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Ahoy mates! On the occasion of my birthday, This is chapter twenty-four of ‘Silence of the Winters’. Hopefully you’ll like it and comment on how it was? Fingers crossed.

Out with my rant, Here you go!

“I am Talking.”

‘I am Thinking’




The bricks make a building, the residents make it a ‘home’.

~ R-Kade


Previously in SotW:

A black wraith emerging from the place where Quirrell’s head should’ve been and opening its mouth in a mute agonising scream was the last thing Harry saw before his vision turned black and he fell unconscious.

Silence of the Winters

-Dev Sagittarius Black

~~Chapter 24: Home~~

A very good evening to one and all…” Duumbledore began as he smiled benevolently at all of the smiling faces sitting in the great hall, wearing their pointed hats and excited to finally leave Hogwarts and visit their homes after a long and tiring school year.


Said wizard turned around as he ignored Dumbledore’s speech, well he didn’t ignore per se, just kept it at the back of his mind and focused on his current problem that was looking at him with big puppy dog eyes.


Over the months, their time spent had been great, they got to study together, spent some time in the Ravenclaw common room, they were on pretty good terms with each other’s friends and Harry had helped Juliana with her exams, she had offered to do the same for him but he had refuted her attempt because both of them knew that he didn’t need any help.

The corridor, alcove, library and astronomy tower kisses were another thing that had been frequent, thankfully both Juliana and Harry had decided that they were quite young and so they had kept it at that, nothing more.

Things strained after Harry had gone into the hospital wing after defeating Voldemort. And now, Juliana was here, probably to discuss their current situation with him. Harry looked around the table and Juliana flicked her wand muttering a privacy charm around the two of them.


“What do you think they are discussing?” Susan asked Hannah while watching her crush with hawk-like eyes, “I swear if that girl does something bad, I'll find her and make her cry.”

Hannah mentally facepalmed when she heard Susan’s statement ‘Yeah sure, the same girl who hasn’t even killed a fly will make Juliana Cohen cry…’ “I don’t know, maybe Harry will tell us on the train ride?”

“You think so? The way he has been acting lately, I don't think he wants to talk to any of us, much less explain anything.” Susan looked down sadly as she gave a cute pout.

Hannah squeezed her best friend's hand under the table “Don’t worry, I’m sure that Harry will cheer up when he reaches his home and by the time he meets us at the Ossuary, I am sure he’ll be back to his usual self.”

Susan looked excitedly towards the blonde Hufflepuff, “Really? You think so?” Hannah just gave a reassuring smile and nodded making the redhead happy.

What neither of them knew was that the same question which Susan had asked earlier was currently being fired up rapidly in the minds of a certain blonde haired slytherin Ice Queen who was frowning at both Juliana and Harry.


Dumbledore finished his speech as he looked at all of the anticipatory faces waiting with baited excitement and nervousness about the most important part in his speech…The House cup.

“As it is, the session end is approaching and we have all of the house points, everyone has contributed their fair share of house points with either curricular-” he looked at Hermione who blushed “or Co-curricular activities.” He smiled at the Weasley twins who waved back innocently.

“Therefore, counting the points and summing them up, we have Gryffindors with three hundred and twelve points, Huffepuffs have a total of three hundred and seventy-two points, Slytherins with four hundred and fifty-five points while the Ravenclaw house stands with Four hundred and Seventy-two points!!” Dumbledore announced the ending with a flare as everyone clapped.

Dumbledore patiently waited for the hubbub to subside as he watched the crestfallen faces in his old house while every other house was celebrating. 

Suspiciously enough, he noticed that Harry Potter and the girl beside him weren’t celebrating.

Ah well, time to end this false cheering, hopefully this will score me some loyalty with Alandale considering my previous plan failed for him’ Dumbledore nodded “Yes-yes, I am sure all of us are happy, but there are some last minute points that needed to be added.”

