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I've been playing too much RimWorld lately.

And by too much, I mean not enough and am going to go play more right after I post this and the DE chapter (which is already done, I just have to post this first).

Though, I should probably get something to eat, too.

Anyways, let me tell you, I've started like... around 10 or so new LitRPGs in the last few months. And every single time, I'll write maybe 10k words or so for it and then just... stop. I fucking adore the concept of LitRPGs and I keep on wanting to write one, especially as my Patreon numbers keep going low, but I can't make myself write something that I'm not enjoying writing 100%. The LitRPG elements in LDQ are fine because LDQ is just absurd and silly and all the numbers are made up and don't matter. In DE, they're fine since they're not a constant thing, but even then I'm going to gamelit-ify DE for the most part and only really start using tables for the maps and stuff. Writing serious, detailed system stuff is just the opposite of what I want to do on a regular basis no matter how much I might like the idea of it.

I should just go the GameLit approach more. Tell the exact same story with the exact same game-y mechanics, but without actual statuses and info boxes popping up all the time.

Alternatively, I could just start writing an endless amount of romance fictions.

Disregard LitRPG, embrace tradition (romance).

Back in my day, writing romance was how you made money, not LitRPG!

Too bad popular romance is full of drama and emotional struggles and all that. The kind of romance I love is purely slice of life. No big plot hooks, nothing major to look forward to, no suspense nor drama nor misunderstandings--just a cute couple doing cute couple things. Like, take a perfectly normal, happy married couple, start the series off with them already married, and just have a story about them just... you know, being a happy married couple together doing random slice-of-life things. That's the kind of romance I love.

I don't know. We'll see. Either way, I do have to make more money and I can't force myself to write LitRPG no matter how hard I try to. Seriously, I wrote the first chapters for two different LitRPGs yesterday and then lost interest as soon as I reached the more in-depth system stuff each time. My documents folder has grown so full of started-and-dropped projects in the last few months.

I would probably be known as the biggest story dropper there is if I actually posted all the stuff I write to the internet. This is why, at this point, I won't even post something to Patreon here unless I've written 15+ chapters for it already since otherwise I'll probably not stick with it.

Maybe next week I'll compile a bunch of links for the first chapters just in case anybody is actually interested in reading them, though. Considering that I was doing all of that for Patreon here, I feel I still owe it to all of you to show you what I've actually been (trying) to work on. I believe in transparency and showing people the work they're paying to support, after all, so it should be fine to post them as long as people go into them with the expectation that they're going to potentially like something that is probably never going to be continued.

Good news is that I think I've gotten pretty alright at writing first chapters at this point. Lots of trial and error there with figuring out how I like a first chapter to go.

Anyways, times to move on.

Memes 'nd things:




Weekly Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_q88OaS-Tp9yH_fVdP7Wq3TbGotT_0S2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110960644416608383305&rtpof=true&sd=true

24 hours, 18,182 words. I forgot to count the hours spent editing this week for LDQ and TTT, so probably add another 6 hours total to bring it up to 30?

The True Endgame

New volume time! And we're already starting off with some stuff happening, so they're forced to deal with some action and adventure whether they like it or not!

Ero Dungeon Online

I want to write more small body + big dick stuff. Even with TQH/TDH and TTT, that was always a huge part of the appeal to me. Tiny protagonist that has a huge dick. I mean, if you're going to have a body that's smaller than a woman's head, you have to make the dick bigger than his entire body is, right? Anyways, more dragon fun cumming tomorrow!

Lazy Dragon Queen

Alright, this week will finally be the week that involves a chapter I wrote like... 2-3 years ago for LDQ. So, this week will basically be two chapters in one including the one that I already wrote a long time ago. I do need to edit it, though, to make sure it's up to part with the rest of the chapter I'll be writing for it.

Dominion Expansion

Like I mentioned up above, I'll be GameLit-ifying DE so that there are significantly fewer hard numbers and status windows. I think I'm also going to stop taking the day-by-day approach since fuck that takes forever for anything to happen. It was fun to try, but definitely not something that I'm interested in continuing. So, DE is still going to continue, I just won't be taking a "write literally every day no matter how uneventful it is" approach for it anymore while focusing more on the characters and important events and whatnot rather than detailed system mechanics.

In Closing

Thank you once again for your support, especially considering that this is a new month, and please look forward to this week's chapters! Starting with DE in about a minute after posting this!


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