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Disclaimer: I only own my OC, each fandom is owned by their respective creators.




"Okaaay." Another sigh escapes my lips. At this rate, I'll be a sigh machine, always expelling air from my lungs because everything is too fucking much to handle. "There is one more thing to roll."

Staring at the holographic window in front of me, I saw the little number one next to the item roll taunting me with an imaginative, menacing smile.

Shaking my head, I slapped my cheeks. Hallucinating numbers having smiles is definitely a clear sign that insanity is just around the corner.

And I don't want to go insane. It's bad for my mental health.

"Alright, stop talking to yourself." I muttered as I made the decision to roll, and a dice appeared in the window. Reaching out to grab it, I give it a good shake before letting go of the die and hoping for the best.


"Ugh.... Why do I even bother?" I facepalmed and grabbed the next die. Shaking it once more, I let go and let the die fly into the air. I gave it a little bit more force and had it bounce around a tree and into the ocean, making a tiny dent on the bark and having the water make a plopping sound. "... Does that count?"

All of a sudden, the die returns and shows me the result.


"Alright, maybe something I can use." I grinned. Finally, something was coming my way for once.

[Item received]

[Iron Hatchet] - Just a regular-sized hatchet. The blade is somewhat sharp, but otherwise, nothing too special.

Then the thing manifested in my hand, and I instinctively grasped it with my digits. Feeling the weight, I noticed it was heavier than it looked. Probably because I have little to no exercise with my stupid fatass body.

"I'm regretting not going to the gym now." Sighing once again, I heft the hatchet onto my shoulder, mentally imagining myself looking like a badass viking.

"Heh, as if." I snorted, the mental image now replaced with a chubby short dude gripping the hatchet like it was fucking Excalibur.

"Oh right, there was one thing I forgot to do." I brought the hatchet down and opened my status menu.

Name: Jack Alano

Title: Unlucky Sunovabitch

Race: Faunus (Tiger [Retractable Claws])

SP = 10

STR: 6

VIT: 4

END: 5

AGI: 6

DEX: 9

INT: 9

WIS: 3



[Retractable Claws] - Gained from the Faunus Race. Can extend or retract claws at will. Affected by STR, END, and DEX. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Night Vision] - Have increased vision in the dark. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Iron Belly - You won't get sick from eating raw food. Still tastes like shit, though.]

[Good Lookin' - You look good. That's it. People will find you more attractive.]

"Yes, there it is." I mused. From the last two quests I got, there were a total of 10 stat points gained. I assume it was the one labeled SP because, logically, the acronym fits the word Stat Points. Now the real question is this:

How the fuck do I allocate this?

Actually, can I click on this like I did with the title?

[STR (Strength)] - The power with which your physical body exerts force. Also affects muscle growth and density. You gonna look like you Hercules with chicken legs!

Alright, that got something. Might as well do the others as well. Also, excuse me!? Chicken legs!? I'll have you know I won't skip leg day if I do work out... Not that I have worked out yet... Goddamn it...

[VIT (Vitality)] - The overall health of your physical body. Also affects healing, your immune system, and making sure you don't die from ant bites.

[END (Endurance)] - The capability of your physical body to withstand external stimuli. Also affects muscle growth and density. Eat your nails without milk; it'll help.

[AGI (Agility)] - The capability of your physical body to move quickly and easily. Also affects muscle growth and density, as well as reaction speed. Too much of this, and you gonna look like a real-life stickman!

[DEX (Dexterity)] - The skill with which your physical body performs intricate tasks. Also affects hand-eye coordination and reaction speed. Goddamn weeb, osu! Is your type of game, isn't it?

[INT (Intelligence)] - The capability of your mental calculations. Also affects mental capacity, calculation speed, and memory. FUCK YOU, MATH!

(WIS [Wisdom]) - The power to make correct decisions either on the fly or with information. Also affects decision-making and not looking like a complete idiot.

"Fuck you, System..." I growled, before I sighed... Again... "At least we can agree that math sucks."

