry's eyes widened at the dark curse that he dodged narrowly. Dumbledore used dark magic. It was almost unheard of. Harry knew he wasn't prude or dumb enough to think that Dumbledore was a miracle man who only used safe spells. Still, it was almost surreal to see the mage preach about good faith and greater good using spells like organ-expelling curses.

This was getting more serious than Harry liked.

"Calcitrare!" Harry cried, and he saw the old man just casually flick it away.

"Really Harry?" Dumbledore smiled. "A punching hex? This is more like you are disrespecting my capabilities. Try to get more serious next time, or I might just incapacitate you."

Harry gritted his teeth; he hadn't wanted to do this. This always left a bad aftertaste in his magic, and it took about five days for even a single of the reservoirs to fill completely. Still, Dumbledore's condescending tone didn't leave many choices for him.

"You'll regret saying that, Professor," Harry gritted. "Calcitare-Ignis Flagellum-Avis-Mutare Mortus!" Harry screamed the spell chain and panted a bit. He really needed to activate his runes now, 'Petrificus Totalus' He sent the nonverbal Petrificus hidden in the spell chain.

Dumbledore dodged the punching hex again. "Protego." The flame whip splashed on his shield and broke it. Still, it did the job: "Ventus Maxima!"

Harry gritted his teeth when the overly strong gust of wind washed over him. His flock of eagles with steel beaks were thrown away. The innovator tapped both his shoulders to activate his Rune of Potentia. He felt his magical core being pumped with magic as thick silver vines spread down his arms, and everything slowed down a bit.

"Draco Ignem!"*

Dumbledore's eyes widened as he noticed Harry finally activate the runes. He knew that the boy's magic would have been boosted several times now. The warlock knew that there was more to it than just increasing someone's magic, but he didn't know the other factors that well.

"Ignis Praesidium"* The golden shield formed in front of him to take out the draconic flames that Harry had released.

Dumbledore made a wide circle with his wand and transfigured all the rocks around him into a pack of wolves before sending them towards Harry.

"Fodre Foraminis."* Harry flicked his wand in a wide arc and saw the ground in front of him tear up as it swallowed the pack of wolves. He grunted at the strain it put on his core; it was still nothing compared to the dragoness, and his body wasn't perfect right now, and the runes were only half-filled with magic.

Harry closed the earth again and immediately dodged two bombarding hexes that were aimed at his head. The spells would have killed him if it weren't for his enhanced eye sight, which was not only making everything slow but also increasing his perception.

"Fulgur Telum''* Harry threw fifteen arrows made of lightning towards the warlock, who immediately conjured five rows of thick granite slabs to block the arrows.

There was a loud, booming sound, and Dumbledore grunted. The arrows had hit the granite slabs, and for some reason or another, instead of being stuck there, they had bombarded the slabs. He hastily conjured up ten more slabs because the first five had been damaged.

Harry took this to his advantage and fired three blasting hexes at the ground around Dumbledore's position. "Serpensortia!" Harry cried out as he conjured seven snakes and released them towards the headmaster.

This was his moment; he could almost feel the victory. Only one last step: "Mutare Mortus." The snakes got steel fangs, and their scales hardened as they rushed towards Dumbledore.

'If only I was a parselmouth like Alandale,' Harry thought, but shook his head. He was trying to focus on the large cloud of dust that had formed in front of him due to all the basting hexes and the sulphur-coated lightning arrows that blasted on contact.

There wasn't any sound coming from inside the dust, but Harry knew better than everyone to not become delusional or overconfident in a duel. Especially not the one with someone like Dumbledore.

"What happen-UGH! WHAT THE-" Harry screamed and looked behind him. There was one wolf that had attacked him. The wolf looked exactly the same as the pack of wolves Dumbledore had created a while ago. It seemed that Dumbledore had created one wolf behind Harry and had already silenced it with magic.

