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Author's Note: Here you have it my lovely patrons family. Palliation chapter 7! Chapter one is on ffn and ao3.  I hope you'll like it!!

To patrons who have joined my server too: Ryan (rmk6); Ghostking#2177; Arden2709; Wreacher#0859; psrikar97#5174; profound_magician; drs#9921; mavolen_db and Stormking#1011. Thank you for joining my server, I have give each of you the Patrons role which gives you access to the special patron only channel and we can discuss the chapters available to you in that channel.

Thank you once again! <3

Important Note: This is Harry 'and' Daphne not Harry/Daphne. I am not going to make a love relation between a mentally 6 year old girl and a twenty six year old guy. Harry will be more like a guardian/parent figure along with friendship.

“I am Talking.”

I am Thinking

The Past in Thoughts


Bad times break us, 

Life teaches us to move on.


Previously in Palliation:
“ANDY! PROTECT TEDDY!!” Harry screamed as he pulled Daphne and started running away from the bomb that was falling.

Unfortunately, they weren’t quite fast enough as the bomb detonated mid-air. There were screams, and a large pressure wave came from behind them, throwing the two away as the world around them lit up in a bright golden flare.



-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 7: Transient Despondence~~


“The rune circuit is still unstable, we need to…”

‘What’s this….? Where am I?’

“...it’ll go as planned….can’t stop it…”

‘Who’s that? Croaker..? Is that..you?’

“...if it fails…we’ll DIE!! How could yo-”

‘I said it’ll kill all of us! I knew it! See Croaker I told you before!’


‘Is that you Dedalus? Why are you screaming? Shut up, will you??’


‘Ah..I remember now…well, I did tell croaker, didn’t I? Sorry Dedalus…I guess it’s my time to go…’




Bright blue eyes snapped open and looked at the white ceiling above. Their owner groaned as she slowly sat up with the help of the headboard and rubbed her head, which was literally throbbing.

“Wh-what was...” She stopped, as her voice was too hoarse and it was painful to speak. That’s when a glass of water came into her field of vision. She took it and took huge gulps of the offered drink.

“Tha..Thank you.” She muttered before looking around. She was surprised to see people in white coats standing around her bed, worry lines etched on their faces.

“Miss Greengrass?” One of them, the oldest and closest one, called her.

Daphne turned her head to look at the old healer, who was frowning at her. “Yes? What happened? How did I end up here?” She asked the healer, trying to get a hold of the situation she found herself in, “And if someone could, then please help me; this headache is killing me."

One of the healers went to get a potion of sorts; she was relieved to see that there were potions around her and not tablets; this meant she was in some kind of wizarding hospital. There was a logo on each of the healer’s coats, but her vision was too blurry to read it, and her throbbing head wasn’t helping one bit.

“I’ll answer all your questions, Miss Greengrass, but first, I’d like to know what the last thing that you remember is." The old healer patiently asked her.

“It’s… It’s… I don’t know; I can’t  focus...."Daphne grabbed her head, and she tried to press her head from both sides to decrease the headache and prevent it from spinning so much.

All of a sudden, her mouth was opened, and something really bad in taste was forced down her throat, and as soon as it had begun, it stopped. Daphne let out a relieved breath as she felt the headache regress and the spinning slowly come to a halt.

“Better?” The healer sitting beside her asked once more.

She nodded her head and tried to remember the question she had been asked, ‘Ah yes…what do I remember last..?' She tried scourging her memory and focused on whatever came to her mind before trying to process it to see what more she could remember.

Daphne frowned a bit before muttering whatever she could find as her last memory, “A blast…there was a blast in the…” She turned her head towards the old healer, who she assumed was the head healer, “..Department of Mysteries."

There were gasps around her, which she ignored completely and instead focused on clearing her hazy mind to see if she could find something more in her memories.

“Miss Greengrass, for diagnostic reasons, can you please tell me your age?” The head healer asked the woman who just rubbed her head and absently muttered her age; after all, it wasn’t something she would have to try hard to remember anyway.

“Twenty-six.. I am twenty-six years old.”


