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Harry as Anubis. This is how Harry looks like when he gets out of the Sand Cyclone or the Gateway of the Guild.

This is how Harry's entry has been shown in Innovator; Chapter 9: Call of the Ancients.

The lion is Anubis' Spirit-guide who accompanies the boy and guides him in the guild. A spirit guide is a spirit that was once a member of the guild and  has decided to help new members into the guild. Each guild member gets a spirit guide who takes the form of the animal that represented their soul when they were alive.

Therefore, even if Harry's patronus is a Black Panther, his Soul guide is a lion. If Harry decided to ascend to the role of Spirit guide, his shape would be that of a Black Panther.

Here's the scene that describes the Picture above:

'A small cyclone formed in the black sand at the front gates of the castle and out of the cyclone stepped a boy. Wearing clothes that would have suited someone of a royal heritage or someone who was attending a function of the highest order.

A white button down shirt accompanied with black trousers and shiny black shoes. Thick arms covered in a raven black coat that had various gold and silver trinkets on it along with a series of medals on the right chest that showed his rank.

The boy peered down at his clothes before smirking, the magic of the guild was still working even after all these years. He grabbed the golden chain of his long black capelet with the guild’s symbol on the back and red on the insides. He gave it a small tug and saw a pedestal arise from the ground in front.

Harry placed the black scroll that had been used to summon him. He saw the scroll get absorbed in the pedestal before he placed his hand on the pedestal to confirm his identity.

A large lion, made entirely of the ethereal energy that surrounded the guild jumped from the ground beneath him, it was the spirit of the guide who was assigned to him by the guild. The lion moved around him as the beast seized him for any signs of weakness.'

How's he? Is the classiness and royalty of Anubis doing justice to the art? Do tell me!

Thank you!



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