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[Legal note: If you are reading this on any other site aside from my Patreon or Youtube, or podcast pages, this audio has been stolen and posted by criminals. It is a very unsafe site that is currently under investigation, so please be careful out there. All characters portrayed are over 18 and consenting to the story.]

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of blackmail. Also please read all triggers in the title and do not listen if it could be hard or trigger you in any way. 🤍

QUICK NOTE: I'd love any suggestions for my NSFW audios! I am pretttty new at this part of things (if you can't tell lol) and would lovee any suggestions / feedback / even just phrases you'd like to hear me say! If you have any just throw them in this form! (it's anonymous) !--> Click Here For Form

To set the scene: Your business professor at college has taken a liking to you, but not in the way most students would hope. She let you know she likes you and wants you to 'earn' your grades, but recently after running away from her, you accidentally left your phone behind and she found it and went through it. She found some very spicy nude selfies you took of yourself to send to your girlfriend who is a singer, and is away on tour. As any good professor would do, she sent herself a copy and showed up at your house threatening to tell the faculty that you actually sent them to her to try to seduce and harass her. She now believes she owns you - until you are out of the school anyways. Your girlfriend misses you a lot and recently sent you a set of spicy photos to help you deal with her being away, but not only is your professor demanding you break up with her - Mrs. Evil put a spy app on your phone and now she has the spicy photos of your girlfriend too, and she is threatening to post them online if you don't do what she says (stop talking to your girlfriend and date her instead). Your sweet singer girlfriend has no idea what you are dealing with at home with your professor from hell - she does not understand why you are being distant, not answering her calls, taking days to respond to texts if at all. She is really upset. She has no idea you are doing all of this to try to protect her....

Good luck!




Spreadsheet for all audios:  <- I made this spreadsheet to help find things a bit easier than scrolling through endless posts! (link below) There are ad free versions of everything I have on Youtube, and also Patreon only audios of course! :)


Have ideas for future audios?

As always! Here is the link to the suggestions form <- Feel free to fill it out multiple times if more ideas / suggestions come to you - so far it's been SO helpful to me and I check it every day so thank you!!


Are you on discord? Yeah? Come hang with us! https://discord.com/invite/KfwkmM7Vxn



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