“What do you think we should do, sir?” Michael asked the head healer, who was sitting in his chair, deep in his own thoughts.

“What’s Harry’s status?”

“Still in coma, his GCS score is 3. Not responding to any stimulus.” Michael told Lamming, forcing the head healer to rub his forehead in frustration.

“There’s only one way now; we’ll wait for Harry to wake up and clear this later. But for now, we need to keep this under wraps. We can’t tell the department of mysteries that one of their members was alive and active and yet hidden from them because of us. That’d only make the Department of Mysterie against us, and only the minister or Harry can control the damage.” Lamming told his team.

“Then what do we do, sir?"

Lamming looked at the mind healer, who had been regularly healing the Greengrass heiress, with determination in his old grey eyes. “I know what to do. We need to save this before it spills and gets out of control.”

In the end, Daphne Greengrass was told that she was in a coma after that blast in her workplace and that since the Department of Mysteries was under lockdown and she didn’t have any existing family members, she had been kept in the coma ward of the hospital.

Daphne asked them why they didn’t report to the department when it started working, to which Lamming replied that as healers, it was their job to see if a patient was ready to go or if they still needed medical attention, and that she hadn’t been ready to leave the hospital till date.

Daphne had then asked them when she could be discharged from the hospital, to which she was given seven days and that a mind healer by the name of Edward would regularly check on her for these seven days and then once per week for the next one month.

For the next seven days, the hospital management saw an increase in guards around the hospital as well as heiress Daphne Greengrass in action. She immediately summoned her personnel and took over the commands of her companies again, working as much as the healers allowed her to.

On the seventh day, she was finally discharged from the hospital when the mind healer gave her the green signal to leave the hospital’s care and go back to her home. She gave him her new address, where she lived after her ancestral manor was demolished. This was done for the weekly check-ups that were to be done on her.


~Four days later~

It was nighttime when there was a small groan from room 5C in the trauma ward of Saint Mungos. The patient’s awakening had alerted the wardboy in charge of the room, and he immediately went to summon the healer in charge of the night shift and called her before entering the room with her.

Eight-year-old Teddy Lupin was sitting upright and looking around himself. The boy wasn’t crying, he wasn’t terrified of the hospital room, and surprisingly enough, he wasn’t surprised at his changed surroundings either.

“Hello Teddy, how are you?” Healer Jenna asked the small boy, who gave a small smile in return.

“Hello mam, I am feeling well. Though my sides and neck are a bit painful and stiff." He told her honestly; this was because he had learned from his godfather about telling only the truth to the healers, as the knowledge could save his life.

And since he had visited the hospital a few times with Harry, he knew that he was currently in St. Mungo's, and this was the healer on night duty. “Where are the others?"

Jenna frowned at that. “Others?”

“Yeah, the ones who were with me. Harry Potter, Da- and my granny Andromeda Tonks, where are they? Are they asleep because it iss night time?" Teddy mentally patted himself; he had almost said Daphne’s name, which Harry had explicitly warned him to never say in public.

But the boy was confused when a look that could only be described as ‘pitiful’ fell on the healer’s face as she looked at him with her sad brown eyes.

“Teddy, you are at Saint Mungo’s hospital; what’s the last thing that you remember before waking up here?"

Teddy thought for a while before tilting his head to the side. “The last thing you say? I remember going on a picnic with my family. Harry and Gramma Andy were with me."

“And then?” The healer asked the small boy, who tried to concentrate more on his fleeting memories.

“Ugh.. I remember Harry shouting something regarding me, and then...No, I don’t remember what happened after that; I think I fell unconscious for some reason, and the others might have admitted me here. That’s what happened, right?” Teddy asked the healer, who shook her head negatively.

“There was a blast, Teddy. No one knows who the perpetrators were or why they did it. Harry had tried protecting you, Teddy, and as you seem to be completely fine, he succeeded in doing that. But he lost his consciousness and is currently in a magical coma.” The healer told him, shocking the boy to his core.

