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Izuku was just lounging in his house with Melina when all of a sudden, the door to his living room opened. He looked at the possible intruder, only to see his benefactor cheekily strolling in like he owned the entire place. Well, to be honest, he literally did, but Izuku hoped he would respect his privacy given time.

“Nezu, what brings you here?” Izuku got off his ass, the spectral girl already fading into blue motes of light, away from anyone else’s eyes. Approaching the rat, Izuku gestured for the animal to sit in one of the provided chairs that was just his size, probably already placed there just in case Nezu needed to visit.

“Apologies for barging in at such a time, Midoriya, but we have some things to discuss.” Nezu waved his arm, a sign that Izuku was allowed to sit, and he just did so on another chair that was situated right in front of Nezu. “Specifically, your stunt with both class 1-A and 1-B.”

“Oh, is this about beating them to the ground?” Izuku tilted his head and Nezu nodded. “Why? I provided them with their healing and valuable knowledge, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did, but how you went about it was quite extreme.” Nezu propped up his snout with both of his paws, back straight as he leaned forward. “Now, credit where credit is due, your teachings would no doubt have a positive effect on the students’ capabilities, however, you must keep in mind that your students are but children, malleable, flexible
 Easily broken.” Nezu’s grave tone echoed throughout the room, Izuku’s right eyebrow raising at the statement. “Their emotions are easily driven, their limited time on this planet still not enough to count as proper experience.”

 You mean to tell me that they aren’t ready?” Izuku pursed his lips. Are they truly that unprepared for this path they have chosen?

“Oh no, I didn’t mean that.” Nezu waved his paws in front of Izuku. “What I meant to say was that they are but children. Their emotions are at an all-time high. There is a reason why our teachers aren’t that hard on them. Care to guess why?”

“They couldn’t stand the pressure
” Izuku concluded and Nezu nodded his head.

“Precisely. All it takes is one bad day, a single seed of doubt blooming within their hearts to sway them from the path they chose.” Nezu sighed, beady eyes closing as he drew in another breath.

“But, wouldn’t that mean that they weren’t fit for the role in the first place?”

“That could be the case, but please keep in mind that teenagers are impulsive creatures.” Nezu opened his eyes and stared directly into Izuku’s orbs. “It was your impulsiveness that caused your own death, even if you did save a life. No matter how you interchange it, you running towards the Slime Villain was the cause of your own demise, that is simply a fact.”

 Are you mocking me?” Izuku narrowed his eyes at the rat, but all he got as a response was a shaking head.

“No. I am just saying it as it happened. No doubt, you have saved a life, possibly even more lives that day and I am entirely grateful for your sacrifice, but had you chosen not to run in, there was a possibility that you would be alive without going through
 whatever it is you went through.” Nezu shrugged with a calm demeanor. Izuku’s glare softened, his shoulders slumping slightly as he processed the rat’s words. “Nevertheless, do you see where I’m getting at?”

 Yes.” Izuku sighed, his brain working on overdrive trying to understand the logical being in front of him. It might sound a bit confusing, but Nezu was called the smartest being in Japan for a reason. “You are talking about possible futures and how to best guide a student towards that future. You want them to be the heroes they can be, the heroes they were meant to be.” Izuku rapped his fingers on the desk, a rhythmic tapping that mirrored the pounding of his heart within his chest. “And me doing what I did reduced those chances because of their emotions running high

“I’m glad you could see where I’m coming from.” Nezu smiled as his paws smacked the desk lightly. “So, it would be imperative that this doesn’t happen again, are we clear?”

“... As you wish.” Izuku agreed. He may have his doubts because if they gave up on just a beating, they weren’t fit for the role in the first place, but he would relent. His easy-going life that he didn’t want cut short as of now was due to the rat in front of him. It would annoy him, and Melina, to no end if he butchered his chances to take a vacation from exploring the Lands Between.

