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Izuku opened his eyes, sunlight directly glaring at his eyeballs. A growl left his lips as he tried to get up to start the day, but he felt something clutching at him making it hard to rise from his bed. Looking at the sheets - yes, he used sheets. They were comfortable - he frowned and flipped it over, revealing a very naked Himi snuggling against him. She was also fast asleep, mumbling something about scars and blood and other mundane things as her fingers stroked against his scarred flesh.

Sighing, Izuku poked Himi’s cheek but got no response. Undaunted, he poked her cheek again, this time eliciting a light groan from the girl. Her eyes fluttered as she looked directly at him, a grin slowly floating up her face as her clinginess grew even more.

“Zuzu~” Himi brought her face close and sniffed at his chest. “Sleep more?”

“Nope, we have class today.” With his usual one-track mind, Izuku pried the clingy girl off of him and got off the bed. Himi pouted, but he paid it no mind and went directly to the bathroom just down the hall.

As he let the cold water drip down his body, Izuku thought back to the time when Nezu called him back after testing Himi about things.


“Finally done with your testing, Nezu?” Izuku opened the door to the principal’s office and blinked. Toga grinned at him while her legs swayed in the air, the couch too large for her tiny frame. Nezu was sipping his tea while focusing intently on the pieces of paper, shuffling them one by one as he read through them at a brisk pace.

“Just a minute. Why don’t you chat with Miss Toga for a minute while I parse through her answers.” Nezu placed his cup of tea back down to hold the papers with his two paws. Shrugging, Izuku sat right next to Toga, feeling the soft cushions underneath him.

“So, how’d you think you do?” Toga tilted her head, before her grin grew even more, her fangs peeking out of the corner of her lips as she leaned forward.

“I don’t know. But Nezu really likes me, so good, I guess?” Toga schooched over and leaned her head against his shoulder. Not seeing anything wrong with the action, Izuku let the girl do her thing and waited quietly for Nezu to finish his paperwork.

Izuku was content to sit in silence, and judging from Toga’s mannerisms, she was as well. The only sound audible within the room was the shuffling of papers as Nezu continued to mark Toga’s answers with narrowed eyes.

It took about half an hour before Nezu was done with checking everything and he called out to the two of them sitting on the couch with nary a sound save for their rhythmic breathing.

“Midoriya, Toga, please come here for a second.” Nezu motioned his paw in a come hither gesture. Izuku and Toga looked at each other for a moment, before getting off their asses and approaching the pensive looking rat. “Now then, Toga, allow me to congratulate you on passing my exam, however sudden it is.”

“Oh, nice!” Izuku gave Toga a thumbs up, before being glomped on by said girl with a manic grin.

“And as I have said earlier, I can only slot her into the General Course.” Nezu’s words caused Toga to pout. “However, you two can still interact with each other during lunch break and free times. I expect you both to hold proper decorum as students of my fine academy, so no overt PDA, Miss Toga.”

“Aww, but I want to hug Zuzu!” Toga pouted even more but a strict glare from Nezu silenced the teen. “Fine.”

“By the way, what about Toga’s blood intake?” Izuku tapped on the girl's shoulder, causing her to snuggle even further into his body. “Since we won’t be seeing each other for most of the whole day, and this girl likely needs a daily intake to not go off the deep end, what are we going to do?”

“Quite simple, really. During lunch, you can let her feed on you.” Nezu placed his papers on the desk with a light tap. “As for how, I’ve prepared a room for both of you to do so privately. You could either use that, or do it in public, it matters not how you do it.” Nezu’s face darkened for a moment. “Discrimination will never be tolerated in this fine academy.”

Izuku could feel the aura of malice radiating from the rat. There was a dark past there, he was sure of it. And frankly, he wasn’t surprised. Recalling the bits of his past on how he was treated when he was a literal human, he wondered how hard the rat had it growing up in life.

“At any rate, thank you for bringing Miss Toga here, Midoriya. And Miss Toga, allow me to welcome you to my school.” Nezu opened his arms wide with a pleasant smile. Izuku hummed, even with all that strict and professional behavior, there was a caring soul underneath. “That said, say hello to your new family.”

And all of a sudden, Nezu procured a piece of paper and gave it to Toga. The girl pursed her lips before grabbing it, eyes reading through every line on the piece of paper before it widened. The next moment, a radiant smile floated up her face. Not a manic grin that he was used to, not the impish smile she had on her face most of the time, but a genuine one that came from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing that smile, Izuku couldn’t help but smile back. He looked at his hands, sullied and bloodied beyond all recognition. But it was all worth it if he could make people smile. He’d been trying it in Lordran and failed, but here in Japan
 Maybe it wasn’t an impossible goal, after all.

Toga glomped on Izuku once more while beaming. Izuku heard her delighted chuckles and patted her on the head, not minding the skin to skin contact she was initiating every hour of the day. She grew on him, and to be honest, he was kind of touch starved since he was mostly alone in Lordran.

“Anyway, off with you two. I’ve gone through many favors just to get these done, and Toga, rest assured that your family, as well as those that have harmed you will be facing justice within a week, you have my word.” Well, at least Nezu was as effective as ever. Toga’s smile looked like it would rip her face in half, but actually, it was just the norm for her.