“Ha-Harry is in a coma? What are you talking about? You are lying!" He cried at the doctor, who immediately activated a silencing ward in the room.

“I know you don’t want to accept Teddy, but trust me, your uncle is physically fine but he is comatose.” She said and sat at the little boy’s bed, who was still looking at her, shock clearly evident on his face.

“I-” Teddy gulped and took shallow breaths. “I would like to see him, if that’s possible." He asked the healer, who nodded her head, “When will he wake up?"

“No one knows when he will wake up; magical comas are unpredictable like that.” Jenna told him, and her heart ached when she saw Teddy’s face fall on hearing, “But keep hoping, Teddy. I'm sure Harry will wake up soon. That man is too stubborn to stay still for a long time, right?” She tried cheering him up but knew it didn’t work when the boy simply nodded his head.

“Now, I have to do a few regular check-ups to see if you are physically fine or not. Can I do that, Teddy?” Jenna asked him and brought her wand out when she received his consent.


“Yes Teddy?”

“You told me about Harry; what about my grandmother?"

Jenna paused her work as she averted her eyes and took a deep breath to steel herself. “Your grandma is Andromeda Tonks, right?”

Teddy agreed with her and was again confused when the healer didn’t meet his eyes. “Everything alright, miss?"

Jenna took another shaky breath as she slowly patted Teddy’s head and finally looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I am sorry, dear, your grandma..." She took another deep breath.

“What? What happened to her? Is she alright? Tell me she's alright! WHY ARE YOU-?"

“Your grandma protected you, Teddy, and she’ll always protect you wherever you go, but..." She watched the colour drain out of Teddy’s face as he looked at her with saucer-wide eyes; his lips started trembling and his hands started shaking.


“Your grandma protected you with her own body and..."

“And...? AND?!”

“And she perished doing that. By the time the rescue team reached her, she was already gone."

That night, Jenna heard one of the most painful screams that human beings could ever produce. It was a scream full of pain, a scream full of loss and abandonment, the scream of an orphan when he lost the only one whom he considered family, the scream of a child, and the scream of a person who had literally lost everything in his life.

Still, the healer held Teddy close as the boy cried his heart and soul out; he didn’t stop even for a while and continued crying till his voice went hoarse, and he ended up sleeping completely tired and drained of energy, too tired to do anything.


The Department of Mysteries was a place that no one would voluntarily want to visit. It was located on one of the lowest levels of the Ministry and was locked with many runes so as to keep visitors from accidentally entering the department.

Daphne Greengrass placed her new identity ring inside the ministry lift’s socket, which was used to identify members of the department that they were working in, and descended down to that department’s floor. The lift opened, and she stepped out.


The guard, wearing his usual unspeakable uniform, looked at the new arrival. The arrival’s voice was muffled, and the face was obstructed for security reasons. He didn’t care about that; his main work here was to simply keep the visitors out.

“Identity.” He asked the new visitor, who pulled out the jet black card with a silver ‘U’ written behind it. Taking the card, he placed it in the crystal of identification and watched as the crystal turned ‘green’ signifying that the person was allowed to enter.

“Is he inside?” She asked, “Ancalagon?"

The watcher nodded once and gave the new arrival their card before turning back to look at the lift. One of the seven doors to his right opened, and he saw the unspeakable take their card and move inside the door.

His duty was important, but definitely boring.



Said boy looked up, and his eyes met the chocolate browns of his aunt Hermione. She was standing there, wearing her overcoat that she wore to her office and her hair in a loose bun. She looked at him with bags under her eyes, which told the eight-year-old boy that she hadn’t been sleeping well for a few days.

“How are you, Ted?” The woman asked as she came and stood beside him, slowly caressing his dull brown hair.

“I-” Teddy choked on a sob, trying his best not to cry again. Not now. Not in front of his aunt, "I am alright.” He choked out.

“Really?...That’s good.” Teddy looked up and saw tears accumulate in her eye before her eyes couldn’t handle their weight, and they rolled down her cheek. And that was the breaking point for Teddy too, as the boy couldn’t hold himself back anymore.