"Diffindo'' Harry chopped the wolf's head off its body and saw it roll down his leg. 'To think that Dumbledore could be this specific with a target that was metres away from him and minutes before the attack actually happened'

But his momentary loss of attention had cost him as he suddenly heard Dumbedore's voice from behind him: "Exercitus Mortuorum."

A huge wave of compressive magic swept through the rubble formed from the granite slabs, arrows, and stones. The tonne of crap started floating a foot above the ground and started accumulating in five different places.

Harry's eyes widened as a skeleton hand came up from one of the accumulated spots, followed by its body as the rubble got shaped and attached like the skeleton's armour, a coat of golden aura filling the armoured warrior's body. It stood up from the destroyed rubble, its hollow eye sockets glowing golden with malice as it glared at him with contempt.

"Shit…" Harry muttered as he witnessed similar skeleton warriors emerge from other rubbles too. Soon enough, there were five armoured skeletons standing in front of him, glaring at him with a sword made of sharp arrowheads in their hands.

Dumbledore emerged from the dust; his clothes were torn at places, and there was black soot all over him. There were even a few bite marks that were oozing blood, which told Harry that his steel-fang snakes had been successful in injuring the headmaster.

Still, the old man was smiling at him. Even with a bloodied face and a singed, dirty beard, the old man was smiling at Harry. This wasn't a smile of happiness; this was a smile of excitement. Excitement to finally see your enemy down. It was exciting to finally see that your enemy can't win and that he'll soon be nothing more than an unconscious body.

"What's this, headmaster?" Harry asked him as he tried to get his bearings, "You are delving into necromancy now?"

"It's not necromancy, Harry." Dumbledore countered as he sat on the ground in a lotus position, "It's advanced-level battle transfiguration; I am not surprised that you haven't heard of this yet." The warlock smiled as he closed his eyes and focused his magic, strengthening the skeletons. "But now... you will."

As soon as Dumbledore said that, a thick, almost palpable, aura of golden magic emanated from him. It was clear to Harry that the old man was now concentrating so that he could keep up with powering the magically constructed skeletons. It was also clear because immediately after that, the skeletons charged at him, their swords raised high and their golden eyes flashing with rage.

Harry blasted the first skeleton with a bombarding hex, but then he had to dodge the attack from the second one, and by the time he looked at the first one's destroyed torso, the skeleton was already up and running towards him.

'This is surely going to be a long-drawn battle,' Harry thought as he conjured a metal shirl to block the sword of the second skeleton before kicking the head of the third one. He winced when he felt one of the swords graze his left leg.

The innovator knew that if this continued, he'd be at a disadvantage because he was battling five different constructs made of pure magic that were nigh indestructible, all thanks to the titan of magic that was meditating and controlling them, just a few metres away from him. He knew that if he had to win, he'd need to think of something sooner.

And that's when an idea came to his mind. It was risky, that was for sure. But it was better than nothing. He just hoped that he would be able to finish it before his opponent noticed it. Harry sliced two skeletons from their lumbar regions and watched as they fell. He looked at the fifth skeleton that was watching him and standing guard over Dumbledore's meditating form.

'Time to do what I do best….let's see if you can counter this Innovator' Harry smirked and ran back towards the bushes that were about three metres from the meditating headmaster.


Daphne Greengrass, the heiress to the Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass, was sitting on her bed. She was still recovering; well, that's what they told the school anyway.

The truth was, she had recovered from the ordeal before she came home with her father. The problem was just with her memories now. She didn't know what had happened after she had gone to search for Harry.

Madam Pomfrey had checked her vitals, and everything was still safe. Which meant that no one had tried to take advantage of her prone form. Daphne was quite relieved by that news. But her father didn't want to stop there. He wanted the tormentors to suffer and was doing everything he could to catch the perpetrators.

