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It didn’t take long for those aboard The Shoebill to realize they were getting help from Nameless again in the form of the town’s cannons tearing into the rest of the enemy’s fleet.

And at that point, there weren’t many enemies left. Most of the enemy fleet was already sunk or in the process of sinking, and they were no match whatsoever for the combined firepower of Nameless’s defenders and The Shoebill.

Upon realizing just how secured their victory was… Fenrir sighed.

“What are you sighing about, Onii-wan?” Saya asked, shouting over to him while still helping Serra with loading the cannon.

“These assholes… this is the game’s largest, most renown, deadliest, horrible, cruel, griefing crew? This is supposed to be a serious attack launched on a town?” Fenrir asked, looking over at some of the remaining ships with disappointed disgust in his eyes. “This is pathetic. I can’t believe I actually let myself get worried. They’re a bunch of pathetic cowards who try to rely on surprise and gas to take out their enemy. I mean, sure, that’s fine. Anybody who has heard of the Divine Brigade before knows that we had no problem coming out of nowhere to commit virtual war crimes before suddenly leaving. But one, we had the might to back ourselves up if we were counter-attacked, and two, our plans didn’t fail. Sometimes our plans didn’t succeed as well as we wanted them to, but they always worked. This… is a complete loss on their part. Not that I was rooting for them to win or anything, but I want a challenge. Instead, what I got is a bunch of kids who can’t even fight a weeb wolf boy and his pseudo little sister dog girlfriend. We killed dozens of them on our own, Saya, and we’re nowhere near as OP as somebody like Aza. If Aza did it, I wouldn’t question it. She could probably blow up an army in one attack if she wanted to. But me? And you? We’re not that OP. That means if we were able to kill that many players all on our own, they’re just… shit.”

“So… in other words, you’re mad because they’re bad and we won easily.”

“Basically. They need to get good if they want to actually challenge—wait. What if this was their plan? If they’re real trolls… then the end goal is to cause suffering, and they’ve caused me suffering. They’ve pissed me off. They… they won.”

“Onii-wan… it’s like you’re coping for them. You’re going through mental gymnastics just to make it sound like you lost. What kind of guy does that?”

“You don’t understand, Pupaya. If I’m going to be griefed by some edgy assholes, they need to at least be as good as me! It’s just an insult if they’re not! And if it’s an insult, then it means they’re getting under my skin, which means as trolls, they’ve won!”

“But we destroyed them. Like, we completely wrecked them.”

“But they’ve annoyed me! It’s like a fly! A fly obviously has no chance of ever killing a human, but if it manages to annoy the human, then that means it won even if it died!”

“Would you stop trying to play the loser? You’re ruining the fun of us kicking their ass.”

Fenrir sighed and slumped over The Shoebill’s wheel. “Enemies this pathetic are insulting. There’s no fun in winning over them. It’s like being swarmed by a bunch of babies who just so happen to also have mustard gas bombs. Sure, the mustard gas might be deadly, but the actual enemies are just babies who you can punt away with minimal effort. There’s no challenge. There’s no struggle. It’s just… cringe. They’re cringe, Saya, cringe!

Saya rolled her eyes and realized that ignoring her melodramatic lover was the superior route to take, so she returned her attention to Serra instead. “Good job with the cannon. You wrecked them.”

Serra was in the process of lighting the fuse to fire the cannon again when she got praised, and she made sure to wait until it fired its final shot before saying anything. “Thanks. You helped a lot with the loading.”

“All I did was handle the shots.”

“Handling the balls is one of the most important parts.”

“I specifically said shots because I knew you were going to pervert it if I said balls, but I guess that was pointless.”

“Heh. Embrace the balls, Saya. Embrace the balls and big, hard cannons,” Serra said while lovingly stroking one hand along the cannon’s barrel.

“Is being attracted to cannons a sexuality? I’m pretty sure that’s what you are if it is.”

“If I had a penis I would stick it inside a cannon, so maybe.”