Everyone, including the professors, stopped cheering and looked towards the aged headmaster who was smiling, but now that smile didn’t seem as grandfatherly as before.

“Let’s begin with awarding Sixty points to one Hermione Granger for solving one of the trickiest potions riddles to help Hogwarts when it was in need, Sixty points to Ronald Weasley for the most spectacular game of chess and sacrificing themselves for his comrades.”

Murmurs began as everyone looked towards the rapidly increasing rubies in the Gryffindor’s point jar.

“WHAT?! Harry, he’s literally giving the Gryffs points for solving riddles and playing chess!” Terry exclimed from the said boy’s left and Su nodded furiously from his right, “Why were these competitions private? I could’ve solved whatever Granger did!” She exclaimed.

Dumbledore smirked as he saw the commotion his announcement was causing ‘Serves you right Harry Potter, you will be the reason why your house lost the cup they were winning…don’t ever try to deny me anything I ask, you’ve to understand that they aren’t requests..and now the finale

Dumbledore smiled at the two Gryffindors before looking towards Alan and gave a barely noticeable wink “Seventy points to Alandale Potter for listening to his heart and for doing what was right instead of what was easy, for ensuring that everyone in the castle slep peacefully.”

Everyone in the hall was gaping at Dumbledore’s blatant show of favouritism while the teachers were glaring at the headmaster’s back. This was not how they had supposed to end the school year.

“So, calculating the total points after the additional ones, we have Gryffindor house at the top with Five hundred and two points! I think the decorations need to be changed in the great hall because after five years, Gryffindor has-”

“A moment headmaster.”

Dumbldore paused and frowned as he turned back to see McGonagall standing up from her chair beside his throne-like one, “Yes Minerva?”

“I know that I should be more than happy because my house is finally winning the house cup after so long and personally, I would love nothing more than to have the House cup in my office, but I think there are a few points that are yet to be added.” McGonagall looked at her fellow professors before looking towards Harry.

Dumbledore’s eyes widened in disbelief as he foresaw what was happening and he most certainly didn’t like it one bit, this was going to ruin his plans again and he knew it! “Minera, try to understand-”

“Five points to Harry Potter for correctly identifying an Animagus on the first day of his class. I had seen your reaction Mr Potter and I was duly impressed.” McGonagall praised him as the boy dipped his head in a show of gratitude.

“Ten points to Harry Potter for helping me decorate the Astronomy during Yule, those charmed roses were excellent Harry.” Aurora smiled at the boy.

Dumbledore looked on dumbly as each of his professors were hell bent on ruining his perfect plan ‘Oh no…not you too…’

“Ten points to Harry Potter for correcting a few library books and restoring thirteen books to prime condition, I was always watching over you Harry.” Madam Pince grinned as she saw Harry nod, the past few days had not been good for her and she just wanted to see him happy.

“And Five points to Mr Potter for being the best Ravenclaw student and showing true house qualities, I have to say this. I am extremely proud of the fact that someone as good as Harry is in my house.” Flitwick said as he stood up before looking towards Minerva and smirking.

“Something you want to say Minerva?” The dwarf professor asked his longtime friend and colleague. “Don’t worry, next year I will definitely convince Harry to undergo re-sorting and join my house.” McGonagall muttered before grumbling about ‘lucky house heads’ as Flitwick laughed at his friend’s antics.

“It is all well and good my dear professors but as of now, both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are at an impasse regarding the House cup as both of them have the exact same number of points. We need a way to end this tie.”

Dumbledore told his professors as, the perfect plan for revenge while saving his previous one started forming in his mind ‘Now I just have to ask him…’


“Harry!” Su shouted his name excitedly from his right side “We are equalling the Gryffindors now, one more point and either of us will win! Who do you think will help us?”

Harry frowned a bit before smirking and looking towards his slave on the teacher’s table before whipping his wad under the table and shooting a non-verbal Legilimency trail towards the greasy haired professor.