Alright... Alright... Next is to allocate my stat points. That said, how should I approach it? Since I'm in RWBY, magic is gonna be OP, but then again, Ozpin and Salem are still going through a very ugly divorce, and getting magic is gonna paint a huge target on my back.

I also have a very specific love for barbarian builds or rogue builds, but I don't think it's practical in this universe. Good luck trying to stealth your way through giant compounds with functioning cameras or rushing headfirst against a horde of Grimm or flying bullets.

Really, the Mage build is the only thing practical here, but I can't deal with their attention just yet...

So instead, let's go with the Tank build.

Name: Jack Alano

Title: Unlucky Sunovabitch

Race: Faunus (Tiger [Retractable Claws])

SP = 10 -> 0

STR: 6

VIT: 4 -> 9

END: 5 -> 10

AGI: 6

DEX: 9

INT: 9

WIS: 3



[Retractable Claws] - Gained from the Faunus Race. Can extend or retract claws at will. Affected by STR, END, and DEX. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Night Vision] - Have increased vision in the dark. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Iron Belly - You won't get sick from eating raw food. Still tastes like shit though.]

[Good Lookin' - You look good. That's it. People will find you more attractive.]

After allocating my points, I didn't feel anything too different. Then again, that was just a tiny boost, but I wanted to try something.

I made a finger gun then poked my bicep while I flexed, and a grin formed on my face.

"It works!"

It was harder than my old squishy bicep, not by much, but still noticeable. Instead of my finger sinking into my flesh, there was a bit of resistance to it.

I can finally get ripped without going to the gym!

I celebrated by standing at attention and dancing like a loon, making weird humming noises all the while.

"Boo yah! Boo yah! Ye hmmm~" I was so entranced that I didn't notice another floating window in front of me that was so close to my face; I felt like it was trying too hard to get my attention.

[Quest Received]

[Tutorial: Where's my damn compass!?]

[Objective: Find a way to civilization]

[Rewards: 5 stat points, 1 perk point, 1 item roll, (Redacted)]

I went silent.

"That no look good..." I muttered as I stared at the reward section, specifically that (Redacted) thing. I really hope it isn't anything too bad.

And without any kind of goal, I might as well find a way out of this forest. After all, a Grimm infested forest is the last thing I want to be in when it turns dark.

So without further ado, I twisted my neck left and right and decided to head left. Hopefully, I can find something that can lead me to any kind of semblance of civilization.

Oh, hey, look! I made a pun! Semblance? Get it? RWBY and their superpowers called semblance?

Okay, I'll shut up now.

"Note to self, find company." I muttered while scratching my elbow. "Talking to self is getting worse."


I spy with my little eye... Tree! No, oh wait, more trees! Nah, how about grass? Green?

"This is getting ridiculous..." I sighed as I tried to keep my sanity in check. I prided myself on being an introvert. Hell, I was even fine with not having human contact for an extended amount of time.

And just a few hours into this walk in the forest, I'm already losing my mind.

"Introvert my ass." I snorted.

I rubbed the back of my head as my legs went on autopilot. One thing I also noticed about this walk was that the points I spent on both vitality and endurance were not wasted.

I wasn't that tired with walking for an hour. Sure, my feet still felt sore, but it without those stat points, I would've gotten it about half an hour ago.

Also, did my legs look more muscle-y? Is that a word? Anyway, point is my legs felt like poking a rock.

A huge improvement from feeling like it was tough silicon.

Shaking my head from those thoughts, I exhaled and motioned for a halt. Looking for a nearby tree to lean on, I swiftly move in and plop my fat ass on the ground, leaning back on the tree for some support.

Sweat dripped down my chin as I tried to catch my breath. Let it not be said that I wasn't willing to put in the work for these glorious muscles of mine.

So what if I had a shortcut? Suck to be you then!

"Ah, fuck... I'm doing it again." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Seriously, my habit of talking to myself, or even imaginary people wasn't this much of a problem. Hell, I'm pretty sure I haven't done this for more than a few minutes each day, and here I am doing it for hours on end because I have no friends to talk to...

"Fuck my life..."

