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Hi Everyone!

Thanks SO much for being here!!! I thought it might be easier to access audios through a spreadsheet rather than scrolling through endless posts. I made this one for you all here:


This set up is brand new for me so I expect to have some kinks / mistakes in it all, please feel free to let me know if you find any thing linked incorrectly or missing and I will fix it ASAP.

If you have ideas on how to make navigating here easier, let me know for sure!

Thank you so much again!! I hope you enjoy the audios as much as I enjoy making them!!




Barry Stout

Glad to be here Lacey Lu, I just had to sign up! :-) The audios I have listened to are fantastic but obviously your singing is on another level (I'm sure I may have mentioned this once or twice already) :-) Catch you later, Baz.

Barry Stout

Lacey, really sorry but you are going to hate me. I've gone through the spreadsheet (because I am sad like that) and have noticed a different title on number 23 against the actual audio, sorry to be picky but wasn't sure if you wanted to amend? Other than that, perfection is the name of the game for you. (Not sure if you were testing us but hopefully I passed). Ha ha.