“Great, now then, how are you settling in?” Nezu cheerily remarked and Izuku floated a smile up his face. “I assume the accommodations have been adequate for the week?”

“Oh, the house’s nice. Beats camping in the open fields where anything could rip me a new asshole.” As the two devolved into silent chatter, the sun peeking over the horizon slowly sunk, letting the night sky wash away the colorful sky, all the while Melina watched the two converse with a smile on her lips.


The next day saw to Izuku strolling through the hallways with a pep in his step, Melina walking behind him in her spectral form. The students’ naked eyes couldn’t see the pseudo-finger maiden following her companion with a slight upturn of her lips.

Her lips quirked downwards when she heard subtle murmurs coming from the students, all parting to the side as Izuku walked on through. Curiosity tingling at her heels, Melina creeped in closer, her spectral body making others blind to her presence. Leaning towards the two girls murmuring amongst themselves, the brunette hummed as she listened, head tilting sideways every so often.

“Hey, you heard about what happened to class 1-A and 1-B yesterday?” Girl number one whispered to her companion, a hand right next to her ear.

“No, what? And why are we whispering?” Girl number two leaned closer, lips quivering as her eyes darted around.

“I heard they got thrashed by the new instructor.” Girl number one squeaked like a tiny animal, legs trembling slightly. “Urghh
 Just imagine if we got into the hero course in this year.”

Girl number 2 shivered as well, their bodies frail like sunkissed snow nearing Spring. Melina frowned at the scene. They dreamed of becoming heroes like those under Izuku’s current tutelage? Such a sight raises concerns within Melina’s bosom.

Leaving the two to their gossiping, Melina went back to Izuku, sticking close like an unseen guardian, not that he needed it. The more she saw of this world, the more she learned of it. Or more precisely, of how weak it was. It puts things into perspective.

Centuries of wandering, of waiting, and trying again, and again, and again, to find one who could bring her to the foot of the Erdtree, to find the one who could bring her closer to finding her purpose. And the one who was the most likely to bring her there, the one who Torrent has chosen, coming from this world with inhabitants as weak as the common rabble populating the lands
 It was mind-opening.

It wasn’t ravaged by war – and if it was, it’s been so long since it has seen one on the scale of the Lands Between – so one would think those inhabiting these lands would be weak. But no, these lands were plagued by a curious phenomenon, one that gave them powers unique to each of them.

One which her companion has been dealt a depressing hand. Melina’s lips quivered downward. It was a miracle in and of itself that Izuku wasn’t a blathering mass of self-destruction. Sighing, Melina moved even closer, close enough that an outstretched arm would’ve touched Izuku’s shoulder if she was so inclined.

As they moved through the hallways, Izuku was subjected to even more whispers and murmurs, but the man wasn’t fazed by it. In fact, he even relished it. He would rather be talked about than not at all – be it negative or positive – courtesy of the loneliness he was subjected to as he wandered the Lands Between without any point of social contact during his travels.

Their gait didn’t cease as they continued onwards, Izuku humming all the while. In his arms he carried a stack of papers, something the sentient rat had given him before he left the house yesterday. Truth be told, Melina was wary of the rat, not for his threat level, but for his cunning. Izuku may have the strength of runes and the Great Rune he had taken from Godrick – the scum that he was – but he couldn’t help but be gullible at times.

Take for example that gatekeeper guarding the gates to Stormveil Castle. Every time Izuku died, the blasted being kept on stealing his runes, and her companion didn’t suspect a single thing. And the blind maiden
 Every time Izuku talked to her, Melina could feel shivers crawling down her spine.

Damned Three Fingers. Perhaps she should warn her companion about the dangers of the menace. Actually, why didn’t she tell him?

Her hand cupped her chin, eyes closed as she went deep in thought. Did she just forget that the Three Fingers were a factor? It has been centuries after all; however, their influence could be felt even to this day.

But then again, only a few Tarnished that had once been her companion had managed to even see the village in the Weeping Peninsula. It might’ve crossed her mind, something that she should rectify immediately.

