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25 minute audio. In order to get totally lost in the deepest obedient trance, you must release all tension from the body. Some body parts become more tense the longer the subject listens to the sound of my voice. It is a privilege to release this tension.

You must pay The Fee to release the tension.

Releasing tension is bliss and time stands still. You belong to me, and so you always share your bliss with me. You get to release, and you pay me The Fee. Every time you want to release this unique tension, I get a pretty new thing. Every time you get bliss, I get a sparkly bauble. Your mind is easily reprogrammed to instantly click the button to pay The Fee when you know that there is no choice but to release this tension. Tingle, click, release. Tingle, click, release. You pay The Fee to access release.

🌀🎟️ 💦 Pay The Fee HERE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/signumhypnosis/e/170932

Add ⬆️ this link ⬆️ to your bookmarks for quick access.


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Very intriguing file. It seems only a matter of time until I will give in and pay the fee. Let’s see how long I can resist the urge.

Signum's pet

I like your rules!