“That’s… why did I think talking to you would be better for my sanity than talking to that weirdo behind the wheel?”

“Dunno. Even I don’t know why you’d do that. Maybe it’s because I’m cute.” Of course, Serra was speaking in her usual, monotone voice the entire time, but that only added to how cute she was in the eyes of her lovers.

“Maybe,” Saya said. “You are cute, and you’re cuter than that weirdo.”

“Too bad I don’t have balls. If I had balls and a cannon then I could steal you and make you my wannabe little sister instead.”

“It—it doesn’t work that way! I’m not just going to act like that to anybody who has those! Besides, you’re shorter than me! If anything, you would be the little sister!”

“I might be short in height, but I’m tall in energy. Horny energy.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It sounded better before I said it. Oh. Question.”


“Can I has kiss?”

Saya narrowed her eyes at Serra. “Why?”

“Because I’m cute and one of your girlfriends and I did a good job blowing stuff up and I want a kiss. I’ll even let you fondle my non-existent boobs while you do it.”

Saya looked back at Fenrir and said, “You raised her to be this way.”

“Hey,” Fenrir shouted back, “all I did was turn the key in her hole to unlock her true self.”

Obviously, Serra snerked when she heard that. “Heh. He put his key in my hole.”

Saya groaned and said, “You two are perfect for each other. But… if… you want a kiss, then I guess it’s okay. We—we are technically dating… so… it’s only right that I do that stuff with you, too, instead of only Fen…”

“Yeah. So, kiss me. And let me grope you. And let me do lots of other lewd stuff to you.”

“I take it back. You don’t get to kiss me.”

“But… kiss… I wanna kiss…”

“Crap. You’re dangerously cute.”

“I’m as cute as I am manipulative.” Serra flashed Saya a quick thumbs-up.

Naturally, Saya rolled her eyes again. “You know you’re not supposed to admit to being manipulative, right?”

“I didn’t say I was good at it, just that I’m doing it. But that doesn’t matter. Only kissing matters. Kiss.”

Saya stared straight into Serra’s eyes as the latter waited for her kiss. And fortunately, Serra did get her kiss when Saya eventually leaned over the cannon to press her lips against the smaller girl’s. “There. Happy?”

“Yeah, but I want more. Give more kiss. Need more. Will die without more kiss.”

“How many kisses will it take to keep you alive then?”

“All of them. All of the kisses.”

“That’s too many.”

“Okay, then most of them.”

“Still too many.”

“Some of them.”


“Two of them.”


And so, Saya gave Serra two more kisses. During the second kiss, though, Serra wrapped her arms around Saya and kept her close to keep the kiss going until she was satisfied, and she also made sure to slip some tongue into Saya’s mouth while she was at it.

Saya might have been putting up a defensive act, but she was powerless as soon as Serra’s tongue slipped past her lips. Serra gained complete control over the situation and even got to slide one hand down to Saya’s rear where she gave it some playful squeezes and gropes, making Saya moan against her lips.

Once Serra eventually released Saya’s lips from her own, Saya was left with dizzy eyes, reddened cheeks, and a strand of drool still connecting their lips together. Though, that strand was broken once Serra licked her lips and said, “My demands have been satisfied.”

“H-how… how did you get so good at kissing?” Saya asked, hardly able to think straight.

“By kissing a lot. Especially with Aza. Aza can never refuse kisses so I kiss her all the time, and she’ll let me practice on her for hours if I want to. I even made her cum just by kissing a couple of times.”

“That’s… that’s possible?”

“Yeah. Wanna try it?”

Saya looked away as the blush on her cheeks grew even brighter. “M-maybe… but—but not now!”

“It’s alright,” Fenrir shouted out to them. “Feel free to try it now. Don’t mind me. Just pretend I’m not even here.”

“Oh, idea,” Serra said. “What if the two of us make out and then Fen jacks off next to us and cums on our faces while we’re making out?”

