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[Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from my Patreon or Youtube, or podcast pages, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is a very unsafe site that is currently under investigation, so please be careful out there. All characters portrayed are over 18 and consenting to the story.]

TRIGGER WARNING: Please read all triggers in the title and do not listen if it could be hard or trigger you in any way. šŸ¤

QUICK NOTE: I'd love any suggestions for my NSFW audios! I am pretttty new at this part of things (if you can't tell lol) and would lovee any suggestions / feedback / even just phrases you'd like to hear me say! If you have any just throw them in this form! (it's anonymous) !--> Click Here For Form

To set the scene: Your rich & powerful CEO girlfriend is always trying to get you to quit your job, and basically be her pet. You want to keep it mainly to have your own money and independence, and you also love all your buds at the office. The goofy office awards party happens to be when your girlfriend wants to take you to Italy. Who will you choose?

Good luck!




Spreadsheet for all audios:  <- I made this spreadsheet to help find things a bit easier than scrolling through endless posts! (link below) There are ad free versions of everything I have on Youtube, and also Patreon only audios of course! :)


Have ideas for future audios?

As always! Here is the link to the suggestions form <- Feel free to fill it out multiple times if more ideas / suggestions come to you - so far it's been SO helpful to me and I check it every day so thank you!!


Are you on discord? Yeah? Come hang with us! https://discord.com/invite/KfwkmM7Vxn




Spicy audio oh baby My day has been complete thank you lacey for the amazing audio

Jonathan Stark

Harmonica! Thatā€™s what it sounds like! I couldnā€™t remember the name of the instrument but thatā€™s what it sounds like when the audio/mic peaks when youā€™reā€¦hitting those high notes. Also, I know sheā€™s meant to be seen in a negative light, but she makes a good point. Iā€™ve been to Chiliā€™s, and their menu does not compare to eatingā€¦Gelato, while on vacation in Italy.