Waving the rat goodbye, Izuku and Toga left the office with the girl still clinging onto his back like a little gremlin.

“Hey, Zuzu, why don’t you call me something else?” Toga poked his cheek, her own cheek nearly touching his. “Please?”

 How about Himi?” The blond girl ‘s eyes gleamed before she snuggled even closer to Izuku. If a glasses-wearing teen walked past them with an agape mouth, then he didn’t even pay him any attention.


After a quick shower, Izuku got out of the bathroom, only to come face to face with a pouting Himi.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Himi’s arms were crossed, foot tapping against the ground in a slow rhythm. “I could’ve washted your back, you know?”

“We’re gonna be late.” Izuku stated matter of factly, shoulders shrugging as he clipped on his tie. Never in his life had he thought he would loathe something as mundane as a tie, it’s why he asked Nezu for a clip-on version. “Hurry up, mom’s probably busy with her job again and left breakfast at the table.”

Himi’s eyes furrowed for a bit but he didn’t pay her any more attention as he continued towards the dining room. Time moved at a brisk pace as he stuffed the food down his gullet with nary a thought, the burning sensation of piping hot food after getting microwaved sliding down throat. Shaking his head, Izuku felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

It subsided after a few seconds but the feeling still burned within his mind. Nothing like a good dose of pain in the early morning to start the day. He heard shuffling coming from behind him before he felt something wrapping itself around his eyes.

“Guess who~” Izuku smirked and pried the lithe hands off his face.

“Come on Himi, we’ll be late.” The girl pouted and took her seat right in front of him. Her spoon poked the omelet for a while before she fed herself with the delicious egg, face twisting into one of pleasure as she let out a hum.

“Can you tell your mother that she makes the best omelets?” Himi said while chowing down on the food. The sight made Izuku smile and not long after, she was done, practically licking the plate clean. Setting the dishes down on the sink, Himi and Izuku briskly made their way out of the apartment.

One thing was for sure though, Himi really fit that uniform quite well.


“Midoriya!” Izuku’s name was called the instant he opened the door to the classroom. “Who was that girl you brought to school this Saturday!? Excessive PDA is against the school rules!”

“Wait, what!?” Mineta’s head twisted towards Izuku, eyes full of shock and hate. “How!? First Hagakure, now another gir-”

“Sorry. Was busy reading something.” Tsu’s tongue wrapped around Mineta’s mouth like a bandage, effectively serving as a gag to prevent the teen from talking.

“Dayum. Why is the socially inept dude getting all the girls?” Kaminari was the next to dig his grave. His squawk of pain coming from thrusting ear jacks of the resident punk rocker was a given.

“Spark plug, shut your mouth before you dig an even deeper grave for yourself.” Jirou frowned and the electric blond got the hint. It wasn’t long before the resident gossip stood from her chair and zoomed past everybody to come face to face with Izuku.

“Oh? A girl? Come on, tell me? Please? Details, details!” Ashido bounced in place, lips locked in an impish grin.

“Eh, nothing really. Found a homeless girl, took her in. Nezu asked for her and now she’s in the Gen Ed course.” Izuku shrugged and he noticed most of the students within the room blink at the nonchalance in which Izuku said those words. “Also, she drinks blood. Kinda needs it too, or she goes off the rails.”

Some of the students winced, most notably the ones with visible mutations. One of them was the masked student with arms like tentacles who surrendered during the battle trials. Looking at him now, Izuku could take a gander as to why.

“So, a vampire quirk?” Ashido hummed, lips now turned into a frown. She then turned around and went back to her seat quietly, a far cry from her earlier boisterous personality.

Sensing that the mood turned for the worse, Izuku shrugged and headed to his seat. He wasn’t bothered by the stares he got, most notably from Iida who looked like he still had things to say to him about excessive PDA, but surprisingly, he remained quiet and continued to stare without much heat in them.

As the awkward silence continued for a few minutes, with hushed whispers here and there amongst the class, the door opened revealing their homeroom teacher.

“Good morning class.” Aizawa brought another stack of paper while heading in, eyes drooping with large bags underneath them. “All of you are in your seats and quiet. Good, saves me the trouble of quieting you all myself. Anyway, a reminder, the Sports Festival is rapidly approaching and in two weeks time, all of you will be seen on live television. So, give it your best. Make a fool of yourself in the Sports Festival and you’ll see your chances of making it as a hero suffer.”

The awkward air in the room morphed into one of dread, some of the students’ sweat dripping from their skin at the sudden pressure instilled by the man in the teacher’s desk. But it was soon replaced with grim determination, and frankly, Izuku knew the feeling all too well.

“Anyway, back to the boring part of school, homework.” And then the students all groaned. Yep, same old Aizawa.


Izuku yawned as he walked through the throngs of students all waiting their turn to grab their lunch while balancing the tray of food in his hands. The morning wasn’t kind to him, nor his classmates, seeing that all of their teachers probably came to an agreement to torment them with tons upon tons of schoolwork that even Iida, their resident schooliphile, slumped to his desk when the bell for lunch rang.

