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Alrighty, it's that time of the year again, and this time we're actually pretty much guaranteed to get hit by Hurricane Ian. Already under hurricane warning and have been getting tornado warnings on and off all day long. The winds won't be strong enough to destroy the apartment or anything like that, so I'm not worried about my safety at all, but we do have a very limited amount of food at the moment, so might have to fast for a few days to stretch it out depending on how badly we're affected.

Right now, we're basically expected to be getting tropical storm force winds to hurricane force winds for about 28 hours straight. It's pretty likely that I'm going to lose power. When Irma hit, we lost power for two weeks, but we're apparently on the nearby hospital's power grid now, so maybe we won't be without power for so long this time around. But yeah. Might be losing power for a few days, potentially longer, so please don't hate me if I don't post any chapters this week due to, you know, no power.

If I do lose power, I'll probably mention it on Discord and/or Twitter. If there's any good footage or pictures I can take, those will definitely be going up on Twitter. Honestly, I'm excited. I love severe weather. If I had a ton of spare cash I would absolutely buy and deck out some huge truck to turn into a storm chasing vehicle. So, I've been excited and having fun all day with tracking the weather and getting all these tornado warnings. Just not looking forward to the having-no-power part once it's over. Some areas in our city have already lost power, and the winds are getting closer while I type this, so might not have power for much longer.

Man, when I put it that way, I feel like I just wrote one of those messages you would find in a horror game about some threat getting closer and closer and trying to finish the message in a rush.

But yeah. I'll be fine. Might lose power. If I lose power, I'll probably be very hungry until my power is back. I'll be keeping Discord/Twitter updated.

Maybe power won't even go out. We'll see. It would only make sense for me to get blueballed after being so excited about getting hit by another hurricane.

Anyways, yeah. Hurricane.

Memes 'nd things:




Weekly Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RIxtHRkOU3W3AVbb3h-squ7NlxoH54zp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110960644416608383305&rtpof=true&sd=true

16 hours, 5,268. Not a lot of words, but got a good enough amount of TTE edited to be happy-ish. Mostly just been distracted by tracking the hurricane. I have too much fun tracking them and watching meteorologists talk about them whenever I might get hit by one.

The True Endgame

Gee, I wonder what sort of drama and ethical issues we'll be dealing with in the near future going by what was talked about in the latest chapter. Of course, that won't be all. Still gotta go and get payback, and Fenrir doesn't skimp on getting payback.

Lazy Dragon Queen

Every chapter, I get more and more tempted to go full lewd with the story, but I always resist. It's even more fun that way. Sometimes I worry about it getting too lewd, but I mean, I'm having fun writing it and just writing what I want, so I'm happy with it even if it's turned out to be far lewder than I ever intended.

In Closing

Hurricane. Wee.

Thank you for your continued support, hopefully no cows get picked up and thrown into one of the windows from the hurricane, and hopefully I don't lose power for too long.

Until next time! And if anybody else happens to be within the storm's path, I hope that you're safe as well!


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