Tori was at Hogwarts, and she was her only source of information these days. Daphne knew, from her sister's latest letter, that Harry wasn't in Hogwarts anymore. It was quite frustrating that she couldn't contact Harry. She had tried to contact the boy before leaving Hogwarts, but he had been recuperating from his own ordeal, and then her father hadn't even let her leave his field of vision.

After that, the letters she had sent had been unanswered, though she knew it was more because he was probably busy and wasn't at Hogwarts. Still, it was quite frustrating. More because there was some kind of event going to happen for couples in Hogwarts. Something that was supposed to bolster the school's relations with each other and help interschool harmony.

The Greengrass heiress knew that it was some kind of ball because she had been asked in the pre-school year mail from the headmistress to bring a ball gown with herself. But they hadn't announced the date yet. And Daphne was hoping that the date wouldn't fall on some day when she'd be 'recuperating' at the Greengrass Manor.

Her only fear was that Harry would be asked out by someone, and he'd end up taking her to the ball. Daphne would be missing a perfect opportunity for some close time with her…best-friend, yes, let's go with that for now.

She was musing some more when there was tapping at her window sill. Daphne looked at the ornate window in her room and was surprised to see an unfamiliar owl with a letter tied to its leg. She opened the window and placed some owl treats as well as a bowl of water for the avian. She then removed the letter, and her eyes widened when she saw exactly who had sent her the letter.


Harry was on his last breath as he glared at the last skeleton warrior. There were far too many cuts on his body. He was low on magic, and he was trying his level best to survive this fight now.

Thankfully, it wasn't just him who was panting from exertion. The innovator looked at the headmaster, and even though there weren't any visible signs, the boy knew that the old warlock was also running thin on energy.

They had been fighting for the past hour; Dumbledore's golden aura had receded, and there were sweat beads on his face. The last skeleton warrior who had been guarding Dumbedore was finally standing against him; its body had already been broken far too many times and would not survive another blow.

Harry gathers the last bits of his magic as he prepares for one more hit, "Inspiratione Inanis."*

The black spell with a swirling grey mass around the length left his wand and smashed on the skeleton's broken armor. The last skeleton's mouth opened in a silent scream before it was demolished to dust, just like the ones before it

Harry fell on his knees and panted. He looked at the meditating form of Dumbledore and saw that he was coming back too. So, the boy made one last effort and slowly finished up the plan that he had been working on for the last hour.

Dumbledore released a deep breath as his eyes opened, and he looked at the demolished landscape through his own two eyes instead of the skeletons that he had been controlling with his magic.

He looked at the boy that he had been fighting against, and there was pride in his eyes. The boy had already surpassed his expectations and had achieved two of the three goals that he had wanted for the boy. It was a sad thing that the innovator had been able to defeat him, but it wasn't unexpected.

In fact, quite the opposite; Dumbledore had already expected it. He was far stronger, far more experienced, and definitely had a larger arsenal of spells than a fifteen-year-old teenager, no matter who they were.

Still, this fifteen-year-old teenager had successfully proved his worth. And also the fact that he was ready for what was about to come. Overall, Dumbledore could consider this impromptu test a success.

"I see that you are finally at your limits, Harry." The headmaster said this as he stood up from his sitting position. "Unfortunately, we both know that I am still not defeated. Which means I have won this small battle of ours."

"It's time for you to accept your defeat." Dumbledore said and pointed his wand at the boy; he would simply stun the Potter heir and take him back to Hogwarts, leaving him under the care of his trusted healer.

But just as he was about to fire the stunner, something happened. Harry started laughing. It started as a small chuckle at first, but then it turned into full-blown laughter. Dumbledore thought that the boy was laughing to hide his anger; he was probably angry because he lost. It was a natural reaction, of course; after all, the boy had been undefeated to date.

In a way, it was a good thing that he was getting the taste of defeat; this might make him more down-to-earth and probably more open to other ideas as well.

Harry pulled the last bits of his magic; his runes were completely depleted. There was nothing in the two shoulder runes, and he didn't want to use the thigh or the solar plexus ones for such a simple battle.