I let the silence overcome me and did my best to rest my weary soles. Nothing that much happened during my impromptu rest, and half an hour later, I was finally ready to move on and keep up my search.

That is, if a certain little reaper dressed as a little red riding hood didn't come up to me with a big grin on her face.

"Hi!" The girl, Ruby Rose, squeaked like a cute hamster while she waved her right hand.

Let it be known, I let out a manly yelp after she startled me. Yep, totally a manly yelp.

"Ah! Jesus Christ with a blowtorch!" I quickly scrambled to my feet and got ready to face the protagonist of this entire universe. "The fuck!?"

"Language!" The girl chided me with a frown, her silver eyes boring into my own black eyes, the same color as my soul. "Is that any way to greet a friend?"

"Not if said friend was a stranger and startled the living shit out of me!" I groaned while I let out a sigh.

"I- We- Well... I'm... I'm not really good with this." Ruby looked bashful enough that the red hue on her cheeks made her seem like a harmless teddy bear. "First time meeting a... Well... Person like you... Alone..."

And then I remembered that in the show, she was a nervous wreck at the start of the series.

Actually, scratch that; where am I in the timeline anyway? Only one way to find out.

"Are you a Huntress-in-Training?" " I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am!" Ruby sing-songed as she grabbed the boxy-looking thing she called her baby in standby mode. "Studying in Signal to get to Beacon Academy was one of my lifelong dreams! Like- Like- They're so cool! They're like washaa! And then wayaaaa!!"

And the teenage girl was doing karate chops in the air, looking like a giddy schoolgirl. Scratch that, she is a giddy schoolgirl, but instead of normal things like idols and whatnot, she's giddy about fighting the Grimm and preserving peace, like it was a dream job for everybody.

Damn... Also forgot how naive she was... Here I am, a total stranger, and here she is, sharing her lifelong goals like I was her best bud.

Must Protecc...

"Stop right there; you look ridiculous." My words brought her out of her funk, her cheeks once again gaining their red hue. "Anyway, what were you doing out here alone?"

"... Well..." Ruby seemed to quiet up at that point, her two pointer fingers clashing against each other as she stood rigid like a statue. "I was... I was going to go see my mom."

"Oh neat, where is she?" And right after those words left my mouth, I realized what I had said.

Oh shit, her mom's dead... Why'd I go and ask that?

"She's just over t-there." Ruby pointed in the direction I was heading a half hour earlier. I also heard a slight hitch in her voice.

Fuck, fuck, fuck... Okay, how to salvage this... You know what? Go for broke.

"Cool, can I meet her?" I tried to grin, but it only came up half-assed. "She must be a good mother if she was able to raise you like this."

At my words, the little reaper calmed down a bit, a slight smile rising up to meet her lips.

"She is. She really is." At this moment, in my eyes, Ruby didn't look like a naive little girl. She looked like a grieving child wanting some closure. "She is the best mom there ever is."

Must divert topic.

"Hey, why don't you show me that thing you have there." I point at Crescent Rose, not that she knew I knew the name of her baby.

And just like flipping a switch, Ruby's eyes gained stars, and she quickly unfolded Crescent Rose.

With a twirl, the amalgamation between a giant scythe and a high-powered anti-material rifle came into view, the blade sinking into the ground like it was pudding.

Not gonna lie, that was cool.

"This here's my baby! I call her Crescent Rose!" And I got the girl to go all motormouth on me. In just a few seconds, she was able to blurt out everything about her weapon.

"Woah, okay! Geez." I held out my hands towards the hyper-active girl. "Calm down already, you might forget to breathe."

And once again, I laid my eyes on a very common, bashful Ruby Rose. She's cute—very cute. And brain, fuck you. Let's change the topic.

"S-sorry... I just... kind of get excited when I talk about weapons." Ruby sheepishly smiled as she packed up Crescent Rose. "Cool hatchet, by the way."

I glanced down at my hatchet, not seeing anything different from a regular iron hatchet.

Shrugging at the compliment, I open my mouth to ask my question.

"So, can I come with you? I'm kinda lost."


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