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When you make any art, it's rare for the first idea in your head to really land the way you expected. This project was no exception.

What you see here was an experiment for a potential direction to take this music video in and is not at all indicative of where this project will end up in its final form.  While I will retain the first 30 seconds of the video for sure, I have some ideas that I think will better suit my vision for the rest of the video that I'm really excited to talk about in 2024! :D

But yeah! I just wanted to sneak a unique little special something in your stocking above the fireplace. πŸŽ„πŸŽ Plus, I think there will be value in looking back at this version when the final animation starts coming along. I personally love seeing how different projects can start out VS. how they end up. (Go watch the first storyboards for Toy Story, that movie was almost a disaster!)

Thanks for your support, everyone~! Have a happy Holidays and happy 25th Anniversary, Half Life! πŸ’–