Severus Snape’s eyes widened when he felt a direct attack on his occlumency shields, he looked towards the eldest Potter brat and found him looking at him.


“Severus, can I have a word with you?” Snape turned his head towards Dumbledore as he allowed the legilimency trail in his mind, not that he had much of a choice.

Dumbledore smiled as he saw Severus nod his head once before standing up from his seat. Great hall went into pin-drop silence as they saw exactly who was standing and glaring daggers at them from the teachers table, in fact the teachers themselves were shocked that it was none other than Severus Snape who was standing and was about to give points to a house other than his own.

Snape sighed in frustration as he glared daggers at nothing, words were struggling to come out of his mouth, it was as if he would have loved to die a million times before he uttered them, in the end he had to say it and he knew it.

“One point…to the Ravenclaw Potter for being the best student at potions in the past twenty years and knowing almost everything in that subject that could be expected from a student.”

And with that Snape immediately sat down as the entirety of Hogwarts practically BOOMED with loud applause and cheers from the three houses and the teachers table. Ravenclaws threw their pointed hats in the air and shouted with victory!

Dumbledore was aghast as he looked at Snape like the potions master had just killed his puppy, while said Potions master was avoiding everyone’s eyes as everyone cheered on for the Claws.

“Now, Albus if you will?” Dumbledore could practically feel Flitwick’s cheer in his squeaky voice that was suffocating him now, this was yet another ruined plan and it all came back to one single boy, again.

“So, according to the last minute points, RAVENCLAW WINS THE HOUSE CUP!” Dumbledore shouted with help from Sonorus charm, so that he could be heard over the loud cheers, everyone still ignored him, he flicked his wand and all the overhead flags in the hall turned from Slytherin Green to Ravenclaw Blue.


“I didn’t think that I’d get to talk to you here anymore.”

Said person didn’t turn his head but he did frown a bit when his mental peace was disturbed as someone came and stood near him.

“Are you still going to ignore me? Even though we are the only ones here?”


“Ugh…I so want to push you off this ledge!”

“I won’t die and Susan will kill you.”

“No, I am practically her sister, she won’t harm me.”

“Sure Greengrass, whatever lets you sleep easy.” Harry sighed as he mentally made traced the Ursa major.

Daphne made a face at that, it seems she still wasn’t getting called by her name, even after all this time. Well, it didn’t matter, she was happy to have finally found him alone here again. She had been visiting the tower every other night for the past one month just so she could get him alone and ask him a few things.

“What will it take for you to finally call me by my name?” Daphne muttered and frowned when she didn’t receive a single response from the boy who was stargazing while sitting on the stone edge of the window sill.

“You know how you always teach me about the pureblood customs and etiquettes, I am surprised that you yourself don’t follow one of the most basic ones.” Daphne shook her head in mock pity as Harry turned to look at her for the first time that evening.

“Everytime we meet, you are the one who’s sitting while I am standing and you don't even offer a seat to a lady.” Daphne made her I-am-above-you face as she looked at Harry.

“You are not a lady, yet.”

“Future lady then and I am the heiress, isn’t that in the Harry Potter Book of manners?” The Slytherin squinted her eyes jokingly. She wasn’t trying to joke per se, it was more of an ice-breaker for what was about to come next. Atleast, that’s what she thought about it anyway.

“You want to sit? Mind you, we are on the fifth floor right now.” Harry shrugged when Daphne nodded and forwarded his hand for her to hold.

Daphne held his hand and winced a bit at the sudden cold sensation she felt, she didn’t get much time as her body was pulled forward.

Daphne made an ‘EEP!’ sound as she looked below from her current vantage point before immediately sitting down on the window sill beside Harry, “How come your hands are so cold?”

Harry simply shrugged as he continued to trace the Sagittarius, “No idea, they always are cold.”