He hugged Hermione around her waist, burying his face in the treases of her overcoat, and started weeping his heart out. “Why Aunty?” He cried, “Why did Gramma have to leave me? She told me she'd be with me forever. Then… Then why? Why?!!”

The small boy asked his aunt, who, for the first time, didn’t have any answers. So, she did the only thing she could; she held the boy as he sobbed. Promising to Andromeda's departed soul that she’ll try to take care of Teddy as best as she could.


Daphne sighed as she sipped on her hot chocolate. She was sitting near the fireplace, a small blanket covering her legs as she stared at the photos laid out around her.

The one currently in her hand was for Astoria’s sixteenth birthday. She was standing on the birthday girl’s right side, while Tracey stood on her left. The war had just ended a few months ago, and they were celebrating her birthday. One of the few good memories from her teenage years.

Next had a childhood Daphne and Astoria sitting on either sides of their old house elf, Maisy, who had left them shortly after Astoria had started going to Hogwarts. Daphne still remembered the loyal elf’s last words before she closed her blue eyes forever. In this photo, they were playing catch.

Daphne never got another house elf for herself. Maisy would always be the one and only Greengrass elf for her. She instead chose to get muggleborn servants, guards, and an assistant who couldn’t afford a living due to the corruption inside the Ministry of Magic. They were not as effective as Maisy and were somewhat costly too, but the Greengrass family fortune was more than enough to allow her a few helpers for the next hundred years.

She looked at her mother’s photo and gave another tired sigh. The woman still looked like she had a stick up her bottom. She was her mother without becoming her mother. Daphne can never give the woman who gave her birth the honour and satisfaction of being a mother. The woman was just a greedy, conceited, manipulative taskmaster to her. Nothing more, but maybe less.

Out of the photos, an old one caught her attention. She looked at the photo and gave a soft smile. It was a photo of her childhood friend. The one who lived in the town near Greengrass Manor sneaked into the manor just so he could play with her and Tori.

The boy was still the same. He had the same golden hair and blue eyes, along with a small mischievous smile, and even though he was a muggle, he knew she was a witch and would still always come to play with her. She showed him the small number of tricks she could do, like make colourful bubbles, and he used to laugh with her. He was her only solace in those friendless times.

Thankfully, he was her only friend with whom she was still in touch. ‘Well, before going into the coma anyway,' Daphne thought before she placed the hot chocolate aside and picked up the photo.

She still remembered the number of times he had jokingly proposed to her and said that whoever she married would be one hell of a lucky guy. Maybe she should check on him now. ‘After all, being the CEO of a multinational company would have to be boring, right?’ She thought, ‘I might even ask his opinions on those marriage proposals now’ She smiled.

Daphne was not stupid. She knew that she had almost died and was alive only by some miracle. This was quite literally her second chance at life, and she intended to use it to the fullest extent. She had a stable and successful job that she had worked hard for, and she was in the prime of her life. It was about time she thought about settling down and starting her own small family.

Hopefully, she’d be a much better mother than Elizabeth Greengrass was to her. Hopefully.


“Are you ready for this, Teddy?” Hermionie asked him.

Teddy nodded his head before sniffing once more. He grabbed Hermione’s arm and remembered how his grandmother had him practice side-along apparitions, telling him that he should not be like his uncle, who wasn’t suited for any kind of magical transportation except brooms.

When the sensation of being squeezed through a fast tube ended, the scenery before his eyes was different. Gone was the damp alley that was beside St. Mungo's, and instead, they were standing in a rather large expanse of land.

Wrought iron fences stood around the land, along with a huge metal gate. The bushes had dried off, yet there were a few bugleweeds and Bishop’s weeds still alive near the fences that were looped around the iron rods. ‘The Dear Departed Cemetery’ was ornately carved in the large stone that was beside the gate.

Hermione held Teddy’s hand as they entered the cemetery. The small boy chose to stare at the dry soil that he was walking on and didn’t utter a single word as Hermione navigated them slowly around the crooked headstones that were present in the graveyard. The graveyard was eerily silent, as if to let the people buried here rest in peace.

