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"Well, well, Principal Nezu." A feminine voice cut through the chatter of the room, replacing it with silence. "Despite your... tendencies on one potential student, this year is shaping up to be quite a haul. Quite a lot of students with potential. Momma likey."

"Cease." One of their colleagues chided. "We don't need a sexual assault lawsuit right at the start of the term."

"Oh, you're no fun." You could hear the pout coming from the female. They chatted for a while about the potential of the students that have a possibility of passing, before the rat made a statement.

"Indeed." The rat abomination plopped his paws on the table as he stared at the screen monitoring one Izuku Midoriya as he rampaged through mock-villain after mock-villain. "This is quite a risky investment, as I do believe myself."

"Excuse me, what?" Nezu glanced at the pro heroine who was grasping at straws at what the principal had said. "Risky investment? What do you mean by that, Principal Nezu?"

"Why Midnight, I thought that I made myself clear regarding this one student." Nezu smirked, the image of the principal burned into Midnight's psyche, causing an involuntary shiver.

"Y-you didn't." Midnight's voice cracked slightly.

"... Ah... I believe I forgot to inform all of you about this specific student. Isn't that right, All Might?" Nezu's sudden proclamation put All Might on the spot, his emaciated form tensing slightly.

"What does he mean by that, All Might?" A bombastic pro hero with his neck speakers off asked the slouched form of the number 1 pro hero.

"It is as Principal Nezu says, Present Mic." All Might let out a breath as he leaned forward, eyes never leaving the monitor observing Izuku's every move. "This is a special case, and we've already agreed to accept him, passing score or not."

"... Wut?" Midnight stared at the two with her mouth agape.

"I have to agree with Midnight here." A homeless-looking bum glared at both the rat and All Might. "Isn't this extremely illogical? Won't the HPSC have our hides if they learn about this?"

"Now, now, Eraserhead. No need to be pessimistic about this." Nezu grinned, the sight sending ice crawling through the backs of everybody present. "Trust me, those dogs wouldn't be able to sniff this out. I've made sure of it."

And trust, they did, for the heroes knew Nezu was not to be trifled with. That said, no secret can remain buried forever, so even then, the rat knew he needed to play his cards right.

Or risk a disaster in the future.


"Okay, this is getting boring." Izuku moaned as he tossed a scrap of metal behind his shoulder. Underneath his bare foot, his shoes long torn to pieces by these hunks of junk, a 3-pointer mock-villain laid defeated, formerly giant red eye dimmed to the point it was gray. "Still, there's a lot of you here. I'm no economist, but how much did the RAT GOD spend to get this many mock-villains?"

As Izuku pondered on the thought, the asphalt cracking behind him brought him out of his reverie and he twisted around, just in time to see a mock-villain plummet down from the heavens and crash down to the ground.

'Must be why the asphalt cracked.' Izuku stared at the unmoving mock-villain that he knew he didn't destroy just beside the one that fell.

"Sorry. The mock-villains were going after you. While..." An out of breath brunette caught Izuku's attention. "While you were spacing... spacing out..."

She bends forwards, Izuku noticing her assets jiggling from gravity. Izuku may be mentally old and insane, but his body was stuck in that of a teenager - even if it was technically a corpse - resulting in hormones raging about like a bulldog in a kindergarten.

So yes, he got a light boner.

"Thanks for that." Izuku waved at the girl and noticed the permanent blushes on her face complimented the warmth of her large, auburn brown eyes. "So, having fun?"

"What?" The girl gaped at Izuku, who tilted his head as his only response. "Having fu- no!"

Her response was something Izuku didn't think was a possibility. Did they not have fun fighting here? I thought those training to be heroes wanted a good fight? At least Bakugo did.

'Huh, wonder where he is now?' Izuku hummed as he thought of his tormentor. Not that he gave a damn now. 'Can't even remember his face right. Did he always look like a demon?'

"-ing? Hello? Are you listening!?" The near shriek of the other examinee snapped Izuku out of his thoughts again. "Finally. Anyway, I need to get more points. See... See you!"

And with an intake of air, the brunette rushed towards another street, her form vanishing behind the tall buildings of the mock city.

"Rude, didn't even introduce herself." Izuku harrumphed. At least back in Lordran, everybody not trying to rip your head off on sight always introduced themselves.

Shaking his head, Izuku headed to another street in hopes of finding more mock villains to destroy. So what if he was a shoe-in for the course? He liked breaking stuff, damn it. Those pots, vases, boxes, and barrels don't break themselves, you know?


"Okay, this is getting tiring." Izuku muttered - not really physically tired - as he launched himself off the wall of a building and smashed into another mock villain, his head serving as a glorified battering ram against steel. He rolled on the ground and came to a stop, clutching his head lightly with a slight wince. "Always wanted to do that, but, ow..."

Shrugging the pain off, Izuku rose to his feet and glanced at the wrecked bodies of the mock villains all littered across the asphalt and the sidewalk. There were even some lodged in walls and windows.

A slight vibration behind caused Izuku to tilt his head to the side, narrowly avoiding another beanbag round that went zooming past his head.

"Huh, missed one." Izuku scratched his cheek, before rushing into movement, his form tucking into a roll backward dodging the barrage of beanbag rounds. He then rolled to the side before he pounced towards the 2-pointer mock villain with arms tensed.

"Hello!" Now in front of the 2-pointer, which was reloading its main weapon, Izuku cocked his fist back with a wicked grin. "Goodbye!"

And with a single punch, smashed the mock villain's eye and turned it into a heap of scrap metal. Shaking his hand, Izuku let out a bit of air from his mouth, his heart pounding from all he's done during the test.

"Should be almost done by now." Izuku stretched, his arms, back, and legs making satisfying popping noises amongst the corpses of the metal robots. "Oh, that looks like a good spot."

