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Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from my Patreon or Youtube, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is likely a very unsafe site, so please be careful out there.

Hi all! Happy holidays!

For this audio I do actually suggest watching the video version or at least peeking at your 'lines' below lol (your lines will be on screen in the video version on youtube). In this audio, you have been paired up with the cheerleader to perform a scene from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. She and her friends have been torturing you in school ever since the Halloween party where you turned the sprinklers on all her friends. She is incredibly mad with you still and is nervous having you over there to work together all night one on one practicing your lines - so she decides to drink, and pressures you to do the same. 

Here are the lines to rehearse! You are Ebeneezer, she is Belle:

BELLE What am I to you Ebenezeer? A bad investment?

EBENEEZER: Don’t be silly.

BELLE I’m not being silly. Another idol has displaced me, and if it can make

you as happy as I would have tried to do, then I have no reason to cry.

EBENEEZER: What idol has displaced you?

BELLE: What idol has displaced me? A golden one.

EBENEEZER: Now, that’s a double-standard! All the world speaks about how horrid poverty is, yet it condemns the pursuit of wealth just as much!

BELLE: You fear the world too much Ebeneezer. All you care about is what society thinks of you. I have seen your nobler virtues slip away one by one, soon nothing will be left but one master-passion—the pursuit of profit and high society. It consumes you.

EBENEEZER: What then? Even if I have grown wiser and more ambitious, I haven't changed my feelings toward you.

BELLE: Yeah right! I mean… Oh, Ebeneezer, our promise to one another is an old one. We made it when we were young and poor, and happy to remain so until we could improve our fortune together by patience and hard work. But you've changed. You are not the same man.

(beat) Tell me, Ebeneezer: if all of this had not happened, would you seek me out and try to win me now, a poor dower-less girl with nothing to bring to a marriage?

(EBENEEZER looks down, unable to answer the question.)

BELLE (standing): That’s what I thought. You may feel sad now, but I've no doubt that you will dismiss the thought of me very soon, as if you were glad to have awakened from a bad

dream. May you be happy in the life that you’ve chosen!

Hope you all enjoy!




Spreadsheet for all audios:  I made this spreadsheet to help find things a bit easier than scrolling through endless posts! (link below) There are ad free versions of everything I have on Youtube, and also Patreon only audios of course! :)



Have ideas for future audios?

As always! Here is the link to the suggestions form, feel free to fill it out multiple times if more ideas / suggestions come to you - so far it's been SO helpful to me and I check it every day so thank you!!




Adam Zachary

That ending! 👏👏👏 Non~alcoholic wine 😁

Barry Stout

Lacey, you continue to amaze and it was so funny at the end when it was "non alcoholic Wine"! Happy Holidays too and sorry for being a brat in the discord! Haha...P.S This may sound like a stupid question but what do you mean by the video version?