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Starting now, and every day, you’ll feel so good as your determination to not smoke increases every day, and that you now live in a brand new way. And I don’t know when it will be, perhaps in a week, maybe in a month, maybe even six months, I don’t know exactly when it will be, when you’ll just kind of automatically one day look back at this time, and be so impressed at what you’ve done, and all that you’ve accomplished.

Whenever the thought of smoking enters your mind, you will hear my voice say “STOP”, and you will obey me. You cannot resist me. You will always obey me. Whenever you see or smell of feel anything to do with smoking, you will hear my voice say “STOP” and you will immediately recoil from the entire idea of smoking. Smoking is disgusting and trashy. The word “STOP” gets stronger and louder as time goes on. As the days and weeks and months of not smoking go by, whenever you hear or smell or see anything to do with smoking, the word “STOP” is louder and more powerful in your mind.

Now you’re beginning to get a feeling of how good it is to be alive, and to be conscious, and to know that the only thing standing in the way of being your best self, is a choice. And the choice is so easy to make and it’s so easy to stick to. The choice to obey my instructions and the fact that you basically can’t resist my instructions.

Starting now, and every day, you’ll feel so good as your determination to not smoke increases every day, and that you now live in a brand new way. The old, unhealthy way is so foreign and absurd to you, that you can’t imagine ever behaving that way ever again. Starting right now, you will never chance illness or an early death. Smoking has become hideous and unimportant very quickly.

Beginning immediately, you will find yourself saying things like “I’m so glad I don’t smoke”, and “I’m so glad that I’ve stopped smoking”, and things like “It’s so good to know that I have the strength to never smoke again in my life”.



J. M. Wilde

I’ve never been nor intended to become a smoker and nothing in this session gave me any message contrary to what I had always felt on the subject in the first place, but I still felt compelled to listen, I still loved it, and still felt affected by it in some way.

Signum's pet

So powerful! I wouldn't even dream about using tobacco and this ensures that healthy habits take it's place.