Izuku then headed over to the sidewalk that was shadowed over by a building that looked like it was about to collapse at any moment, and then plopped his ass on the cool concrete.

The exam was quite fun. It wasn't much of a thrill like Lordran was, but hey, it was fun stomping weaklings from time to time. He would know.

It's like using Dragon Tooth to squish an unarmored hollow to paste.

As he sat there, basking in the cool air that flew by him, his sweat cascading down his skin and into the concrete, Izuku hummed a tune. A tune so disorganized, it would make a music aficionado gladly go deaf just to avoid hearing it.

And while doing so, the sounds of combat raged across the entire mock city. There would sometimes be an examinee that coincidentally crossed the street close to him while fighting off mock villains.

Mock villains that, for Izuku, seemed like weaker versions of the ones he faced.

'Did that 3-pointer just charge at her instead of using rockets?' Izuku made a face with his mouth slightly agape and his eyes narrowed, and then promptly buried his head between his arms. 'Oh come on, RAT GOD. No need to play favoritism here.'

Izuku moaned. Of course the RAT GOD would throw the stronger variants at him. It was just in the nature of the RAT GOD.

"Oh well, at least it was fun fighting them." Izuku hummed as he reminisced about his fights in Lordran and compared them to these mock villains. "I'd rank their difficulty to those about... Eh... The hollows in Undead Burg? The well-equipped ones, at least. The Bell Gargoyles at most if they swarm you."

The weapons in Lordran were unnaturally sharp, after all, and their armor even more durable, what with them being reinforced with Titanite. Izuku guesstimated that the normal broadsword could cut through the flimsy metal making up the mock villains with no problem. The less said about those reinforced further, the better.

As Izuku stared at the fight with that one female examinee - she had cords coming from her ears - the ground shook, hard. Alarmed, Izuku jumped to his feet as he tried to estimate where the source was coming from.

And then he looked up.

"Uh... Okay..." Izuku deadpanned at the towering monstrosity that was taller than some of the buildings. Hell, it was even wider than most of them. "RAT GOD, please explain why you have a weapon of mass destruction hidden in your backyard?"

In the monitoring area, Nezu only cackled as he basked in the expressionless face his new favorite person made.

"Ah... Sweet, sweet confusion." Nezu grinned, making the rest of the teachers quite uncomfortable with the scene. "How invigorating."

Back to Izuku, he was about to hoof it, because fuck if he was going to fight a towering giant with only his fists. He didn't want to show his pyromancy yet, Gwyndammit...

Sue him. He wanted it to be a surprise when he showed the RAT GOD the full capabilities of his pyromancy.

As he turned tail and was about to run, he heard a yelp coming from behind. Looking back, he noticed someone pinned down against the rubble from a collapsed building.

Just in the path of the giant 0-pointer.

"Welp, RAT GOD! I show to you my PYROMANCY!!!!" Izuku summoned the well of flames from deep within his core, the surging flow of magma rising like a bursting volcano.

The area around him began to heat up, his body now oozing sweat like no tomorrow. And with a will hardened through trials and suffering, he called upon one of the best Pyromancies that he had ever had the honor of using.

And with the grace of a dancer T-posing, he slammed the energy right into his chest, his core overheating with the sudden surge in power.

With a gleeful cry, Izuku pumped his legs, and he zoomed across the street. His bare feet left marks on the asphalt, with some of them turning to slag due to the heat his body currently outputted.

In record time, he arrived at the pinned down examinee.

"Well, didn't think I'd see you again here." Izuku smiled as he looked at the brunette that was currently panicking.

"GET ME OUTTA HERE! PLEASE!" The brunette yelled, eyes dilated as the ground shook with every step of the hulking monstrosity.

"Sure!" Izuku gave a thumbs up and grabbed the piece of rubble, before lifting it without so much as a hint of strain and chucking it at the 0-pointer. The giant piece of brick and mortar crashed against its hull and made a dent.

Looking back at the brunette, Izuku knelt and offered a hand. "Can you walk?"

"..." Silence. Complete silence. The teen's mouth was agape as she stared at the towering 0-pointer and back to Izuku who looked like today was nothing but a regular Tuesday.

"I said can you walk?" Izuku's right eye twitched.

"A-ah! I ca- ow!" The brunette hissed as she clutched her ankle in pain.

"I guess not." Izuku shrugged and stood up. "Alright then. You stay put while I go deal with this... thing..."

"I- wha- ho-" At this point, the brunette was delirious about her circumstances. Izuku didn't mind. He was once at that point before.

'Ahh... Memories...' Izuku grinned, his expression now looking like a feral wolf. Pumping his legs once more full of energy, Izuku jumped and soared through the air. There was a slight discomfort with his right knee as he did so, but paid it no mind as he focused on the giant robot. "Ayo! Hope you like acid!"

Gathering the energy in his chest once more, Izuku sucked up a great amount of air, before expelling it as a giant, encompassing brown mist.

As Izuku plummeted, he smirked as he saw the 0-pointer corroded to the point that most of its pieces were falling off. It wasn't even able to move an inch as it crumbled to pieces, giant pieces of scrap metal crashing against asphalt and concrete, creating a dust cloud at the base of the now-destroyed metal titan.

And then he looked down.

"Oh shit. This is gonna hu-" A slap stopped him mid-fall and mid-sentence. Looking at the source, Izuku spotted the brunette hovering over the ground using a broken mock villain. "Huh, gravity Quirk. Neat, also, ow."

As the two slowly floated to the ground, Izuku noticed one tiny detail about his body.

"Oh, so that's why I felt something wrong with my leg." Izuku pursed his lips as he saw only half of his right leg remained attached to his waist.


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