Melina perked up when Izuku stopped in front of a room, free hand gripping on the doorknob. With a simple twist, the door opened and inside he went, Melina following shortly after.

“Yo, Midoriya. Just in time! Come in!” The enthusiastic blond with a speaker – at least Melina thinks that’s what it’s called – on his neck greeted her companion with a large smile. He was also throwing some kind of hand signal, middle and ring finger closed, and index finger and pinky open. She tried mimicking the gesture, a bit awkwardly she might add.

What did it mean? Based on the context, it looked to be some kind of greeting. Something to ask her companion later in the night, in the house while watching that magic picture box – a television they called it – with refreshments if preferable.

“Oi, Nemuri! Midoriya’s here!” The blond called to someone further in the room, dark purple hair peeking out from one of the corners. Melina pursed her lips when she saw her approaching her companion like a harlot, her hips swaying from side to side, no doubt hypnotizing to the average mortal, but her companion was anything but.

“So, why’d you call me here? I thought my schedule was for later in the afternoon?” Case in point, her companion was unfazed. A smug smirk floated up Melina’s face. No one would be seducing her companion, and not some two-bit floozy that dressed like a woman of the night.

“Nothing really. Just a little chat.” Nemuri sauntered forward, a sultry smirk on her face. “Also, Vlad King wanted to talk to you.”

“I sure do.” Vlad King sat on a nearby couch, his imposing figure barely diminished. His arms were crossed and if Melina were correct, the man was sporting a baleful glare towards her companion. He stood up with a menacing growl and stomped towards her companion. 

“Is this about yesterday?” Izuku blinked, head tilted slightly to the side as he regarded the man with a tube connecting his back and left glove. “Because if it is, Nezu already told me to tone it down, even if I think they could benefit from learning the hard way like I did...”

Her companion’s words trailed off at the end, causing no small amount of confusion from both the blond and harlot. Vlad King – as ridiculous a title as it was – became incensed instead. He looked ready to pummel her companion into next week, and even if she didn’t like it, she would not help Izuku even if it meant him dying.

She’d already watched him get torn to pieces and get back up after a day or two of mulling about, and that’s not even including the time wasted as his body reformed in one of the lost sites of Grace. What’s another death to the list? As long as he remained that stalwart man she knew he was, then she would follow him, providing him with the path to grow stronger.

“Now, listen here, you little shit.” Vlad King stomped forward and credit where credit was due, both the harlot and blond moved to intercept the threat. He ignored them, fully knowing that his physique made him stronger than the two combined. “My students were hospitalized after the stunt you pulled yesterday. If it wasn’t for your damned healing rocks, they wouldn’t be able to attend class today.”

“... I don’t see the problem. Aren’t they already healed?” Once again, her companion’s words made Melina palm her face. She knew he meant well, and frankly, his mentality is something of an acquired trait, but that didn’t apply to the people living in this world. They were too used to peace, and Izuku was anything but a peaceful man after his experiences in the Lands Between.

He was forcing his mentality onto the younger generation in hopes of making them unbreakable like he is. Not that it wasn’t a bad thing, the problem is, again, this world is too peaceful, a stark contrast to her home world where death could find you at around the corner. If that wasn’t enough, a regular person would just revive sometime in the near future, where they would die again helplessly. It was no wonder why most of her companion’s encounters with some of the more humanoid entities. They were so far gone after cycles of death and resurrection that their minds had already crumbled.

As such, what her companion was doing was detrimental. She’d really needed to talk with Izuku later. If he continued down this path, who knows what those under his tutelage may come to pass.

“Vlad King! Look, I know Midoriya here is a bastard for pulling that off.” The blond glanced at said person, only for her companion to shrug at the insult. “But violence isn’t the answer! You’re a hero! What would your students say if you beat up one of your own colleagues?”

