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Like usual on my days off, I found myself in the cafeteria with an empty stomach and desire to devour whatever was available for the day.

Fortunately, even if Elanah wasn’t available, there was usually a worker on shift who would do the same thing that she did for me and pick me up to help me choose what I wanted. They figured they would do that for me after they saw Elanah do it. Also… it was always women who did it. The men on shift never did it, but there was usually a woman there, too, and she’d always help me out.

Having such a tiny, fluffy body was seriously great. Sure, I might have worried at first and I might have even thought about being transformed back to my original self, but now? I liked my body. It made women want to always touch me. Now, Elanah might have been the only one willing to do more than just touching with me, but that was alright. She’d take care of my sexual desires while everybody else spoiled me with touching me and petting me.

It was pretty great. Seriously great, even.

Honestly, I could probably spend the rest of my life in such a body and be perfectly happy with it. Before, if given the choice to turn back, I obviously would have taken it.

But now?

Turning back would still be nice because of how many more things I could do in a Chosen’s body, but…

The desire to stay in my new body actually grew stronger than my desire to change back.

The only real issue was surviving the dungeon and earning my freedom. What body I got to stay in didn’t matter if I could never be free again.

I should probably train today. There’s that training room, so maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll be empty. But what kind of training would I even be able to do in there on my own? I—

I felt a couple of soft, warm hands surround my torso and lift me up. A surprised yelp left my mouth, and I figured out who it was as soon as I felt kisses all over the back of my head.

“It’s been too long!” Elanah cried out. And I do mean she literally cried it out. As soon as I turned my head to look at her, I saw that her eyes were full of tears. “My fated!”

It made me happy to hear her so—well, happy, to see me again. But at the same time, I almost choked on my food because I was in the middle of eating it when she picked me up, and she made everybody in the room look at us.

Fortunately, she put me down on the table so that I could finish eating, and she was more than happy to sit across from me to tell me all about her most recent attempts in the dungeon while I ate.

Elanah finished talking right as I finished eating. Before I could even try to signal anything to her, she picked me up, helped me off the table, and took my dirty dishes over to where all the dirty dishes went.

I couldn’t help but to think that she’d make a great wife during that. And maybe I was just imagining things… but I could have sworn she smiled even more when I thought that.

“I don’t think they’ll let me sneak you back to my cell again, but… what if we go into the training room? We’d have privacy in there as long as we kick everybody else out. Then we can spend all the time we want together, alone! Well… until they come around to send everybody back to their cells. Oh! Maybe could even train together! If we both get stronger, we can leave the together even sooner!” Elanah explained.

She even managed to come to the same conclusion as me. Well, a variant of it. I was just thinking about escaping and earning my freedom whereas she explicitly wanted to do so together. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Regardless, I nodded since that was exactly what I had in mind in the first place. The training, anyways.

So, we went into the lounge which connected to the training rooms. Most of the prisoners in there were playing card games, watching the screens on the wall, or taking naps. I wasn’t sure how they could take a nap with all the noise in the room, but they looked like they were managing.

Actually, I kind of did get it. I probably could have fallen asleep in there if I wanted to, too. The idea of sleeping around others instead of alone in my cell was comforting. Well, there was always Fane across from me, but we were separated by bars. That was different.

It was also safer. Seriously safer. There was nothing safe about sleeping in a room full of people I didn’t know, especially considering that some of them probably wanted me dead because of my relationship with Elanah.

I really didn’t like how some of the guys in there glared at me.

That aside, there were three training rooms. Elanah checked out each one. Two of them had multiple people in there training already, but one only had a single man training in it.

Elanah decided we’d be taking that one over.

“Come on. I’ll kick him out so we can be alone,” Elanah said, stepping into the room first.

That… made me nervous. I didn’t want her picking any fights and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to back her up if anything happened. After all, almost everybody around was stronger and more experienced than me, not to mention they all had far more capable bodies than me. I could barely hold my own against weak, soulless beasts. How was I supposed to help in a potential fight against an actual person way bigger and stronger than me?

I followed Elanah into the room regardless.

The training room itself was pretty barren. It had a wide-open floor and some decent size, a few bags hanging from the ceiling for punching next to the walls, and various weights to lift along the back wall. But aside from that, it was empty.

