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A/N: Disturbing themes ahead! Read at your own peril.




Himiko stared at the teen in front of her, her entire form laid bare for the white mop of hair as he rinsed himself down. She didn’t even consider covering her chest with her arms or groin with her thighs. Why would she? He was also naked in front of her.

And dear god did he make her feel all tingly inside. The rough patches of skin dotted all around his body, scar marks tiny and large crisscrossing his bare form, it made her feel something deep within that was even worse than the time she got obsessed with her old classmate.

Gulping down her drool, she managed a grin as she continued to behold the wonder before her. His dick? Not important. True, it was cute seeing the tiny little bugger, but what caught her attention were the aforementioned signs of deadly combat, and her clearly fucked up mind told her that this was the main focus point.

Deriving pleasure from bloodshed was something she came to terms with when her quirk took a hold of her brain. It was regulated via ingesting blood, but her parents didn’t like it because it wasn’t normal. Well, too bad, Quirks are the norm, and if a quirk says you need blood, then you need blood.

They didn’t give her blood and look where it got her. Half-starved and crazed, wielding a knife to gut the nearest poor sap that crossed her eyes. Of course, she had standards, but she managed to lower it to villains and the scum of the earth. The police didn’t like it when the victims were innocents, after all.

Still, fuck them. Why’d they even take her parents side? Was it not obvious that she was suffering? Maybe because of quirk stigma? Yeah, maybe that
 Stupid fucking society
 She’d bleed them all for sure.

She blinked when she noticed Midoriya wash himself down with a shower head, the liquid cascading down his form making her heart skip beats. He then stood up and headed for the bathtub, a smile on his face as he dived in without hesitation.

Her brain rioted; the scarred body of the young man hidden underneath all that water. Bring it back! Bring it back! She wanted to see more of it!

She stood up and slowly made her way to the bathtub. Midoriya looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but that smile was still in place. Dare she say it, he looked kind of innocent with him tilting his head like that, but she needed to see more of it
 Feel more of it

Her body was already clean from rinsing herself down after Midoriya, so all she had to do was sink in the bathtub with him, and since she was no shy girl. It didn’t help that Midoriya didn’t care about being naked with a hot girl like her. Hell, he didn’t even blink when he got a full face of her naked front, groin and all.

So, without hesitation, she plunged in a leg, and Midoriya moved over, allowing her a tiny space to squeeze herself in. She plunged in another and slowly sunk herself in the water.

Their forms touched shoulder to shoulder, her soft and supple skin against his rough and tough muscles. But then she felt it, the scarred tissue on his body
 She ran a finger on it, and Midoriya didn’t care, just looking at her with an amused grin.

It was amazing.

“You like touching people?” Midoriya’s voice was like a gong in her head, her arms retracting as she stared at the fingers that managed to feel the marks that depicted extreme violence. “Nah, you just like touching scars. Want to feel them some more?”

A young teenage boy would’ve jumped at the chance to get a girl to feel them because they were horny little shits. One look under the water and Midoriya was as soft as a pillow. Did he not get excited over this? Over her

Somehow, her pride as a woman took an arrow to the heart, but that wasn’t a problem. If she could continue feeling his scars
 and maybe drink some of his blood some more, she was fine with this.

The room descended into silence, with Midoriya closing his eyes and Himiko content to just glide her hands across all of the scars that littered his body. She just imagined them ripping open, preferably by her hands, and the tingling in her core intensified.

Her breaths came in sharp as her hands continued to caress the damaged body, but Midoriya didn’t budge. Instead, he laid still, content to let her molest him
 Like an unmoving corpse.

It just got her even more excited.

Never in her life did she imagine this after she ran away from home. Sure, she did have fantasies of a hero sweeping her off her feet and letting her drink their blood, or even let her cut them up, but this ranked higher on the list.

Because one, Midoriya didn’t care if he was cut up, he could just heal himself. Plus, he wasn’t averse to cutting her up as well, something that took root within her deepest, darkest fantasies. And two, he let her drink his blood, and it was the most delicious blood she had ever tasted in her life.

Well, to be fair, most of the blood she drank were from hoodlums, creeps, and donated blood bags until her parents got rid of them all, so her palate wasn’t as refined yet. But then again, blood that could make her orgasm was always good.

“I think that’s enough. I’ve read that soaking in too much is bad for the body.” Midoriya chuckled as he stood up, his bare form causing butterflies to fly within her stomach. “Heh, not like it really matters

Himiko blinked and followed Midoriya like a lost puppy. Her arms stretched out and she hugged his wet form from behind. Her breasts pushed against his back while her tongue lapped the area where she bit him a few hours earlier.

“Hungry again? Well, go ahead.” Midoriya shrugged and Himiko’s mouth opened, fangs poised to pierce through his skin. Her teeth penetrated through his thick muscles, and she tasted that exquisite blood that nearly knocked her out from how good it was.