“Vlad King, just drop it.” Melina’s attention was caught by a giant yellow caterpillar sleeping on the couch
 No wait, it wasn’t a caterpillar, it was a man in a sleeping bag. Curious item, that. “I can understand where you’re coming from, but if you want Nezu hounding you for why you harmed his project, that’s on you.”

Vlad King looked like he wanted to refute what the caterpillar man said, only for him to glare one more time at her companion and relent. Tensions lowered and the room descended into relevant silence. That is until Izuku broke it with a smile on his face.

“So, with that all said and done, can I go now? I still have to prepare for later’s session.” Her companion was given a nod from the harlot and without further ado, left the room. Melina glanced one more time at the inhabitants of the room, two of them sighing, one of them stewing in his rage, and another indifferent. Her eyes narrowed at the indifferent one, the caterpillar man

She’d have to keep an eye on him. He gives off an aura not dissimilar to those of the Black Knives, although the man was no assassin.

Turning her head, Melina followed Izuku out of the room and was once more subjected to the various murmurs and whispers coming from the bystanders. Children


Patches hummed as he poked the corpse of the dragon soaking in the middle of the lake. A smile floated up his face as he pried a single scale off of its body, its luster gleaming underneath the sunlight as he held it up against the sun. Whistling, Patches pocketed the scale and set to gathering more of it from the unmoving corpse.

A quick peek at its chest made the bald man shiver, however, as he was reminded of those whack jobs that worshiped the dragons. Bloody cult they were. Joke’s on them now that some of them turned into abominations.

As Patches slowly but surely plucked off each scale and wondered how a dragon scale mail could sell, his ears picked up water splashing from behind. The grip on his tower shield tightening, his other hand went for the shaft of his spear that was leaning against the dead dragon.

“Step away from the corpse, now. And put your weapons down.” He heard a baritone voice, as well as the telltale sound of a sword sliding out of its sheath. Knowing when he was already at a major disadvantage, Patches cursed inwardly but plastered a forced smile on his face.

“Now, now, chum. No need to get all violent here.” Patches stood up while dropping his shield and spear, water splashing everywhere as they impacted against the shallow lake. “See? I’ve dropped them.” Turning around, his eyes widened when he came face to face with a humanoid wolf, his wolf head snarling down at him.

“Step away.” The wolf’s snarl made Patches cringe. Yep, he wasn’t gonna tango with this fellow anyway. So, cutting his losses, he slowly inched himself away from the dead dragon, his weapons still where he left them. “Now, who are you?”

“Me? Why I’m Patches. Patches the Untethered.” His bald head gleaming underneath the sun’s shine, Patches showed off his pearly whites while making exaggerated gestures with his arms. “Owner of the proud Patches’ Emporium! Now mobile!”

“... Bloody hell, you’re that slime ball Izuku mentioned.” And all at once the tension evaporated when the half-wolf sighed. He sheathed his greatsword and the snarl was wiped from his face. This didn’t mean that Patches let his guard down, no siree. In fact, he was offended.

Him? A slime ball? Preposterous. Why, those wandering nomads were probably ripping off any of the poor sods that came across them.

“Now, hold on a second. I can’t just have you besmirching my good name!” Patches grabbed his pack and opened it, revealing the contents within. “In fact, I have quite a good selection here ready for purchase. Care to take a look?”

“No thanks.” The half-wolf shook his head. “Anyway, just wanted to ask some questions, you see anything weird happen around here? Other than the dead dragon, of course.”

Patches shook his head. He had just arrived and something told him that lying to his face would mean an abrupt end to his merchant days.

“I see. Well, I guess I’ll be going then.” As the half-wolf moved to leave, Patches felt the ground leave his feet. Looking up, he saw a giant crack in the air and his face paled. Even the half-wolf wasn't getting away scot free, his body tumbling in the air as he tried to get his bearings.

Patches tried to look for anything to grab onto, but it was too late. He was sucked into the crack and the next moment, everything went black.


Meruem Astro

Nice two more characters.