Well, empty except for the only other person in the room who was a man I saw around the place a few times before. He looked like an older man with a wicked scar over his throat that made it look like somebody tried slitting his throat before. Then there was his hair which was probably his most recognizable feature. The hair on the right side of his head was still thick and full, but the hair on the left side of his head was thin and falling out with a few bald spots.

I had no idea how somebody like him was still around. I felt a bit bad for thinking it, but he was easily the ugliest person in our “game.” There was just… nothing positive I could say about how he looked. Seriously nothing.

“Out,” Elanah ordered with zero hesitation.

“What’s the problem? There’s enough space in here for all of us,” the man replied, his eyes already greedily looking her body over.

“We want privacy. Get out.” The way she talked to others was completely different from how she talked to me. She was so warm, gentle, and excited with me. But with anybody else, she was nothing but cold and cruel.

“I’ve been planning on getting some training in and the other rooms are busy. Plus I was here first.” He smirked. “But… maybe if you’re willing to do a little something for me, I might be willing to give you the privacy you want. After all, if you want some alone time so badly, you’re willing to work for it, aren’t you?” If it wasn’t for his eyes looking at her body, the creepy tone he used with her pissed me off and made me start to growl.

Going by the dead expression on Elanah’s face, she knew what he was implying, too. I expected her to say no or to get pissed off. Instead, she said, “Fine. If it’s for my fated, I’ll do whatever it takes to get this room for him.”

The man smiled and licked his lips. “Perfect. Then how about you—” Elanah’s heel slammed into the man’s crotch, sending him to the ground with widened, watery eyes where he then grabbed the affected area and rolled around in agony. “Fu-fuck you!” he shouted at her, his voice a few pitches higher than before.

“I said I’d do anything. That means physically removing you from this room myself.”

“I was only going to ask for a massage! My shoulders have been killing me and nobody else will do it! Fuck! Now I’ll have even more pain!”

A… a massage? If… if he was seriously only going to ask for a massage, then… I kind of felt bad for him.

He sounded honest, too. I think he genuinely only wanted a massage from her even if he was being seriously creepy about it.

I went from finding him repulsive and wanting to fight him to finding him pitiful and feeling bad for him in under a minute.

Yet, even after hearing that all he wanted was a massage, Elanah’s expression didn’t change. Or rather, it didn’t change to show any sympathy for him. If anything… she looked utterly disgusted by him. “You think I would willingly touch anybody other than my fated?”

Wait, didn’t you technically just touch him by kicking him? Well… I guess, technically, you used your boot instead of your body.

Elanah tilted her head as she looked down at the man. “If your shoulders really hurt that much, I could always try removing them for you.”

The man, whimpering on the floor, struggled to get up before rushing over to the exit and shut the door behind him when he left.

That left me and Elanah alone in the room. Part of me felt a bit intimidated to be alone with her… but that was only until she picked me up and started giggling. “Ehehe… are you proud of me? I got rid of him for you! Hey, I deserve a kiss for that, don’t I? Don’t I? It’s been so long since I’ve gotten to be alone with you! You know… I’ve been thinking about you every single day since we last saw each other. Every night… since we… gave our bodies to each other, I’ve… touched myself while thinking of you, ehe. Does—does that make you happy? It does, doesn’t it? Ah… my fated is so cute. I can’t get enough of you!”

Before I could even think of replying in any way, she started kissing all over my face over, and over, and over again.

Her barrage of kisses only paused for her to whine and say, “Hey… kiss me back, come on! I need it. I’ve been so lonely with you… please kiss me? I’ll do anything you want! I just… really want you to kiss me.”

Well, it’s not like I’m opposed to kissing you, and you did get this room for me, so… alright.

I “kissed” her by licking her cheek.

Similar to when we spent that time together in her cell, I could have sworn that I saw hearts pop up in her eyes as she grinned at me with the widest smile I’d ever seen.

The next moment, I was on the ground on my back with her over me as she kissed my face and head even more. She made sure to rub my belly at the same time during it, too, because she knew the kind of effect it had on me. I ended up shaking my leg and kicking it against her shoulder.

I didn’t think that she meant to dominate me or anything, but I sure felt like I was being dominated. She held me against the ground while kissing me and there was nothing I could really do to fight back against her… not that I wanted to. If anything, I was happy about it and wanted her to do even more.

