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Hello all! Another update coming at you!

On the art front, we're 1 background and 1 CG away from being "feature complete" for v0.3.0. The idea is that we'll continue to work on optional/extra art such as French Maid Fexa while waiting on the translations to finish. This includes adding animation to the existing H-Scene CGs.

On the translations front, things are chugging along. The Spanish (non-Latin) TL is mostly done and in final checks. Every other language (Chinese, Russian) is still in-progress.


For those who aren't in Discord, I announced the start of the MalOvent Visual Novel that features SCP-1471. Content for the first 77 hours (in the narrative) has been written. I'm waiting on artwork to come in before finishing the 77-90 hour span of time.  Some F.A.Qs:

  • Will this affect the development and release of F@FF?

No. I only plan to work on MalOvent in-between F@FF releases where I'm waiting on art and translations

  • Do you have a project roadmap?

Not yet. I'm holding off until I see how fast the art gets done.

  • What's the tone of the VN? Is it the same as the quest?

Unlike the quest, I'm leaning far more into the horror aspect of SCP-1471 than a race to a waifu. You can still waifu MalO, but I want there to be a definite feeling of unease and uncertainty to start.

  • When do Patrons get to see it? What's the release schedule?

To start, v0.1.0 will come out for everyone at the same time. Future versions will follow the same schedule as F@FF where Patrons get things two weeks earlier than the public.

  • What languages will be supported?

English only to start. As people get through the v0.1.0 version they can volunteer to translate if they like it.



In what day will the next version come out?