Daphne sighed as she tried her level best to relax her tumultuous mind, she looked at the twinkling stars and at the large expanse of the black lake beneath them while a warm wind blew through her long blonde hairs and she heard the cicadas chorused and the fireflies danced around the bushes.

The perfect view when someone thought about: eternal calm.

“I wanted to ask you something, Harry.” Daphne began as she looked at the green eyed boy beside her.


“Would you like to join me and my family for a week-long vacation? This time it’s me who’s asking, not my grandfather, and I promise you it’s just for fun, no personal agenda.” Daphne was mentally praying for whichever deity that was present to make Harry accept the invite.

“Is it Daphne Greengrass who’s asking for the visit or is it Heiress Greengrass?” Harry asked the girl who frowned at that, “Is there a difference? I am both Daphne and Heiress Greengrass.”

Harry nodded his head, “There is, you do remember our last conversation right? About the ‘Third and the last’ rule? It acts here if it’s the Greengrass heiress who’s inviting me.”

Daphne thought for some time then smiled “No, it’s Daphne who’s inviting you, not the heiress.”

Harry nodded and turned his face towards the night sky, relishing in the wind that was caressing his face like a mother’s touch “Then no, I am bus during the vacations and we will most likely meet at the Bones Manor, plus you know how your grandfather could be if he corners me alone.”

Daphne blushed a bit at that before controlling herself “Oh c'mon, I don’t think that grandfather is that much bent on marrying me off with you, also, what if he is? Am I not good enough to be married to you?”

Harry turned his head towards said girl and she will vehemently deny it, but at that moment her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid it might simply burst out of her chest cavity,

“You are one of the most beautiful girls that I’ve met with strong family magic coursing through your veins, any guy on this planet would be lucky to have you.” Harry admitted to the wide eyed girl beside him.

Daphne was on cloud nine, if there was any such place that is, she couldn’t believe her years. If this was a dream then it was definitely one of the best ones.

She knew Harry didn’t say those things randomly and she also knew that he wasn’t complimenting her, to him these were mere facts. And that made it even more beautiful. Because compliments were lies but facts were truths. A statement that no one could even dare to challenge.

“Tha-Thank you Harry.” Daphne’s eyes widened a bit and she clenched her fist ‘Way to go Greengrass! Now he will think you are dumb and could melt in just one single line…technically I don’t think he knows about it anyways’

Harry was of course reading what was going through the girl’s brain but he ignored that and continued, “So, if I am able to impress Lord Greengrass, which we both know that involuntarily will, then Lord Greengrass would forward your hand for marriage.”

Harry told her and saw that her blush was finally receding “And to reject a marriage proposal, there should be three reasons: One, if I didn’t find your beauty good enough. Two, if you didn’t have what it took to be a mother and three if you didn’t have potent family magic.”

Daphne waited with baited breath as Harry returned to star-gazing. Why was even doing that when she was waiting for him right by his side? Harry…

“And you don’t come under any of them except my personal fourth one.” Harry admitted.

“Fourth one?” There was another requirement? How many more to go?

“I never had a family of my own thanks to a few people, therefore, my one and only requirement is that I don’t want to marry due to forced marriage contracts, if I want to marry, I’d like it to be with someone whom I’d want to start a family with.”

If possible Daphne’s blush increased and her face became as red as a tomato ‘A family with Harry??!! Not bad, not bad at all…No wait Daphne, this is Harry, he doesn’t even call you by your name, stop imagining ridiculous things’

“I know you might think that it’s too much for our age and you’re right too. But i’ll have to take up the Lord’s seat on my fifteenth birthday and I’ll be fourteen soon, so you can see why I’d give it some thought in advance.” Harry shrugged.

“Hmm…understandable.” ‘Understandable? That’s it? Quick change the topic Greengrass! Say something better!! Think! Think!’

“Is that why you broke-up with Cohen today?” Daphne cursed her rotten luck the moment those words had left her mouth, she wished that she could simply go back in time and slap the daphne from five seconds ago. Maybe push her down the tower, will that work? Better than this anyways.

