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Length 27 mins. Lie down. Become heavy and relaxed. You won't close your eyes until I tell you to, even though they are so heavy and tired. Resting your awareness on my voice, it's so easy to melt into deep hypnotic trance. When you hear me count from three to one, and then snap my fingers, you let out a big, deep yawn, and you sink into trance ten times deeper. I wonder if you'd like to experience a longer countdown. When I count from five to one, your eyes will shut so fast and so heavy. It feels so good to have nothing in your mind and to simply melt down ten times deeper into trance, every time I count down and snap my fingers.

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Wow, you are... really good at this xD (This is only the second clip I have listened to and my experience was just as good as the first!) Your voice is well suited for these sort of hypnosis files and they have been very effective for me so far. I had trouble yawning on command but everything else had a profound effect on me. Particularly, I liked the instruction to keep the eyes open and the way how you actually followed up on that instruction later in the clip. Trusting that the file will have internal consistency and not needing to worry about making my own decisions because I know that the file will be consistent about leading me down makes it easier for me to relax. On the other hand, I like the freedom given at the beginning to find a comfortable spot, and how you don't place a lot of expectations on the listener. One thing that pulls me out of trace is when the voice tells me that I should feel a certain way and that doesn't match up with how I actually feel, so keeping things open ended and not expecting the viewer to have an endless series of expected behaviors and results really eases the pressure and makes it easier to relax!! Anyways, thank you for the file. I'm looking forward to the next one I listen to!