She guzzled it down like drinking water, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she felt another strong wave of pleasure rush down her thighs, and then she knew no more.


Izuku grabbed the clearly passed out Toga and made sure she didn’t impact the floor too hard. Setting her down gently, he hummed as he let the First Flame residing within him, at least a part of it, to heal the bleeding bite mark. The blood that gushed out evaporated into fine mist and he cracked his neck.

“First time seeing someone blackout from drinking blood.” Izuku looked at the neatly folded clothes resting upon a chair near the entrance. Hand grabbing a piece, he spread it out and realized it was just Toga’s size. There was even underwear. “You don’t see that often in Lordran.”

With the seasoned grace of an expert of clothing, Izuku dressed Toga without much issue, the modesty of the sleeping girl returned. He also dressed himself as well with the clothes provided on another chair and returned back to Toga to bring her to the couch.

Sleeping on hard ground was not good for the back. Izuku can attest to this.

Slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, Izuku opened the door and was greeted by an empty hallway, his mother long since asleep after dinner. She had work early in the morning, after all.

Making sure that no noise echoes through the apartment, Izuku slowly made his way to the couch, which was just a few seconds away since the apartment they lived in was small.

Laying her atop the couch, Izuku spied a blanket that wasn’t there earlier. His mother must’ve left it here, same with the articles of clothing back in the bathroom. Covering the girl with the blanket, Izuku smiled as he patted the forehead of the sleeping girl.

At least he wasn’t wrong that helping others was still worthwhile, even with all the fucked up shit it brought along with it.


Today was a new day, and Izuku had to hurry because his alarm clock didn’t ring. Yes, he did in fact sleep today, unlike the other days where he just stayed awake the whole night. School starts in an hour and the train ride is due thirty minutes. Stupid internal clock. Stupid Lordran with no day and night cycle

Rushing to the dining room, he came face to face with Toga, who was looking kind of meek, unlike the unhinged girl that he met last night. She sat quietly on the table sipping at her ramen while taking furtive glances at Izuku. He still noticed it because experience is a bitch.

But enough of that. He didn’t want to be late to school, otherwise, the rat just might take offense to that. Sure, it wouldn’t likely bring much trouble to him, but his mother was a whole different story. And with Toga he just brought home on a whim, the stakes were even higher.

Who knows what the RAT GOD has in store for him if he was late? He might ban him from fighting. Dear Gwyn, anything but that!

Ignoring the meek girl on the table, he devoured his prepared food that his mother left behind with a note. It didn’t take long - about a few seconds top to finish it all - before he was off to the bathroom posthaste.

Bathing was a fun past time for him now after Lordran. He had a new appreciation for staying clean after not being able to clean himself for who knows how long, but fun bathing makes a punctual student not.

So, as much as he hated to do this, he speedran the entire thing. Soaped body in ten seconds, rinse down in another ten seconds, more soap because he likes being clean, another rinse down, shampoo, conditioner, and then toothbrush.

All in all, it took about three minutes to finish bathing, and he was not proud of it. Next was to dress himself and thankfully, his uniform was also cleanly folded in the chair where he found his clothes last night.

His mother was special, and if somebody has any objections, his fists will start flying.

Another two minutes to get dressed and all that was left was to grab his bag and head to the train station, which would take about ten minutes. But before that.

“Toga, you just staying here until after school?” The girl nodded, but her gaze never left him. She was being unusually quiet for someone who was stir-crazy just a night before. Did getting blackout drunk on blood change her personality or something? “Alright, mom knows you’ll be staying here?”

Another nod and Izuku was finally content to leave the apartment. Toga can look after the room while he’s gone, and frankly, he pitied the poor saps who thought it would be a great idea to rob an apartment with that girl living inside.

With a goodbye wave, Izuku headed out right after he put on his bright red sneakers. It just sang to him, and it was also a good bit of nostalgia from simpler times.


Himiko stared as the doors slammed shut, her heart beating so loudly, she could hear it in her ears. She laid on the couch, eyes closing as she cringed at what happened last night.

She went crazy again. Again

A dark hallway
 knife in hand
 unmoving body on the ground

She shook her head. No, it didn’t happen again. Everything was fine. There was no corpse left behind

She felt bile rise up her throat. Her hand clamped her mouth shut as she swallowed her breakfast a second time. Tears threatened to leave her eyes, but she managed. Like always, she managed

She won’t let another tragedy happen again. Maybe the key to all of it was with Midoriya Izuku
 Her stomach rumbled

 She hoped that he returned home soon
 The urge was just getting stronger every day
 She didn’t know how long she’d stay sane
 She wished she wasn’t born like this, but quirks are quirks. And the world is known to give shitty hands to people every now and then.

And that included her
 Fuck this world



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