Harry’s eyes left all of the warmth that had slowly started to accumulate as he remembered the reason he ended whatever he had with Juliana “That’s private Greengrass. You’ll likely have better luck asking about it from Juliana herself than me.”

“I-I am sorry Harry, I shouldn’t have asked. It was not my place to ask that from you.” Daphne apologised but the look on the Ravenclaw Potter’s face told her that it was of no use.

“Apology accepted, but now I think it’s been some time and I should go back to the common room.”

Daphne nodded, knowing full well that Harry won’t stop even for a second now “Yes, you’re right.”

“Release my hand then?”

Daphne blinked in confusion as she looked towards the boy, “My hand, the one that you’ve been holding this entire time.” And he raised his hand to bring it to the eye level. Yep, her hand was holding his hand tightly, as if not wanting to part with it, holding it like a lifeline.

Daphne immediately released his hand as if it was burning and within moments she winced when a sudden dose of emptiness impacted her, it was as if someone had forcefully removed a piece of something really special. And her magic wanted it back ASAP!

The blue eyed girl turned her head and was surprised to find herself alone in that corridor. Harry had already left her while she was being tormented by those hand-related feelings.

Daphne looked towards the night sky and smiled as she remembered the first time that Harry had involuntarily complimented her and how it had made her feel and then there was the hand-holding.

The girl knew that if her grandfather chose Harry to be her husband, she wouldn't mind it. In fact, she might even work harder to get the boy’s affections. But that was still one whole year away and right now she had other things to focus on.

Like solving the reason as to why Harry was in the hospital wing and what had happened to make him so closed off from everything and everyone….what had forced you to build those walls again, Harry?’ Daphne thought as she looked towards the night sky filled with stars, while cicadas choroused and the fireflies danced.



The door to the DADA professor’s office opened as all of the alert charms froze and a figure entered the room.

“Will you turn off the light? I am trying to sleep here!” Portrait of Sir Richmond Derrevans shouted in the dark as light fell on his portrait eyes.

That light was the last thing he saw before a black cloth covered the portrait and a frame-freezing and silencing charm was applied so that Derrevans couldn’t run out of it.


The train ride back home was mostly uneventful. There group as whole took the last compartment and adjusted themselves in the seats.

The girls made their plans to meet soon after which Terry and Tracey started playing exploding snaps, Susan leaned on Harry’s shoulder and dosed off, Hanna and Daphne began conversing in Hushed tones while Su glared at Susan before looking out of the window at the passing scenery.

Harry on the other hand had pulled a book on charms and was reading it, meanwhile another thought on his mind was regarding the question that he had been asking himself for quite some time now, but this time he had found the answer.

Friends…That’s what changed me, that’s what made me weak, these boundaries and limitations, these meaningless relations  and bonds…this is what forcefully diverged me from my path…And to get back to it…’ Harry looked at all of his ‘friends’.

I will have to break these meaningless bonds earlier than I had anticipated


Stepping down from the train he winced a bit as each of his friends except Terry, which he thanked his lucky stars for, hugged him, they were a bit upset as to why he couldn’t give his address but there was nothing he could do.

Harry had also had to assure Susan repetitively that he’ll contact her and they can send him the portkey to the Ossuary for his summer visit, only after his last reassurance and another one of the twelve ‘parting’ hugs did Susan leave him and go to the place where her aunt was waiting for her.

Harry looked around the platform before something or someone caught his eye and he started moving towards them.

“Mas-masters Potter? Great Master Potter!”

“Hello Droxy, been some time.” Harry gave a small smile at his first personal elf who was standing near the portkey point of the platform.

Draxy was trying his level best but he still couldn’t help the first few tears that fell from his eyes. Still he wiped them and instead procured a simple square piece of wood from his pockets that had the Flamels House crest drawn on it.