Weaving through another group of students, all of them probably with the support class because he spied a certain pink-haired girl with crosshairs for eyes pouting as she was dragged by her classmates to a table food tray in hand, Izuku finally spotted the one person who he was expecting to show up sooner or later.

Himi sauntered up to him, a food tray all but forgotten on the table she had left behind along with confused students who probably befriended the girl the first day they arrived.

“Zuzu~” And Himi, being the girl that she was, gave Izuku a hug and went for a bite. The whole cafeteria went silent as those who were looking respectfully went slack-jawed at the interaction. No blood was spilled, all of them going down Himi’s throat as she sucked like a woman possessed.

Izuku heard something clattering on the ground, but he paid it no mind, his eyes focused on the blond girl suckling on his neck. A few moments later and the girl separated, a huge sultry grin on her face.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!? That’s her!?” A familiar voice echoed his frustration at the scene. Looking at the source, Izuku saw Mineta literally leaking tears as he bit on a handkerchief. “Iida! You didn’t say the babe was hot!”

“Mineta! We are in a prestigious academy! Do not sully this school with your deranged fantasies!” Iida was the next to yell, at least at a pitch lower than what Mineta had done, while chopping the air with his arms.

“Damn. Girl’s got looks.” Ashido hummed while grabbing a notebook from
 somewhere. She then procured a pen, also from somewhere, and began scribbling something down on the sheets.

All this happened while Izuku was content to let the blond girl hang around him like a puppy. He could just imagine an imaginary tail behind Himi’s back wagging back and forth so fast, it could’ve flown off.

“So, full in the tank?” Izuku placed his tray of food down on the free table, uncaring of the gazes hitting both him and Himi.

“Yep~” Himi sat in front of him, eyes never leaving his face as she observed Izuku eat his food. “By the way, those your classmates?”

She pointed towards a table full of faces he was fairly familiar with, all staring at him with varying degrees of emotion. Izuku looked back at Himi and shrugged.

“Yes, they ar-” A spoonful of food was shoved into Izuku’s mouth, courtesy of Himi stealing it and feeding him herself. Izuku chewed and swallowed, looking at Himi with a questioning gaze. “What was that for?”

“Nothing~” Himi didn’t let go of the spoon, but instead scooped some food from Izuku and held it in front of him. “Ahh?”

Izuku looked at Himi, then at the spoon, then back at Himi again before blinking. He opened his mouth and let the girl spoon feed him, causing a ruckus ro arise from the table where his classmates were seated.

“Damn you Midoriya! Burn in hell!” Mineta was practically crying tears of blood as he bit even harder against the piece of cloth.

“Mineta! Language!” Iida chopped his arms in the air while also glaring at Izuku. “Midoriya! You are setting a bad example as our class representative!”

“Huhummmm~” Ashido was content to continue writing in that notebook of hers.

Even the surrounding students all had their mouths agape as they witnessed the scene, but Izuku and Himi ignored them all in favor of being in their little bubble, devoid of everything except them. It was relaxing, in a sense, where Izuku could relax.

Huh, come to think of it, when was the last time he hummed a tune when he entered his room? Thinking back
 Yeah, it was Saturday night. When Himi entered his room to sleep with him, his humming had stopped, even when he browsed through the internet because he couldn’t sleep. Just the feeling of her presence was enough to give him some sort of tranquil peace that he had not felt ever since he last sat near a bonfire.

As time passed by, the other students lost interest and went back to eating. That didn’t stop them from sneaking a glance every now and then. Izuku finished his meal just as the bell rang and all of the students got up as one to head back to their classes, his classmates included.


“Midoriya!? Who was that!?” Izuku’s knees were the first to be assaulted the moment he joined his classmates after saying goodbye to Himi. Said girl was also accosted by her first day friends the moment she joined hers. “Come on! Tell me!”

“Midoriya, I can understand you wanting to pursue love at our tender age, but please, reconsider doing so within our campus.” Iida pushed the bridge of his glasses with a finger. “It is an affront to a school such as this. It’s even mentioned in the school handbook!”

“Wait, we have a school handbook?” Denki scratched the top of his head.

“Duh, Spark plug.” Jirou waved a booklet in front of him, a teasing smirk on her face. “Didn’t you get one after Aizawa’s Quirk Apprehension Test? It was on your desk.”

 didn’t see it.” Kaminari fingered the insides of his collar, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

“Ha! You totally forgot it, didn’t you?” Jirou hid her mouth behind the palm of her hand, no doubt a smug grin was etched on it.

“Hey, Midori. Was that the vampire girl?” Izuku raised an eyebrow at the sudden question from his pink classmate. “Did getting bit

“Finally, someone asking the correct questions.” Ojiro moaned as his tail flopped on the ground.

“Eh, not really. Kind of like a mosquito bite, just bigger.” Izuku shrugged. At that point, they had finally reached their classroom and all of them entered without much pause. Now all they had to do was wait for All Might for their next class.




A/N: Was supposed to post this yesterday but I got sick (Shellfish allergy, anyone?)


Jake Ron

Type sht (I don’t have any allergies)