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"Here’s your order, master!" I told my client, a man with glasses who looked at me almost drooling.

“T-Thank you Tamiko-chan!” said the man, without taking his eyes off my maid outfit. He wasn’t even looking at my face.

I was always a fan of mechanics and technology but my family never had the resources to help me achieve that dream. That is the reason why I have been working as a maid in this cafe for a couple of months. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I put down this job. Isn’t bad at all and the pay is good but I have to deal with these nasty clients on a daily basis. All the time they are looking at my body as if it was a piece of meat while I have to smile and act as if they are my masters.

“Ugh… how disgusting” I thought, as I handed him the plate. “Enjoy your food, nya!” I told him, gesturing with my hands like a cat. The man looked at me happily and nodded as I turned away from him.

"Phew… I can never get used to this" I said quietly. One of my co-workers tapped me on the shoulder "You must override it in your mind Tamiko, I'm sure you can."

"I don't know... I want my day to end already" I replied sighing. She just patted me on the back to cheer me up “There's only one more hour left… you can do this, girl! Think about your goals”

“My goals…” I said thoughtfully. In my mind, I pictured myself wearing a scientific lab coat. The name tag on my chest read “Chief Engineer. Tamiko Sorashi” I had a team of engineers working for me. They were all working on some kind of machine that I wasn't able to understand right now.

“Tamiko… TAAMIKOOO. Take care of the new one, it's your turn!” my boss yelled at me, pointing to a new customer waiting at the table. Geez, it could have taken a few more seconds, I barely have time to rest.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, it was time to close. I went straight to the changing rooms with my co-workers to put on my street clothes and take off this darn maid outfit.

“You look exhausted, Tamiko” one of them told me.

“I'm not exhausted…” I replied, looking at myself in the mirror of my locker. My face was not tired. It was sadness. There was something else happening that I found difficult to explain.

"Your face doesn't say the same, you know…" the other co-worker told me. I closed the locker thinking about my life "I don't know, I feel that my life is very repetitive... it lacks something spicy. Something… fun."

“Well, it happens to all of us in this job… it's not the most fun in the world, but we are all here with another goal in mind, right?”

“You wanted to be an engineer, don’t you? Think that you are holding this job for that goal, when you get enough money you will stop feeling that way,” they told me.

“I think it's more than that… I like engineering because every day surprises you. I can discover new things, calm my curiosity and every day is… something new? Or at least I hope so” I said sighing as I took my things to leave.

“Well, you won't know that until you do it,” one of them said waving at me as I walked out of the changing rooms.

I started heading towards my apartment, covering my head with my hood and putting my hands in my pockets. I walked through the park that I sometimes used to visit, especially when I wanted to clear my mind. Lost in thought, something shiny caught my eye in the bushes. I stopped to see something metallic that did not fit there. I looked around with some hesitation and approached the bush, parting the leaves around the object.

I took it with my hands, feeling the cold of the metal and lifted it. It was some kind of silver orb, not very big since it fit easily in my hands. I couldn't recognize the material it was made of but it looked like a type of alloy similar to aluminum. “What is this for?” I asked myself, poking it with a finger, noticing that it was hollow.

“A part of a machine? No, it doesn’t look like a piece… but more like a core?” I said as I turned it over in my hands, checking every angle. It seemed to be marked everywhere with some kind of runes, but there was no connector, button, or mechanism to open or connect it in any way. “It's not part of a machine… could it be a machine on its own? But what is it for? These markings don't make sense…” The noise of people approaching startled me. I picked up my jacket, put the orb inside and began to walk quickly.

Before I knew it, I was already opening my apartment's front door with difficulty, holding the orb in my other hand. As soon as I was in, I left the orb firmly on the table. I headed to my kitchen and started cooking my dinner. My head was full of questions, what could this orb be? That material wasn't aluminum, but it was very similar. It was lighter than I expected, despite being hollow.

Suddenly a stabbing pain made me react "Ugh...damn" I said, raising my finger and seeing how I had cut myself preparing the vegetables with the knife. I shook my hand without giving it much importance since the wound was not very deep.

"If I don't get rid of my doubts, I won't be able to sleep today..." I said. I put the meat in the oven and went grabbed the orb off the table and brought it to my work desk in my bedroom. Now with better lighting and tools I take it in my hands and observe its runes. They seemed to be written in some weird language, it wasn't even Japanese or Chinese. I went over the runes with my hand until I noticed that among them there were marks that looked like scratches. “Could it be because of the branches? Maybe when they dumped it in the bushes?” I touched my chin in thought as I continued to hold it. “No, the impact must have been huge to damage this kind of alloy. “Unless it fell from the sky? Or dropped from a plane? There was no impact crater… Ugh…” It frustrated me that I couldn't answer any of the questions.

I brought the orb close to my ear and shook it hard. I felt some inertia in the movement. It is certainly not empty, “Is there something liquid inside? Should I try to open it? But if the liquid is dangerous… then I…”

The oven alarm made me stop. An empty stomach made it impossible to think straight. "I'll take care of it later," I said leaving the orb on my desk as I ran back to the kitchen.

Minutes later, I turned on the TV and distracted myself while enjoying my dinner. I was finally beginning to relax. The day had been crazy and my mind hadn't stopped for a second. It made me a little depressed to think that in a couple of hours I would have to go to sleep only to wake up and repeat the routine at the maid cafe.

From one second to another, I finally finished my meal when the lights in my apartment started to flicker. The TV turned off and then a loud burst could be heard as all the lightbulbs in my apartment blew out. I jumped to my feet as glass fell onto the table, only to hear the sound of something solid hitting the floor in my bedroom. I turned around slowly in fear. The noises continued as I got closer.

I slowly peeked my head inside. The lights were still flickering brightly as the orb that was on the desk was now on the ground, spinning rapidly. Nothing I was seeing made sense. Was this orb causing this? Is it affecting the neighbors? I don't have much time before there's a stir.

I hold the orb with my hands instinctively and try to stop it. An electric shock hit my body instantly, making me fly backwards and hit the ground hard. I touched my head still dazed from the hit as my vision settled. The orb was spinning faster and faster in front of me, starting to lift off the ground.

The surrealist situation paralyzed me. I couldn't stop it. My arms hurt still, although there was no trace of a burn. A low amperage and a high voltage coming from an orb without connections. That cannot come from a conventional battery. This orb is not ordinary technology.

I noticed the hairs on my whole body standing on end while the orb from one second to another began to make a very intense noise as if it were vibrating very fast. A thick yellow liquid began to ooze out of each of the runes, falling onto the ground and accumulating until suddenly, all the lights of my house went out. The sound also stopped, although I could still hear the liquid moving.

Only the light of the moon that entered through the window let me see how the liquid slowly accumulated, forming a human silhouette until two bright eyes fixed on me. I could only swallow hard, expecting the worst until this figure walked forward. The light from the window illuminated her, revealing her naked form. Big breasts, marked curves, hair and face… Identical to mine?!

"W-Who... who are you?!" I said terrified as this copy of me got closer. She knelt down in front of me and started touching me with her hands. I didn't get an answer but I couldn't do anything to resist either. I closed my eyes until I felt her warm lips against mines. As if it was some kind of hypnosis, my mind completely calmed down. I was still in control of my actions, but I was loving this, her hands began to run over my body and her breasts pressed against mine.

I opened my eyes, seeing this copy of me breathing heavily in front of my face. It was visible how aroused she was. Once more she leaned in to kiss me passionately. It was impossible to refuse this. I was enjoying it, too much. I couldn't do more than put my arms around her and close my eyes, letting myself go.

                                         I Adopted A Slime

-To be continued


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