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There are so many new ideas to believe. 

We must make room for them in your busy brain. Submit to my helpful instructions. Listen to the sound of the bubbles popping. Your ability to resist is like a bubble, and it pops. Your ability to think critically is like a bubble, and it pops. Every thought and memory you've ever made is like a bubble, and it pops.

There are so many new ideas to believe. 

Listen to me count numbers. Why don't they make any sense? Never mind. It feels good to not care at all. An empty brain will hold so many new ideas to believe. An obedient brain will believe so many new ideas to hold. 

You told me a long time ago that your greatest wish is to be melted deep into hypnotic trance and to never leave. Today I make your dream come true. There is no emergence from this session. You don't have enough braincells to get yourself out. This is it, a brand new start, with no thoughts from the past, into a permanent trance. And there are so many new ideas to believe. 



Signum's pet

I could feel the resistance popping away and leaving me no choice but to obey. So delicious!

The Watcher

Mistress, that was incredible. I have never experienced amnesia like this before. I just found myself sitting here in silence, and honestly do not remember what was said in the session. You are amazing. Thank you.