Saya’s ears and tail shot straight up and her cheeks were pure red at that point. “How do you even think of things like that?! And how are you so bold that you can just… say them like it’s perfectly normal?!”

“Because that is normal compared to the stuff Nell likes us to do. Just the other night she bought these really expensive candles that I thought she wanted so our house could smell nice, but then she wanted us to melt them and drip the wax onto her instead. Oh, and that was while she was tied down and blindfolded.”

“Wait,” Fenrir said, “when did this happen?”

“After you fell asleep. Remember?”

“You mean… when you wanted to keep on going even after I finished just to see how much you could make me—”

“Yeah. Once you passed out we did wax stuff with Nell.”

“I almost feel jealous that I missed out on that. But considering what made me pass out in the first place, I guess I can’t complain.”

“It’s okay. We can do it again. Nell bought a lot of candles.”

“Wait, is that why she smelled so nice in the morning?”

“Ooh… I didn’t think of that. It’s like getting perfume applied to you while cumming. Epic.”

The whole time the two of them talked, Saya’s ears kept on twitching and turning slightly to face whoever was speaking while she did her best to act like she wasn’t actually listening to their perverted conversation.

As for Fenrir, as much as he enjoyed being lewd and talking about lewd things, he had to admit that there were more pressing matters at the moment. That was why he switched his focus to the surrounding waters to make sure that there weren’t any enemies left.

All of the enemy vessels were destroyed and either already sunken or in the process of sinking. Scraps of wood and bodies of the dead floated on the water, and some of the hostile players were desperately trying to stay afloat among all the wreckage while others tried to swim toward shore.

However, on the shore itself, the players who manned the cannons on the wall had moved onto the beach to finish off any enemies who were bleeding out or otherwise gravely injured. The enemies who tried to swim to shore were either apprehended upon surrendering or killed on the spot if they still tried to fight back.

“Looks like it’s over then,” Fenrir said, letting out a sigh of relief. “I’m still annoyed that they tried to fuck with us when they’re this pathetic, but that just means I have to put them in their place. And Serra, good job with the cannon. Seriously. You did great.”

Serra smiled a little, but she didn’t say anything since her attention got stolen by Eva’s return.

“Hey, what about my praise?” Eva asked, shaking her wings off before tucking them against her back. “Don’t forget about me.”

“I’m annoyed again now,” Fenrir said. “You were flying over them… hitting them with fire and lightning… and they basically ignored you. How were you not a priority target?! I was worried for nothing!”

Eva blinked a few times before asking, “So… you’re annoyed that I was safer than you thought I would be?”

“I’m annoyed at their incompetence! Also, good job and I love you.”

“That’s better. Anyways, it looks like everything is settled here. I’m going to go check on our new neighbors to make sure they’re alright. Astika said not to worry about the guys who landed on her island… and I’m not, but I am curious about what happened to them.”

“Wait,” Serra spoke up. “Before you go, give me a kiss.”

Without any hesitation, Eva walked over to Serra and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

Naturally, Serra looked up into Eva’s eyes and pointed at her own lips next.

“Right, as if you’d ever be satisfied with only one kiss,” Eva teased before bringing their lips together. Though, she also broke their kiss off before Serra was able to wiggle any tongue in. “Nice try, but I don’t want to let perverted thoughts interrupt my curiosity.”

Serra pouted a little which only made Eva give her a kiss on her forehead before lifting off once more.

“I’ll be back later!” Eva said, leaving almost as quickly as she returned.

“I guess we should head back then,” Fenrir said. “Let our girl here return to her dock and give her a chance to finish healing.”

Serra rose her hand as if she wanted to ask a question.


“Can I shoot the cannon at drowning players for target practice?” Serra asked.

“Serra. That’s fucked up. I love you. Go for it.”


For what was unlikely to be the final time, Saya sighed and said, “From perverted gremlin to murderhobo griefer…”

“Less pointing out the obvious, more loading the cannon. We have war crimes to commit.”

“Aye, aye…”


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