Both Harry and Droxy held the piece of wood as Harry muttered “Maison.” And was sucked in a vortex of colours.


Stepping in the huge expanse of land that was the Flamel’s garden, Harry was immediately tackled by the excitable little elf who had been stopping himself from doing so because they’d been in the public eye.

Harry patted Droxy’s head as the small elf hugged his leg and cried his heart out.

“Master shouldn’t wait…Master’s guardians be waiting for master in livin room.” Droxy said, wiping his eyes.

Harry nodded and moved towards the big mansion that was situated in the middle of the huge expanse of land. It was made of white stone with golden and blue borders, and looked extremely exquisite with all its turrets and towers along with arched windows.

The mansion was more like a fairytale palace, it was beautiful yes, but in a fantasy way. What with all its arched windows and coloured glasses having mosaic paintings on them, and the most exquisite paintings adorning the ceilings.

There was a large beautiful fountain right in front of the large ornate main doors with white coloured wooden benches around it and  fresh water fishes swimming in it and many of the outside walls had beautiful flowering plants growing on them.

It was picturesque beauty and clearly a place that was being taken care of quite well. There was also a large forest area on the eastern side with many magical plants and species in it along with a small lake on the edges of the forest.

Harry had just stepped inside the mansion’s living room when he was immediately tackled in a bone crushing hug.

“Where were you? I missed you so very much! Do you even know how worried we were when you told us all about the flight and that accident with your friend Susan?”

“Penny, let the poor boy breathe, he just came back home, it had obviously been a tiring journey for him.” A middle aged man with pepper brown hair said as he smiled at his excited wife and how she was mothering their adoptive son.

“Oh hush you Nick, my baby boy is here, I don’t want to hear a word from you for the next few decades.” Penny said before she started fretting over Harry again.

Nicholas still remembered the time when both their sons and daughter had died in that witch burning era. That’s when he had begun to research the resurrection stone and ways to resurrect someone from the dead without making them an inferi.

It was actually an accident that had given him the Philosopher’s stone and he had been grateful for all of its blessings and curse of immortality, but the fact was the same, they had not been able to get their children back.

Their bodies had slowly degenerated even under stasis charm and one day the old couple had decided to do the final rituals and let their children move to their own next great adventure.

Nicholas had immersed himself in his work after that and had tried to stay strong but Penny? She had never been the same.

Until one day, lady luck had shined upon them and blessed them with a small five year old boy shivering in the cold snow, lying in our garden.

Back then, no one knew how he came but one thing was for sure, that within a few days, he had brought Penny out of her depression and that had decided the boy’s fate that day.

Harry simply looked at his grandlady as she fretted all over him, he even saw Draxy asking rapid fire questions from Droxy and wiping her tears as she witnessed his form, standing in the living room after ten whole months.

Something was amiss though…Something or someone….


Ah, there we go…’ Harry immediately moved out of Penny’s grasp, perfectly in time for a twelve foot long and 150 pound snake with a ten centimetre diameter to tackle him and wrap around his torso.

“Hello Selene.” Harry said and smiled involuntarily when the scales tightened around his torso as the snake hissed. Selene was his pet basilisk that he had accidentally bonded with on one of his guild missions.

The moment Selene had hatched, she had latched onto the first magical source that was near her to get nutrition, technically it should’ve been the original breeder but since he was dead and Harry was standing over the dead guy’s corpse.

Well, since he had been unable to kill the basilisk, Harry took to caring for her and growing her with all the love and care he could give.

One unfortunate day, Selene had seen Television where there was a guy who looked like Harry and he had a young girl with him who kept referring to him as papa, his little basilisk had asked him what that word meant and Harry had explained it.

And since then she had decided that Harry was her father as he cared for her and had watched her hatch and therefore he was her papa, no one could blame her for that logic even though Harry had tried his level best to make her understand the fact that he was way too young to be a dad.