They came to a halt in front of one of the graves, and neither of them said anything. Hermione released Teddy’s hand and felt it drop to his side, hanging like it was as lifeless as the graveyard they were in.

Andromeda Tonks

Dear wife, Mother and Grandmother

(September 14th, 1953 - January 10th, 2007)

“You have the ‘Freedom’ to control your ‘Destiny’.”

Teddy looked at the granite headstone and gave a small sniff. He imagined all of the things that his grandmother used to do for him. The boy looked to the right of the grave and saw three more graves. His grandfather, his father, and his mother. All of them were laid there.

He remembered his grandma holding him whenever he cried at his mother’s grave. Telling him that his mother had left him because she knew he was strong enough to stand the world on his own and that he shouldn’t destroy her faith in him.

He didn’t feel like the strongest person now. He didn’t want to be strong anymore; he just wanted his grandma back. He wanted to go on walks with her and listen to her play the piano. He just wanted his grandma to read him bedtime stories one last time. To pat his head one last time. He just wanted his grandma back—just one last time.

Tears rolled out of his dull brown eyes as he looked at the grave. The boy fell to his knees and started sobbing. He didn’t know what he would do without her. He didn’t want to know what he would ever do without his grandmother. He just wanted her back. Nothing else, just one last moment with her.

Hermione looked at the boy, who was weeping, as he tried to hug the headstone. She looked around once before flicking her wand and conjuring a wreath of white roses on the grave. Tears rolled down her cheeks on their own.

She wiped her eyes as Teddy wept with his hand touching the grave. And she didn’t have the heart to tell him that since his grandma was one of the closest ones to the blast, they weren’t able to find all of Andy’s body parts. The body in the grave was incomplete.

The boy had suffered enough trauma. Hermione promised herself then and there that this one secret would always remain a secret from him. She looked at Andromeda Tonks’ grave and again wiped her eyes, promising the departed woman that from now on, she would take care of her grandson and make him a proud and happy man one day.


Opening the door, Teddy looks around for a while as he tries to settle himself in the new surroundings of ‘The Den’ or, as he will come to learn, his new home that was given to him by his aunt Hermione.

“Make yourself comfortable. Ted, I’ll go whip up a nice cup of hot chocolate for you. You like that, right?” Hermione asked the lost boy, who was looking around her small home. He absently gave a nod, and Hermione patted the boy’s head as she moved towards the kitchen.

“I did some work after the nurse called in and have already brought all your things.” Hermione said as she pulled out the cups, “They’re all in the second door to the right. You can tell if I missed something, and I’ll bring it later, alright, Teddy?"

Teddy hummed as he slowly went to the couch in the living room. Aunt Hermione’s home had a nice feel to it. There were potted plants in the corners as well as bookshelves. And even with everything, the place was spacious as well as organised. This was the first time he was coming here.

The kid tried to get into the new surroundings as he sank into the comfortable cushion of the couch and felt an exhausted breath escape from the depths of his soul. He was tired; that much was certain. He wanted nothing more than to curl up and cry his heart out. He was missing his home and his grandmother too much. She had promised to never leave him or see what happened. Still, he knew that it was for the best that he didn't go to his home so soon after the incident.

Teddy felt the tears coming out again as his vision blurred a bit. He shook his head and wiped his face as a choked sob escaped him. No, he won’t cry. He had promised that to himself. No more tears, only smiles.

He looked at his aunt, who was moving around the kitchen with the grace of an expert ballerina. By the looks of it, it seemed like she lived alone. She worked in the ministry if he remembered his godfather’s words, ‘This could be problematic; she’ll probably leave me in a daycare or with one of her friends till my school starts'

It was almost mid-January, and Teddy knew that his school would reopen next month. He didn’t want to go now, but he knew he would have to. He can’t stay away from education; his grandmother would be disappointed if she saw him slacking, and Ted knew he could never disappoint Andromeda Tonks, not now.

