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The room was bare, with only a single table and two chairs occupying the middle. Izuku sat upon one of the chairs, noticing that both his seat and the table was bolted to the ground, his hands cuffed to the bolted table preventing him from any extreme movement.

A single light hung overhead, illuminating the entirety of the room while the single-way window next to the door maintained its pitch black hue.

"At least I have some clothes on." Izuku hummed as he felt the fabric rustle across his skin, its orange color a bit on the nose for a police station.

Izuku felt like trying to break out, the instincts he honed back in Lordran screaming at him to make a move, but his self-control pushed it down, resulting in him sitting patiently as he hummed along a tune.

After what felt like ages for Izuku, not that he minded due to the clusterfuck of time that was Lordran, the door opened, revealing an adult man with wearing a brown trench coat, alongside a bipedal cat wearing a police uniform.

"Good day to you, young man." The man in the trench coat greeted with a small smile.

Izuku continued humming as he kept his focus on the table, a slight smile on his face from the shattered memories about his childhood playing on his mind.

This put off the man slightly, but continued nonetheless, while the cat police officer guarded the door.

"I am detective Tsukauchi Naomasa." The man took a seat as he took Izuku's nonchalance of his situation as an annoying sign. "Before we start, may I have your name?"

"My name?" The humming stopped, and Izuku's gaze transfixed itself on Naomasa's eyes. "Izuku. Midoriya Izuku."

"... Excuse me?" Naomasa's jaw gaped. "Can you... Can you repeat that again?"

"Sure." Izuku shrugged. "Izuku. Midoriya Izuku."

"... Excuse me for a moment." Naomasa started paling, sweat pooling above his eyebrows. "Sansa, let's go."

A bit confused, the cat officer followed Naomasa's lead and exited the room leaving behind Izuku alone to himself, a humming tune gracing the silent area once more.

Outside, Naomasa looked distraught.

"Excuse me, sir, but why did we step out?" Sansa immediately questioned the detective, but all he received was silence.

"How?" Naomasa scratched the side of his head furiosuly, his mind going in circles. "A quirk? But, no, his body was cremated a few months back."

"Sir?" Sansa was starting to get a bit more confused as time went on with Naomasa as he continued his rants about some very unrealistic things.

Naomasa looked at the teen through the one-way see through window. Taking a closer look, the teen heavily resembled the deceased teen All Might failed to save all those months ago, save for the stark white hair.

If it wasn't for his quirk actually telling him that the unknown teen was actually saying the truth, he could've brought the discussion towards another direction.

"Sansa, keep an eye on him." Naomasa clicked his tongue. "I'll be contacting some experts with this particular case."

"... Understood, sir." Sansa obliged but still confused about the whole ordeal.

While Naomasa went to contact a few experts on these kinds of situation, namely All Might and maybe Recovery Girl for health-related experience, and maybe Nezu because he was an intelligent bastard, Izuku continued with his humming inside, all the while a smile adorned his face.


All Might was not having a thrilling day. As for why, it was because of the torture of having to record dozens upon dozens of welcome videos for the incoming UA students.

Not that it was that bad or anything, but doing so under his hero form was taxing to say the least.

"A call is here! A call is here!"

But just when he was about to give himself some me time, his phone rang with the incredibly cheesy, as well as very annoying ringtone he had set for his contacts.

Looking at the caller, All Might raised an eyebrow. Accepting the call, All Might was about to greet his long time friend, only to be quickly silenced from Naomasa's hurried tone.

"Toshinori, you need to come to the police station right away, and bring principal Nezu with you."

All Might frowned slightly. "What seems to be the problem, Naomasa?"

"Someone's claiming to be Midoriya Izuku here at the station, and my quirk is telling me he isn't lying."

All Might was first stunned to silence, but then apoplectic rage consumed him.

"What did you say?"


"My, oh my, this is... Certainly intriguing."

"Principal Nezu, please." All Might in his deflated form sighed as the rat-bear-dog of a principal sat on the passenger's seat of his pick-up truck with an innocent smile.

"Oh I jest, I jest." Nezu chuckled as he waved his paw. "But really, this kind of situation is... unprecedented."

"You're not the only one with questions." All Might slowly drove the truck through the incoming traffic, the hustle and bustle of the city a somewhat irritating case when it came to a large influx of vehicles on the main road.

"Now, before we reach the station, can you tell me more about this, Midoriya Izuku." Nezu's words caused All Might to wince at the reminder of his failure that very day.

"... Very well." After a brief moment of silence, All Might began to regale what the kid was like based on their very brief, yet tragic interaction.

As Nezu listened to All Might, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the gaunt man, to which All Might shivered at the due to Nezu's... previous actions against those that got put on his shit list.

"Before you give me a dressing down, I would like to inform you that the kid, Midoriya Izuku, was quirkless." All Might finally dropped the term he loathed with a passion.

"... Toshinori." Nezu's calm voice pierced through All Might's core, before the animal sighed. "I do not blame you for giving Midoriya Izuku those harsh words, however, the way you phrased it could've used more work."

"I know..." All Might grit his teeth. "I've regretted my words every single day after what happened."

He then chuckled depreciatingly.

"I'm no hero."


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