Princess Selene just didn’t care and will likely do whatever she wished.

Harry just thanked his lucky stars that neither the Flamels nor the elves could understand Parseltongue and therefore they didn’t know Selene’s choice of diction regarding Harry.

§Papa..where have you been? I wass ssso lonely without you here. Don’t leave me alone papa, take me with you wherever you go. I want to be with you.§

The basilisk hissed and Harry slowly patteed her head that was currently resting on his right shoulder.

§Don’t worry, little one. I won’t leave you alone this time. Last time i had to go to Hogwarts alone, hopefully this time you’ll be mature enough to attain your second level and then come with me.§

Harry hissed and slowly turned around with Selene still wrapped around him.

§Really? Papa won’t leave Selene? That’s so great! I’ll show the new things I’ve learned while papa was away, I’ll show you where I slept, the bed is so soft papa and you know the old lady you left me with is good too, even though a bit mad-§

And that’s how Selene went on a tirade as to how her days went while he was away from her.

She knew she was ranting, but it wasn't her fault! Totally her Papa's fault for leaving her alone, she had just missed him too much.

“Harry? What happened ? Why is Selene crying?” Penny asked as she saw a drop of tear roll down the basilisk’s soft yellow eyes.

Harry looked at his grand lady and shrugged. “She just missed me too much.” All the while he was listening to his little pet’s stories.

§-I mean who likes small bunnies when they could have a big cute basilisk like me? Wait, Selene is still cute right? Don’t tell me that growing up will make Selene look ugly? She can never be ugly, right papa? I’ll have to ask that old lad for some of that juice that she drinks to keep herself in-§

Harry sighed as he slowly sat on the sofa while Draxy came and hugged his leg as Droxy served him his favourite sweet rolls and his guardians sat on either side.

Soon enough Selene was sleeping peacefully, wrapped around his body, using him as her human pillow as well as source of warmth. While Harry and the Flamels discussed a few things.

There were many things that Harry knew he will have to tell them soon and a few things that he’ll have to ask their help with. But that was for a later date, right now there was something that needed to be done.

Well, after he had finished all of his delicious sweet-roll anyways.


Harry looked at the black metal door that still had the impression of human faces and blood stains on it, there were depictions of torture that was made on the door with human blood, inscrbed with the runes that would monitor the prisoners inside it.

It had been months since he had last visited his personal dungeons and now it was time to meet his prisoners again…they’ve gotten enough rest while he had left for Hogwarts, these coming few months, they will wish they were dead every . single . second.

It was time to refresh his own and his prisoners’ memories, to tell them that their momentary lapse in their schedule was short lived and that it’s back to the starting days again, except there was a fact that this time Harry was sure to unleash his demons.

The same demons that had been inside him for years and he had suppressed those for months, it was time to release them and invigorate his soul with the screams of his prisoners. Time to revitalise his nerves and his lax consciousness with screams, blood and pain.

The elemental pushed the door open and relished in the feeling of watching his personal ‘playhouse’, his eyes started glowing  with malice as he looked around the dirty room and stopped at the three people sitting in a corner tied up with chains around their necks and limbs.




“Hello Dursleys.”


Ending Note- There you have it fellas, Chapter Twenty-four of Silence of the Winters. Liked it? Loved it? Hated it? Please, do tell.

I am waiting for all your comments. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Next chapter, you will finally be able to see Harry's past and things regarding his pst will be cleared. How did Harry end up with the Flamels, why is he so cold, what are these missions that he has been thinking about, what is 'The Guild' and who is Tueur N-13

Especially what happened all those years ago and why are the Dursleys in Harry's dungeons. 

I'll start typing the chapter today and it will most likely be released by the end of this month. 

Those who have joined my discord server, please tell one of the mods or me about it to get the patrons role, I am most active in my server so you can freely ask anything there.

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Thank you for reading and comments.

With regards,

Dev Black


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