Teddy also knew that soon enough he'd have to go back to his home too, or maybe when Uncle Harry comes out of COMA he could start living with him? And then there was his little sister, Daphne, too, right? How could he forget her of all people? He’ll have to start searching for his sister soon. Merlin knows what poor condition she might be in and how much she might be missing her elder brother and Harry right now.

She probably doesn't know about what happened with his gramma either. Teddy imagined a poorly dressed Daphne out in the snow, sitting on the footpaths or within one of the cold refugee homes that gave shelter and food to the homeless on winter nights. Crying to sleep and missing them all.

“You know you can read the newspaper or watch TV if you're bored, right?” Hermione asked from behind him as she placed a sizzling hot cup of chocolate on the living room table and switched on the TV. She then went away, saying, “I’ll be back in five minutes, Teddy. Have to change into more comfortable clothes. I think that after you’ve finished your cup, you should change too."

“Okay.” Teddy said this and stared at the cartoon show that was streaming. It was funny, but he didn’t feel like laughing right now. So he ignored it and instead focused on The Daily Prophet that was lying folded on the living room table.

He opened the paper as he blew in the cup and took a small sip, relishing the way chocolate seemed to rush in his mouth and swirl on his tongue, saturating his taste buds with the sheer sweetness of the melted chocolate. He immediately felt his body relax a bit as he gave an involuntary hum of utter delight and sank on the couch, releasing all of his tiredness and losing himself in the wonders of the delightful contraption present in his hands.

Slowly, he opened his dull brown eyes—he didn’t even know when he had closed them—and glanced at the newspaper that was lying in front of him. The front page made his eyes widen in shock as the world came crashing around him.

The heiress and owner of Greengrass Potions and Supplies say yes to marriage.

~Marciella Johnson


Yes, dear readers, you read that right. After the marriage of Lord Nevile Longbottom and Lady Hannah Longbottom nee Abott last year in June, this year is shaping up to be a good one, as we are hearing such a big and heartwarming announcement in the first month itself.

Heiress Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass, twenty-six, heiress to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Greengrass, has finally decided to tie the knot and settle in the comforts of their new chapter in life next month with her childhood muggle friend and business tycoon, Mr. Magnus Peralta.

The wedding date is yet to be announced, but the couple is sure excited for it, as expressed by Miss soon-to-be Peralta's words:

"Yes, it’s most definitely a surprise, and neither of us had decided on it when we met three days ago. The idea of marriage is still a bit surreal for me and him (Magnus), and I am sure he thinks the same. We have been friends since childhood, and Magnus was my only solace in my pre-Hogwarts years."

On asking the reason for the sudden change in life, Miss Greengrass smiled and said,

“The fact that I am alive after that explosion in my department is a miracle in itself. I would like nothing more than to meet the healer who healed me, but the hospital isn’t telling me the name. Still, it made me think about my life once again. You might think I am a bit too hasty (she laughs), but Magnus and I have known each other for nearly twenty years now, and we both decided to finally settle down together.

Truthfully speaking, I might not be able to get another chance at life next time. So, I have decided to take this one and do everything that I missed last time, which includes a partner who understands me and is there when I feel lonely. So we met, he asked me again, and I agreed (she laughs). You don’t know how happy he was."

~Heiress Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass

Heiress of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Greengrass

Unfortunately, Mr. Peralta was busy; therefore, we weren’t able to get his words on his anticipation regarding the new chapter in his life. The dates aren’t known yet, but it's been decided that the marriage will take place in one month's time at Miss Greengrass’ current residence in London. For security purposes, guards have been stationed in the building until it’s time for the union.

We at the Daily Prophet...

Teddy ignored the rest of the article as he looked at the moving photograph that was beneath the headline. It showed a beautiful building complete with a tall iron gate and front lawn. But most of all, his focus was on the blonde woman who was smiling at the cameraman, her blue eyes shining as she waved her hand.

“What the…fuck.”


Ending Note: There you have it fellas, Chapter seven of Palliation. Liked it? Loved it? Needs some changes? Please, do tell.  

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is appreciated. 

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Thank you for reading and comments.  

With regards,

Dev Black


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