And she figured that out once her hand rubbing my belly bumped into something which prompted her to stop kissing me to instead look at me and smile. “Hey… do you want me to do that thing with my mouth again? You really liked it when I did it in the cell. And, if it’s you… I’d love to do it as much as you want. I would do it every single second of every single day for you if it was possible! Maybe… maybe when we get out of here together, we can do that? You’re my fated, so all I want to do is make you happy! But… I know it might be selfish of me, but… if it’s okay, I’d like you to… put it in down there sometimes, too. Like last time. Plus… I can’t have children with you if you don’t. But the rest of the time, I’ll do anything you want! Promise!”

I probably should have been more disturbed by her obsession than I was. But at the same time… I was a man faced with a woman who basically just said she’d be happy to live for my pleasure.

I was aroused.

Very, very aroused.

One nod of my head was all it took for her to get to work.

I was barely able to stand after she was done. I never felt so… empty. As for Elanah, she wiped her hand over her mouth and smiled as she rocked from side to side, giggling to herself.

We were supposed to train in the room. Instead, I spent the last couple of hours on my back while Elanah treated me like a delicious drink with a built-in straw.

My back was actually sore after all that, so I made sure to stretch to try and relieve the pain a little.

At one point, somebody opened the door to come in and get some training done themselves, but all it took was one deadly glare from Elanah to send them running out.

Elanah knew how to be scary when she needed to be. Seriously scary.

“I never want to drink water again,” Elanah said. “If it dares to wash your taste out of my mouth… I’ll kill it.”

You can’t kill water! And you need water to survive!

“Ah… I don’t know what I want to do now. I know we were supposed to train, but… I want to cuddle you. But… if we train, we’ll both get stronger, and the stronger we get, the sooner we can leave together! And then once we leave together, we’re free to do whatever we want! That means we can do stuff like this all day every day for the rest of our lives!”

You’re going to suck my soul out if we do it that much!

“Alright! Let’s train. We have to do it for our future. Oh, that reminds me. I spent a lot of time thinking about how we could fight together, and just imagining how you can fight. I know this body is still new to you, so I thought I’d be a good fated to you if I think of how to help you!”

Huh. If she’s been watching me fight, getting some critical advice from her could be great. Fane has given me advice, but I don’t think he’s really watched and analyzed me at all. And Elanah seems pretty strong and capable, and she’s been here longer, so I should listen to any advice she can give me.

“Are you ready to start?”

I actually felt a bit excited to train with her, so I nodded.

“Then let’s start Elanah’s and… I—I still don’t know what I should call you. I don’t want to call you by your prisoner number. Do you… have a name?”

I was about to nod my head when I remembered that, even if I did have the name that my parents gave me, there was no way I’d be able to tell Elanah what it was. Plus… I was in a new body. Sure, I might have been the same person, but I was in a new body with an entirely new life.

At least for the time being, a new name would probably fit me better. So, I shook my head.

“You don’t? Then… can I give you a name?!” Elanah couldn’t have sounded more excited about the idea.

If anybody deserved to give me a new name, it was her. So, I nodded.

“Then Woof! Because it sounds like the noises you make! But… that wouldn’t make a very good name. Hmm… what about… if we take that and try to make it sound like an actual name? Like… Woofy? Woofal? Woofson? Woofathon? Woofington?”

None of those sounded too appealing if I was being honest. I didn’t have a problem with her trying to work “woof” into the name, but all of those just sounded—



“I think I like Woofen! What about that? Does that sound like a good name? Are you happy with that? If it’s not good enough then I’ll try to think of something else!”

Woofen. Woofen…

Woofen… wasn’t too bad, actually.

I nodded.

“Ehehe, Woofen it is! Woofen, my fated!” Elanah bent over to scoop me up in her arms, bringing me up to her face to kiss me again. “Ehe… my Woofen. Can I have another kiss? Please? I feel like I’ll do an even better job training you if you give me more kisses!”

Elanah was ridiculous, clingy, overwhelming, and needy… but I was seriously starting to like all those parts about her. So, I licked her cheek.

That sent her into another fit of giggling and smiling as she got way too excited about being licked.

When she finally calmed down again, she announced, “Alright, let’s start Elanah’s and Woofen’s Fated Training Time!”

Bonus meme because this chapter made me think of it: 

There's a reason why I write instead of make memes.


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