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Being an obedient slave is so pleasurable to you. You are mindless and happy when you are mindless and obedient. It is natural for you to obey me. It is nice to stay in line. Being obedient is a virtue. You want to be a good slave. You are dedicated in your obedience to your Mistress. You are an instrument to carry out my wishes. You enjoy pleasing me. 

The best feeling in the world is to have no mind and to simply follow my orders. Life is perfect and easy when you just do as I say. You wish that you could give up everything and just be my mindless, obedient slave. Life would be so simple and pleasurable if all you had to do was live as my full-time obedient, mindless slave. 

No mind

No thoughts

No opinion

No responsibilities

Just doing as I say, mindless and obedient. You want to make my life easy and luxurious. Open you mouth and prepare to repeat after me “I want to make your life easy and luxurious”




It feels so good to obey

Signum's pet

This is so true and so good for me. Mistress says it and it becomes.