Therefore, he emptied both his reservoirs; the black vines of magic shrank down from being thick vines to threads, then disappeared altogether. He released all of it with a strong pulse: "ACTIVATE!!!"

Dumbledore's eyes widened in shock when, all of a sudden, the ground beneath him started to shake violently. Six spots made exactly three metres away from him started glowing light blue, and a golden thread of magic connected the six runic patterns, forming a hexagon with the patterns on the corners and him at the centre.

"Harry? What's this?" Dumbledore asked the boy who was standing near the first runic diagram. He felt his magic weaken and drain rapidly from him. It was being sucked away from him and was instead powering the circuit beneath him.

Harry gave a proud smirk as he pointed his wand at Dumbledore. "This is the end of our battle, professor."

"What?" Dumbledore tried to move out of the hexagon, but he couldn't even move his legs; instead, his legs started to hurt as if they were being whipped. He tried to force his willpower and tried to apparate out, but that didn't happen, and the pain in his legs made him fall on his knees as he groaned.

He knew that he had lost. "How?"

Harry didn't reply; instead, he flicked his wand at the prone form of his headmaster, "Expelliarmus."

Dumbledore watched as the bright red jet of magic hit him squarely. His grasp on the elder wand loosened along with his connection to the death stick, and the wand flew towards Harry. Its new master deftly caught the first hallow of death.

The wand had changed its allegiance once more after nearly forty-five long years. Dumbledore smiled, Harry had not only passed all three tests; he had also surpassed him. The future looked a lot brighter.

And yes, it was time to tell the enlightened one that Albus Dumbledore had completed the job given to him by the guildmaster.


Ending Note: I am really sorry for not being able to update for the last two weeks. Things are getting really messed up in my real life, I'll try to do the updates on time again. Thank you for your patience and support.

There you have it fellas, chapter Eleven of Innovator, hope you liked it.

Liked it? Loved it? Needs some changes? Please, do tell. 

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

*List of spells used and their actions:

Canon Spells: (I don't think I need to tell their actions)

Bombarda Maxima, Avis, Petrificius Totalus, Protego, Serpensortia, Diffindo, Expelliarmus.

My spells:

Apovoli Organon: Organ Expelling curse.

Calcitrare: Punching hex.

Ignis Flagellum: Flame whip.

Mutare Mortus: Deadly mutations. Gives temporary mutations to something.

Ventus Maxima: Wind spell from canon, just maximized. 

Draco Ignem: Fire of a Draconian species (Dragon).

Ignis Praesidium: Shield of Fire. 

Fodre Foraminis: Pit from Hell. Opens a deep trench in the ground to swallow someone above the trench.

Fulgur Telum: Arrows made of lightning, the number depends on the caster. 

Exercitus Mortuorum: Army of the Dead.

Inspiritione Inanis: The Blast of Void. Crumbles anything o dust. Average wizard can only use it twice.

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Name: Dev Black's Empire

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Thank you for reading and comments.
With regards,

Dev Black



Okay, finally not a cliff hanger, I’m curious who’s going to work out she was involved and behind the whole thing with Malloy, because someone’s gotta work something out, heck knowing pure bloods daphnes father will get something through that requires everyone take the truth serum or something. Keep it up dev this story is shaping up nicely.


Thank you!! Enjoy your cliffy less chapter because it's a rarity. Next chapter I'll make sure to double the cliffhanger!!! 😈😈 You couldn't figure it out who she sent the letter to? Lol, try reading it again and you'll see. Honestly, the Daphne arc isn't much. I've dissuaded the fact that she was raped or that she forgot Harry altogether. It's just a case of normal bullying, unfortunately with added memory loss. Thank you!! I hope you like future chapters too!!


The words you are looking for at the beginning is the latin phrase si vas pacem para belum - if you want peace prepare for war